

13 Comment

Surprise your valentine this Valentine’s Day with these cute and delicious red and white meringue kisses you can whip up in no time. A present that you make and spend time on is worth a lot more than buying something.


  • 6 egg whites
  • 1 1/2 tsps of white vinegar
  • 1 1/2 cups caster sugar
  • Red food colouring


    1. Preheat oven to 95 degrees.
    2. Beat up the whites of 6 eggs until peaks form.
    3. Add white vinegar and begin mixing again, gradually adding your sugar until stiff.
    4. Paint stripes on inside of piping bag.
    5. Scoop meringue mixture into piping bag.
    6. Pipe out small meringue kisses on a tray.
    7. Bake in oven for 2 hours.
    8. Package and give to your valentine.

Yum! I would be happy to receive some of these for Valentine’s Day.

What are you giving you valentine this year?

PLEASE share with us in the comments below

Image credit: Shutterstock

  • Hubby wouldn’t eat these, it sure I would either. We don’t celebrate Valentines Day either.


  • I would love to give some of these next Valentine’s Day, thanks for the wonderful idea!.


  • Wow it looks amazing and delicious.


  • You can use the egg yolks to make delicious egg custard.


  • Thankyou for this great idea for valentines day


  • A cute and sweet Valentine’s recipe – gorgeous kisses.


  • A lovely idea for Valentine’s Day.


  • They look adorable, and not that difficult either. Great video!!


  • these look so easy.
    We don’t usually celebrate valentines day, but i would love a weekend away for a change.


  • A fab idea for Valentine’s Day,they sound delicious!


  • Are these hard to make? They sound awesome!


  • I might try making these! Also going to book some horse-riding as I know he enjoys it 🙂


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