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The Green Shed, a recycling facility in Canberra, has had a gutful of parents leaving children unsupervised in the holidays.

Last week business co-owner Charlie Bigg-Witherand posted on Facebook about the mess kids had made, alongside a number of shocking photos.

“The Green Shed is not a Child care centre
We love kids us much as the next person in fact between our staff we have a gazillion of them BUT we are asking (pleading) that during the busiest time of year people who visit the sheds with their children try to keep an eye on them and not let them destroy everything in sight just because they can.

The sheds are not a place to leave your kids while you go grocery shopping! (This happens). We love to see kids having a good time but it really is just a matter of respect that they clean up after themselves and put those toys,games, and bikes back where they were:)

It’s not fair that our staff have to work longer hours away from their family to clean up the mess. We try to do the right thing by giving toys away for free or for next to nothing but we will have to look at the possibility of not accepting them in the first place.

Come on guys it’s just common decency to teach your kids to be respectful. We doubt the same behaviour would be tolerated in other shops. For your viewing pleasure a few picks of what can happen in one day! It’s the only toy collection that needs heavy equipment to clean up.

Rant over.”

I think parents these days fail to teach their children to put things back where they found them. If you make a mess it is polite to tidy it up before you walk away. Easy peasy!

We recently shared the story of pet shops being dumped with kids while parents grab a coffee, read that story here.

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  • Oh I do hope that this turns out well for all
    Parties xx


  • Timely reminder.


  • I have actually found a lot of adults never put things back where they get them from either. You just finish cleaning and putting everything away then in they come and it looks like I’ve done nothing. Now I know where the kids get it from


  • I read about the children being left at pet shops but I think it was on a different site.
    I know of a wholesale distributor who had to ban kids because they were unwrapping and damaging stock. Other Retailers won’t buy unwrapped stock as they simply can’t sell it at a profit. They were let run loose by their parents who were shop owners and should have known better. A few made it bad for other children who wouldn’t touch anything unless asked by the parents to get something off the shelves for them. Items thrown on the floors can cause other people to be injured and the business is held responsible. Wheeling large flat top trolleys on cement floors you may not spot the object in time, especially if you are aware of other people in the area.


  • When we were kids we knew that you dont touch in shops.
    You dont run or shout in shops or resturants.
    if you are visiting someone then you clean up the toys before you leave to go home and you always find the parents and say “Thank you for having me”

    I taught my kids the same way. My kids would always look at me to horror if we were in McDonalds (A great training ground for you children on how to behave in a restaurant) when we would be seated and eating our meal and other kids would go running past out table while shouting at each on there way to the playground. I taught them that it didnt matter if other children acted that way…it didnt mean we had to act that way as well and it was just sad that those kids didnt have parents that could teach them that you dont behave that way.

    I know that my Grandchildren will be raised the same way.


  • I volunteer at lifeline- the kids section looks like this 5 times a day because parents dump their children in it and off they go. Toys that have multiple pieces are sticky taped together so they do not get lost- these pieces get ripped off and lost/ wrecked which means in a week or so if it doesn’t sell straight away im likely to be throwing it out because it’s missing too many pieces. It breaks my heart.


  • How could you even consider leaving your children here unsupervised. It’s not up to the staff to Kerman eye on these kids, if something happens to one if them I’m sure the parents would kick up a hoo ha. And to jog even clean up the mess the kids make !!!!


  • Absurd! I would be so mad. As a parent you are responsible of your kid’s actions. And you have to take care of him when you are outside.


  • This really grinds my gears! When did people forget to parent? So sick and tired of people not being real parents and then ignoring the mess the kids make!


  • That is shocking. Kids will be kids, but parents need to curb this behaviour. If my kids were like that, the park would be the only place we visit.


  • It is not just wrong and rude to do this – it is also plain dangerous with the shelving and kids possibly climbing up on the shelving to get toys. Maybe the parents/carers should be charged a clean up fee or child care fee? Surely it is breaking the law in leaving them and going shopping(as stated in the article)?


  • that is disgusting. I would call the police on any child left there while the adults go shopping. I would be ashamed if my kids left somewhere in that condition


  • That is shocking.
    Years ago my brother used to work in the toy section in Myer or DJs and he would hear parents say to their kids, stay here and play with thfor toys while I do my shop, don’t move away from this area.
    Your child – your responsibility.


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