

Mum discovers her daughter, 14, suffering a seizure after drinking a popular energy drink.

Sunshine Coast mum, Donna Honan, said she feared the worst when she walked in to find her daughter ‘twitching and jerking uncontrollably’ on Friday night, reports Daily Mail.

‘Her teeth were rattling, her muscles were twitching and her body was just jerking like she was being shocked,’ Mrs Honan said.

When the paramedics arrived, Mrs Honan said she soon learnt what triggered the adverse reaction in her daughter.

‘I was shocked to find the culprit… this 500ml can of energy drink she had drank earlier in the afternoon,’ she said on Facebook.

While she was shocked, the ambulance officers were not.

‘The ambos went on to tell me they get call outs at least four times every week from teens drinking these things,’ she said.

‘Suffering rapid heart rate, involuntary body trembles and occasionally resulting in fatality.’

Mrs Honan said she never imagined how dangerous an energy drink could be, especially considering there were no restrictions on the products.

‘I always knew they were unhealthy but I never realised how dangerous they actually were,’ she told Sunshine Coast Daily.

She took to social media to tell her story and warn others about the dangers…

“Last night at around midnight I called an ambulance to our home for the first time ever.”

“My middle (14yr old) daughter began uncontrollably jerking and twitching in what appeared to be a seizure.

“The ambo’s were amazing! And I was shocked to find the culprit…. this 500ml can of energy drink she had drank earlier in the afternoon.

“The ambo’s went on to tell me they get call outs at least 4 times EVERY week from teens drinking these things then suffering rapid heart rate, involuntary body trembles etc.

“Occasionally resulting in a fatality!!!”

I knew these were unhealthy but had no idea they were downright dangerous!

energy drink

The Sunshine Coast mother said the drinks should be sold behind the counter just like cigarettes were.

Last year we shared that The Australian Dental Association and the Obesity Coalition and the CWA want energy drink sales to children banned, claiming they are as bad if not worse than soft drinks.

The Heart Foundation, Diabetes Australia and Cancer Council Australia want them taxed to discourage consumption. Read more on that here.

A couple of years ago a British teen, who suffered two miscarriages which she attributes to energy drinks, took to Facebook in a plea for others to not make the same mistakes.  Read more on her story here.

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  • Personally, I think these drinks should be removed from supermarket shelves! My kids drink them occasionally and every time they get a lecture from me. I don’t like them at all!!


  • There is plenty of sugary drinks which are safer than these are. They would be better off if they drank one iced coffee or chocolate milk.
    Too much coffee (caffeine) can cause heart palpitations but I have never heard of it causing seizures or similar symptoms.


  • With so many health risks why are they still allowed to be sold off the shelf. Grr


  • Yet one more product that causes health problems, big ones too. My kids occasionally drank thesebut have thankfully not had any for a long time


  • Never heard of this drink but then again my kids are little, yes not good for anyone to drink them.


  • I used to work at a petrol station and I refused to sell these to kids. I couldn’t care less if they’re legal or not, they’re dangerous and I refuse to be responsible for something like this happening to someone’s child.


  • They should be banned, of the market !


  • I dontblike energy drinks but it’s surprising how many young people like them


  • I still don’t understand why energy drinks are on the market. I would never drink it.


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