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Would you call out your friend if you hated the name they gave their newborn? This friend did, and it did not go down well!

A woman has revealed that her friend recently gave birth, and named her baby Hashtag. And she’s asking the internet if she’s in the wrong for telling her friend just how awful the name is.

“Yes, you read that right, she named her child after a social media symbol,” the woman explained.

“When she first told me the name, I thought she was joking, but she was dead serious. I couldn’t believe it. I tried to be polite and tell her that it was unique, but she kept insisting that it was a great name and that her child would be one of a kind.

“I just couldn’t hold it in any longer and I finally told her that the name was ridiculous and that her child would likely face a lot of ridicule and bullying in the future. She got upset and accused me of not being supportive of her choices.

“Now, our mutual friends are split on the issue. Some agree with me that the name is absurd, while others think that I was too harsh and should have kept my opinion to myself.”

The woman is now wondering if she should have just lied to her friend, and told her she liked the name.

“So, am I the a**hole for telling my friend that her baby’s name is ridiculous, or should I have just kept my opinion to myself?”

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • It really depends how close you are as friends. If you have been life long best friends then you should feel that you can both be very honest with each other. its ok to disagree on things. you cant always agree. But good friends get through that and move on.


  • Definitely not something I’d do.


  • Each to their own !


  • I would wonder if the name would be allowed by the authorities – sometimes they won’t allow strange names and that sure is one!


  • This has got to be a fake story. No way would someone be allowed to name their kid that.


  • I think I’d ask what the reactions from others were first to see if she had other people say anything before going all in. I personally think it is a hell no for a Childs name but before being brutally honest maybe someone else had said it before you and you just need to say that the school yard can be cruel?


  • Wow! I’m really shocked that anyone has named their child hashtag. I wouldn’t have needed to say anything. I think my shocked face would have said it all. What to do? In this age of such serious bullying, I do feel parents need to consider this. It is a real problem. You can always come up w ith a nickname for HashTag eg. Hashy, Taggy 🙂 I imagine some will. We as Aussies tend to shorten things.


  • At least hashtag is a pronouncable symbol unlike some other names (elon musks son I think has a weird maths symbol as a name that I could never work out how it was pronounced)


  • I am really shocked that your friend has named her child hashtag.But for me I think I would have just said, well that’s different.


  • I mean the name isn’t one that I would choose…however in this circumstance for the sake of friendship she probably could have reserved her opinion.


  • If indeed this is not a joke…I think you are an honest friend that told the truth and how she felt.


  • I agree that what she has named her child is silly but it’s the name she chose. It would have been better just to tell her that it’s definitely not a name that you would have chosen. Just remember, it’s her child and her choice of a name plus she (or her child) can legally change it further down the track. I’d rather say nothing than lose a good friend


  • The name is silly, but if she’s already named her child and you want to keep a friendship, you’re probably best keeping that to yourself.


  • The name is pretty ridiculous. I hope she changes it.


  • I don’t believe that you were wrong in what you said and the baby will be ridiculed and bullied as a result of the name.


  • As a friend you’ve done the right thing by being honest. It’s definitely not an appropriate name for a child.


  • I think you were being an honest friend


  • How do you find the Top first of all you have to do is find the bottom and there is 2 bottoms here 1 if true the parent is a bottom feeder and belongs there .The other is if the story is fake the writer who invented it a real loser


  • If I had a friend that named their baby hashtag, I too wouldn’t stay quiet. I get that some people want their child to have a unique name, but it’s a bit ridiculous to name them after an everyday thing. Obviously the mum hasn’t thought about the name long term – it’s not a pet she’s named, it’s a child that will likely have issues with their name throughout the rest of their life. Imagine applying for a job with the name hashtag – noone would take you seriously.


  • Kids named like this are helpful in identifying parents who aren’t part of my tribe…#idiotmum?


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