

A NSW family day care centre has been shut down after a four-year-old boy was slapped in the face by the day carers husband.

The carer been banned from working with children indefinitely, reports 7 news.

The incident involves the woman’s Vietnamese husband who allegedly struck the boy on his cheek at the centre in July 2016 after the he was “pulling pieces of a floor puzzle and hitting other children with them”.

The man’s wife questioned her husband asking: “Why did you do that? He is only a child”.

He responded saying he did not know why he was unable to control himself and was sorry for the incident.

A red mark later appeared on his face, which she then treated with an ice pack.
When his mother arrived, the woman explained to her what had happened to her son saying: “I didn’t take care of him good”.

At the time of the incident, the woman did not contact the council regarding the matter, later saying she did not know why she didn’t call anyone.

The following day, the boy’s aunt contacted the Council Family Daycare Centre (FDC) office over the incident while also supplying them with four images of bruising to the boy’s face.

The tribunal upheld the council’s original decision to close the centre following “a number of breaches of Council policy and procedures, the Education and Care Services National Regulations, and Education and Care Services law.”

The tribunal said she had failed to provide adequate supervision by allowing an unauthorised person to supervise the children while she failed to give the required first aid treatment to the boy.

They also arrived at their decision after she failed to report the incident to Council FDC Unit in accordance with the Council Family Day Care Educators Agreement.

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  • This is very concerning but I take my hat of to the carer for being so honest. its a shame for her that her husband let her down.


  • I would have reported the husband also for using physical violence on a child. I know the boy was misbehaving but he certainly didn’t deserve to get slapped and by someone who had no authority to be there.


  • Physical violence can never be used by carers towards children so this was the right decision.


  • Ooh, so many things wrong about this. I guess closing the centre was right in the end.


  • It sounds like there were other reasons why this centre was shut down other than the slap from the husband. In all honesty though anyone who doesn’t have a blue card and who is not a parent of a child, should not be there. Good thing that they shut it down.


  • How sad that this woman lost her business because of her husband’s lack of self control. Kick hubby out I set


  • Very good idea to have the daycare centre shutdown.


  • Pleased to hear it has been shut down … no one has the right to hit a child, especially someone else’s!


  • That’s pretty bad, should be shut down and slapped with a huge fine!


  • Glad this Day Care Centre got shut down !


  • wow, if there was bruising to the boys face it doesn’t sound like a slap but rather a punch!

    • That’s what I was thinking too ! This was absolutely not just a slap !! Disgraceful !


  • Sounds very much like the right decision to shut down this centre.

    • The article states there were other breaches too.


  • It’s good to see an acceptable outcome to this incident. I’m somewhat proud of the woman for her admission of her husband’s actions. I hope the man was charged with assault.


  • The child must have been slapped fairly hard if there were bruises. I’m surprised the man wasn’t charged. Child care places are hard to come by so I think the centre should have been put in the hands of new management rather than closed down.


  • I think closing the centre was definitely right.


  • Closing the day care centre down was the right move but I am a little surprised why the husband was not charged with assault or was he?


  • Hitting a child… not something you expect to happen in a day care. :-(


  • This is why I am too scared to put my baby in family daycare. Unless they tell you there is no way of knowing what’s happening. I’m sure there are lots of brilliant carers out there but how do you know before it’s too late.


  • This is shocking The hubby needs some anger management classes


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