Have you ever wondered what happens to you and baby in Week 10 of pregnancy?
To read week 9, please click here.
Here is a detailed list of week 10 pregnancy facts:
- The embryo now weighs a third of an ounce and is roughly 4.5 centimeters long from the top of the head to the rump.
- They eyes have moved from the sides of the head closer to the front of the face.
- Bones begin to replace the cartilage. Ankles and wrists are formed.
- The palate and the roof of the mouth form. The stomach moves into its final position.
- Taste buds begin to form. Neck muscles are forming.
- The clitoris appears in females and the testes began to descend in males.
- The two lobes of the lung extend into many tiny tubes, bronchioles.
- The diaphragm begins to separate the heart and lungs from the stomach.
- The uterus has expanded to the size of an orange but still hidden inside your pelvis.
- Due to increased blood supply in the body, you may begin to feel warmer than normal.
- You should be wearing a good support bra now, one that is adjustable in size as your grow throughout your pregnancy.
- The placenta in which the baby is attached, starts to produce progesterone in a process that is completed by week 14.
- Is is this week, the placenta takes over the function on the corpus luteum.
To learn more take a look at this video:
dannsbuild said
- 17 Sep 2015
mom103936 said
- 22 Jun 2015
mom94125 said
- 08 Mar 2015
mom94125 replied
- 17 Oct 2015 , 10:13 pm
mom117219 said
- 06 Feb 2015
mom58476 said
- 05 Feb 2015
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