

Are you wondering what you may be feeling, or what your baby is doing when you’re 7 weeks pregnant?

To read week 6, please click here.

Are you interested to know what happens in your body? The below is a detailed list of week 7 pregnancy facts:

  • The heart is completely formed.
  • The limb buds are present.
  • On the face, the nostrils have overhanging borders, the eyes appear as dark spots, the tongue is beginning to form, permanent kidneys begin to form.
  • The head is relatively larger.
  • The trunk of the main body is elongating and straightening.
  • The eyelid folds are forming.
  • In the middle area, the appendix and pancreas are present and the mid gut herniates into the umbilical cord.
  • The pituitary gland is forming in the middle of the brain.
  • Spleen and liver ducts are forming, the intestines elongate.
  • The cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that directs motor activity and intellect, can be seen.
  • The stomach and esophagus begin to form.
  • You may start feel dizzy or faint if you stand for too long.
  • Overwhelming tiredness can be a problem now so make sure you get plenty of rest.

Possible problems to watch out for:

Pre eclampsia

This is a high blood pressure condition that can occur during pregnancy. If left untreated, it causes the blood vessels of the placenta to spasm which reduces oxygen flow to the fetus and puts it at risk. The fetal growth rate may be affected.

Symptoms include fluid retention of the hands, feet and ankles, protein in your urine and a sudden gaining of weight. Please see your doctor if these symptoms start to develop.


Bleeding in early pregnancy. Bleeding or spotting from the vagina is known as a threatened miscarriage. It is possible to bleed heavily but not miscarry or do harm to the baby. All bleeding should be taken seriously and please visit your doctor if this occurs.

For more information take a look at this video:

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
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  • This is interesting! Thank you for sharing this!


  • 7 weeks at the moment! Plan to read week by week all the changes happening. I dont have much appetite at all.


  • You can barely eat at this stage. I swear I lost 3 kgs at this stage.


  • make sure you are eating healthy now


  • In week 7 of my pregnancy i was severely sick. I was vomiting night and day not having any time for myself, and didn’t notice any movement at all until around 20 weeks

    • That’s no good I hope you and baby are doing well now


  • nice article and good video.. many things which we are unaware when we are pregnant.. thanks for sharing


  • Oh my goodness love the video brings it home so much


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting information.


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