Toddlers & Preschool Stories
a place where real mums share real stories.THE TRUTH ABOUT BEING A MUM – FACTS THAT NO-ONE ...
13 CommentsIt Only Takes A Second!
A friend of mine had left her 3 year old and 18 month old with her 65 year old mother for the day....
13 CommentsSeparation anxiety and daycare
I would like to know your stories and suggestions for a 2 year old who has separation anxiety. I am looking at putting her...
4 Commentswanting to go back to work
for all the stay at home mums how did you know it was the right time to go back to work? i have...
9 CommentsGrandMa makes me feel better.
My eldest granddaughter had a raging fever & vomiting last night & I got the phone call early this morning from my son...
12 Commentswhatt kittens
My partner went to a mates house for a footy night and his mate went to the milk bar that night and came...
7 Commentsconstantly sick kids
Has anyone found their children to be always sick this winter, my two grandchildren, on of my sisters babies has been constantly at...
6 CommentsHave I Turned My Son Into a Terrorist?
In his pretend play,my 4yr old loves his toys guns & swords where he's the commando & shoots down the enemy monsters, zombies...
7 CommentsAdvice needed
My twin girls were 2 in July, they share a room (always have). They usually are such great sleepers, but yesterday I heard...
11 CommentsMy baby is now 2!
My youngest daughter turned 2 on Thursday! Where has the time.gone? I had her party yesterday....she was so gorgeous! She had a minnie mouse...
7 CommentsSuffering from scabies
So I found out from the doctor that my daughter and I have scabies. I'm not sure who we got it from or...
19 CommentsKids and sickness
Lately i have been feeling like my kids are sick all the time and never seem to catch a break my youngest daughter...
13 CommentsKids and sickness
Lately i have been feeling like my kids are sick all the time and never seem to catch a break my youngest daughter...
4 CommentsMy prize arrived!
I entered the Alphatise competition and won week 3. My prize finally arrived! Can not wait for my daughter to get home to...
13 Commentseeew dog poop
My son is turning 5 in december and i'm in the middle of toilet training 2 an a half year old daughter. Was...
10 CommentsWork or Stay at Home
I am so torn as to what I should do. My eldest daughter (3 half yrs) has autism. She has so many appointments and...
12 Commentsmy story of love and change.
I was told at 16 i more then likely would never be able to have children. Because of being told this i developed...
6 CommentsHow we learn?
As a parent I never thought I would be taking my Miss 3 to the dentist for a filling, I felt I had...
6 CommentsUni with kids and babies
Is anyone studying at Uni that has kids and or babies? I'm wanting to know how you cope with the load and having to...
14 CommentsBreastfeeding switches
How old were your babies when you switched them over to formula, if you have? I have 3 kids and have had issues...
7 CommentsTravelling with kids
Have you travelled overseas with children. If so where did you go and how old were they. What was the experience like?
5 CommentsDont know how we do it.
as full time stay at home parents when it comes to sickness we never get a break. I have been sick with a...