
  • Serves 20
  • 3 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients
December 23, 2019


Christmas is right around the corner so we’ve created this tasty Cranberry Christmas Turkey recipe to be the elegant centrepiece of your dinner table this festive season. 

It takes a few simple steps to prepare your turkey, then your oven will do the rest! This Cranberry Christmas Turkey is full of flavour, and the combination of the sweet cranberries with the meat is a delight for the tastebuds and the Christmas dinner table.

Never cooked turkey for your Christmas feast? With Christmas only a few days away, perhaps this easy recipe is one you can try this year.

In America during Thanksgiving, turkey is served with cranberry sauce to complement the meat and stuffing. In this recipe we combine the cranberries within the stuffing mixture to add a beautiful aroma and flavour to the turkey as it roasts to perfection.

We created this Cranberry Christmas Turkey for the team at Ansell. 

They set us the challenge of creating a bunch of recipes that requires the use of food grade gloves. We’d never used gloves before in food preparation but now that we have, we’re never going back.  Not only do the gloves keep your food free of any contaminants from your hands, they also keep your hands beautifully clean. Keep a handy dispenser pack in your kitchen for all sorts of food prep; chopping onions and garlic, rolling meatballs, rolling truffles, handling raw meat or breaking up cooked chickens. 

We hope you and you family enjoy the Cranberry Christmas Turkey and have a wonderful festive season xx

Watch the MoM CookClub video here …

Ingredients (serves 20)

  • 3 Cups Breadcrumbs
  • 500g Turkey Mince
  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Herbs
  • 1/2 Cup Cranberries
  • 1/2 Cup Pistachios
  • 1 Whole Egg
  • 4 Eschallots (roughly chopped)
  • 2 Lemons


  1. Pop on Ansell Multi Sensitive disposable gloves
  2. To make stuffing, in a large bowl combine breadcrumbs, turkey mince, fresh herbs, cranberries, pistachios, egg, eschallots (roughly chopped), zest and juice of one whole lemon and season with salt and pepper. Mix with your hands to combine.
  3. Place the turkey in a large baking dish, then fill the turkey with the stuffing. Once complete, secure the skin of the turkey with a bamboo secure. Tie the legs of the turkey together with cooking twine.
  4. Warm a little butter and herbs between your hands and coat the entire skin of of the turkey.
  5. Using your remaining lemon. Cut the lemon into quarters and place the quarters around the turkey in the baking dish.
  6. Cook for 3 hours, checking every hour to make sure it's cooking nicely.
  7. Remove the turkey from the oven and cover with foil. Let the turkey rest for 20 minutes.
  8. Transfer to a serving platter and squeeze the cooked lemon over the turkey before serving.

Just in case you fall in love with using Ansell Multi-Sensitive Disposable Gloves in your cooking (like we have), here are some other recipes in the Ansell series you might like to check out ...
  • Yes! I love turkey for Christmas!!


  • We have turkey for Christmas Dinner each year but only half of those attending like cranberries


  • Turkey is so underrated; looks great and turkey slices are so tasty in sandwiches and rolls.


  • Your turkey looks so perfect.


  • Live a moist turkey at Christmas, it looks delicious!


  • Looks good. I would like to make one for Christmas this year.


  • winner winner chicken dinner (well turkey dinner) thanks.


  • Looks amazing and would be fantastic to share.


  • How good does this look? I can’t wait for Christmas to roll round again so I can have a go at baking this


  • this turkey looks amazing and so delicious the recipe sounds easy i have to save the recipe to make for Christmas this year love all the ingredients used well done and thanks for sharing


  • The turkey skin looks like it will be crispy and delicious. I’m yet to try a stuffing recipe using mince meat. Even though I’ve seen Jamie Oliver make it every year on his Christmas specials and it always looks so yummy


  • I am wondering why you put turkey mince in the stuffing

    • That’s how they make stuffing in England, with mince meat and the rest


  • Oh I love this! I prefer cranberries over cranberry sauce so this would be delicious


  • I tried this recipe but put it in individual chicken breasts hammered out nice and thin then rolled up. It was delicious


  • A beautiful turkey,Christmas wouldn’t be the same without a turkey!


  • looks so delicious. Thank you


  • Yum, i really love a good flavorsome stuffing. This one sounds amazing. Thank you for sharing. I will be filing this away for christmas 2020


  • This looks great for those who like turkey.


  • We always carve the turkey before lunch so it’s just pieces on a plate ready to serve.


  • I have an air fryer now so will be able to cook it in that.


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