
  • Serves 6
  • 1.5 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 14 Ingredients

84 Comment

A basic quiche recipe which you can modify with your favourite ingredients.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 1 cup plain flour
  • pinch salt
  • pinch baking powder
  • 55 grams butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 3-4 rashers of bacon
  • 1 cup cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon plain flour
  • pinch salt, pepper, cayenne, nutmeg (or paprika too)
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • parsley


  1. Make the pastry. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and then rub in the butter (it is supposed to look like breadcrumbs).
  2. Beat the egg yolk with the water and pour evenly over the flour. Use a knife or spatula to bring it together into a dough. Knead lightly and then chill for 30 minutes in the fridge.
  3. After the pastry has chilled roll it out on a floured board/bench to a size that will fit your quiche dish. Press the pastry into the greased dish and chill in the fridge while you are preparing the filling.
  4. Filling: cut the bacon rashers into bite size pieces and cook until crisp. You could also add onion or other fillings to the mix too. Layer over the bottom of the quiche dish. Put the cheese evenly over the top.
  5. Beat together the eggs (I also use the left over egg white from making the pastry) with the flour, pinches of salt/pepper/cayenne/nutmeg/paprika, cream and milk.
  6. Gently pour the egg mix over the bacon and cheese. Add the parsley.
  7. Cook for around 30 minutes at 180 degrees or until set.


Once you make the pastry you can add anything to the filling: tuna, feta and spinach, mushroom, leek, onion, cream cheese and ham.

  • I love a good quiche. The variations are almost endless, it’s easy, usually not too expensive, and you can serve it so many ways. With salad or veggies or by itself, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks or canapés… in school lunchboxes. Mini sized or large and sliced. Truly a versatile dish.


  • I love to have a Quiche Lorraine for lunch.


  • Quiche is my favourite breakfast meal! Yummo.


  • I love quiche! My newest version doesn’t need pastry, even easier, it’s an impossible quiche…..it makes its own during cooking


  • My hubby loves a good quiche, so I’ll definitely try this recipe for him!


  • It sounds great and we love quiche thanks very much


  • oh i love a good quiche with a crisp crunchy salad – such a lovely lunch or dinner – thank you for sharing your recipe


  • Love Quiche Lorraine with salad or chips.


  • Your quiche look’s amazing, l hope mine will look like yours! Thanks so much for your recipe!

    • Quiche always looks so good on a plate – a beautiful colour on a plate.


  • This looks really very good! A really nice recipe!


  • Quiche Lorriane is one of my favourite meals.


  • everyones going to love this here =)


  • also thanks for the delicious post. it’s making me hungry lol


  • yep this looks really good!


  • Oh my this looks like it would be a winner in my house


  • Something you can always make.


  • Looks like a delicious quiche thanks for sharing


  • oh yum, this packs a punch, must try


  • Awesome, haven’t had quiche in yonks!


  • old one but a good one thanks


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