Average Ratings (from 132 ratings)
Overall star Rating
Fitbit is easy to set up
Fitbit works well with connected devices
Fitbit gives me the motivation I need to stay active
Fitbit is easy/comfortable to wear
Data is easy to access & up to date
Fitbit :
4.4 out of 5 based on 132 reviews.

As mums, we’re always busy which makes it really hard to squeeze exercise into our days! Which is why we’re so excited to introduce Fitbit … the easy to use, connectable, wireless fitness tracking device that helps motivate you and your family to stay active, live better and reach your goals! Track your fitness day and night with Fitbit which is just so easy to use. All you need is an internet connection and/or your smartphone – the rest is as easy as following the instructions and stepping up the steps you take everyday!

Fitbit product review

The Fitbit family motivates you to stay active, live better and reach your goals.

Screenshot of fitbit dashboardFitbit trackers help you to turn fitness into a lifestyle by tracking steps, distance and calories burned. All stats sync wirelessly with smartphones and Mac/PC in real-time. Fitbit will give you the motivation you need to reach your goals. Fitbit Aria will help you show your weight who’s boss. Aria syncs wirelessly to track your weight, body fat percentage and BMI. It updates your stats with online graphs and mobile tools that help you stay motivated and on track. Fitbit comes with a free app for all of your devices. Use it to see how you’re tracking with your daily goals, compete with friends and against your own averages. Fitbit also allows you to log activity and food for a complete wellbeing overview. Fitbit plays well with other apps such as My Fitness Pal, Lose It and Endomodo.

See the Fitbit in action …

All products in the Fitbit family are available nationally from Rebel, Amart Sports, JB Hi-Fi, Harvey Norman, Dick Smith, the Good Guys and online at fitbit.com

Here’s what the Fitbit Review Team are reviewing.

Mums selected to be part of the Fitbit product review team received their choice of the following Fitbit packs:

Fitbit Aria and Fitbit One



CLIP ON PACK: A Fitbit One Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker ($129.95) + a Fitbit Aria WiFi Scale ($169.95)



Fitbit Aria and Fitbit Flex



WRISTBAND PACK: A Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker ($129.95) + a Fitbit Aria WiFi Scale ($169.95)



We’ve asked mums to set themselves up with their Fitbit devices, use it to track their activity and weight for 6 weeks and post their reviews and ratings at least twice each week.  We’ll also be creating video reviews with some of the mums who are selected to take part in this review.

Keep up to date! LIKE Fitbit Australia on facebook here …

Applications for this review now closed. If you’d like to become a Mouths of Mums member to be invited to participate in future reviews, you can join here.

Meet the Mouths of Mums Fitbit Product Review Team …

Watch the Mouths of Mums Fitbit Product Review Team …

Published 19th November 2013

  • i love my fitbit

    after hearing about a lot of people raving about fitbit my hubby decided to buy me one. I was so excited to get it and use it, I love it. It motivates me to real my daily goal and push myself to beat it. I love how it measures steps, kms, calories burnt, active minutes, and sleep. I love how I can link it up to my fitness pal and monitor calorie intake vs out. since getting my fitbit last year I have lost 10kgs with its help. I have recommended fitbit to three of my friends so far and will continue to do so in the future.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Fitbit - easy product, great motivation!

    I knew that I had to lose weight so I decided to get a Fitbit to help motivate me with ensuring I got sufficient exercise each day. My brother in law had a Fitbit Ultra and raved about it and lost a heap of weight so I got a Fitbit Ultra as well. That was two years ago.

    In the past two years I have met my weight loss goal and have lost over 15kgs. In that two years I also fell pregnant and had my daughter! I used the Fitbit in conjunction with MyFitnessPal in order to keep track of what I ate and how much as well as how much exercise I was doing. For me, this made everything easier than previous attempts at losing weight and I got the results I wanted.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Such a motivating product

    I have tried both the fitbit flex (the wrist band one) and the fitbit one (the clip on monitor) I initially bought the flex and loved it! I love how it connects to all my devices (iPad, android phone, laptop) so I can check my progress whenever I like. I also found it super motivating, I would check my progress, not like the lack of activity I had done and I would walk back and forth across the kitchen while cooking dinner.

    I did find that the flex didn’t accurately track my steps while pushing my kids in the pram, so I sold the flex and bought a one. The one is great and also has the added feature of tracking floors ascended. I live in a 2 storey house so was interesting to know how many times I went upstairs.

    The only way I didn’t find the one superior to the flex was the sleep monitor. I al often forgetting to put the sleep band on at night.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • 2nd on the leader board :)

    I am ever so slowly walking my way to the top of the leader board – woo hoo! (actually I think everyone else must be having a bit of a slack week 🙂

    I have started to go out for a half hour walk as soon as the kids are in bed, and it feels great, reminds me of my days pre-kids when I would go out for a run. I am tempted to crack into a jog (hang on, maybe I should be that enthusiastic).

    I spent the day cleaning our old house, and I am sadly disappointed that the FitBit can’t register 4 hours of sweeping, mopping and vacuuming. All that work actually equates to very little steps 🙁 oh well, I’ll just have to head out for that evening walk and stretch all my aching muscles.

    Thank you FitBit for getting me out and about again.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • absolutely brilliant

    I got my fitbit last June and love it!! connects well with Ipad and iPhone.
    Also love how it connects with My fitnesspal. Both aps work together so only have to enter the information once. I have recommended it to all my friends and family. Its hard to imagine life without it.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Woo Hoo! My first 20 000 step day!

    I have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and hubby being on holidays to get out and about. We had a lovely day out and about in the city with our little man and I forgot all about having my fitbit One on. When we were on our way home, he asked how many steps we had done and I nearly fell out of my seat when I saw it was over 20000.

    We’d had such a lovely day and it hadn’t been a goal to walk that many steps but we just walked where we would previously have driven. I wasn’t sore and bubby just snoozed in the pram while we took in the sights and talked.

    Thanks fitbit! I can’t remember the last time we were in town and not spending the whole time thinking about parking, and I got a badge to boot!

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Obsessed - in a not psycho way hopefully :P

    I’m kind of obsessed with my fitbit…it’s so easy to check I’m a bit like “oh 2 more steps, go me!”. It’s kind of sad, but also, hugely encouraging. And for me, the best part is the sleep function, oh but my lack of sleep was driving me insane – but seeing it right there – the lack of sleep – allows me to prioritise healthy sleeping habits…GODSEND! Love it. Recommend it. Did I mention I love it? =)

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Counting Steps with fitbit and my Little Man!

    Well this week my steps aren’t the ones I’m most excited about! Our little man took his first steps and we are all pretty excited about it.
    One of the main goals I have set for myself since hearing about and using the fitbit One, is that I would be an active mum for my little fella. Well now that he’s up and about, I get to enjoy it without feeling guilty because I have a head start already on achieving my “Moving Mum” goal!

    Looking forward to my family taking these big steps together (with fitbit of course)!

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Drumroll please......

    Now I know this might not seem like much to the mums who get out to the gym and have a strict exercise and diet regimen, but for me, who is neither of those, it’s a red letter day! I have lost 3kg since I had the fitbit! This is the first time I have lost weight since my little one was born a little over a year ago and certainly the first time I have lost weight over the silly season!

    I can’t stress enough how awesome this is considering I haven’t made any serious life changes, just taking the stairs more, logging my food and watching those steps accumulate. The fitbit has been all I wanted and more! Hubby’s getting one for his birthday next month so we’ll be competing for the highest number of steps! Nothing wrong with a little healthy competition, come to think of it, I might give him his present a little early so we can get stuck into it!

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Time to step things up a knotch

    I’ve had my FitBit for a couple of weeks now, and have come to the realisation, that although I thought I was spending the day running around after two kids, really I wasn’t! On the average day I was ticking over 7k steps – not quite what I thought. So today I thought I would challenge myself on how to get up to the 10k without the need for a special outing. Every half hour I did 5 laps of the house (round the lounge, up the hall, through the kitchen and back again). The kids thought I was going a little nutty, but soon joined in as we marched, skipped, jogged and slid around “playing laps” every half hour. It worked!

    It took very little time (it is not a very big house), but really made a difference. Now to work out how to get a few more “active minutes” into the day.

    I can totally say that FitBit is keeping me motivated and inspiring me to work more incidental exercise into my day.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • i love my fitbit

    after hearing about a lot of people raving about fitbit my hubby decided to buy me one. I was so excited to get it and use it, I love it. It motivates me to real my daily goal and push myself to beat it. I love how it measures steps, kms, calories burnt, active minutes, and sleep. I love how I can link it up to my fitness pal and monitor calorie intake vs out. since getting my fitbit last year I have lost 10kgs with its help. I have recommended fitbit to three of my friends so far and will continue to do so in the future.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Haven't taken it off since the day i got it… Great little fitness addition!

    My husband bought me one of these for Christmas and i love it… I wear it everyday to monitor my steps and i’m very surprised that even when i don’t for for a run, walk or the gym i still do quite a lot of steps. I also love monitoring my sleep, i know i don’t get enough sleep most nights and it’s great to see how i slept each morning when i check it… In a way it promotes me to get more sleep! I would recommend the Fitbit to anyone who asks me about it and now my 11 year old son wants one!

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Jawbone is much better.

    I tried both the FitBit & Jawbone… I can honestly say I found that Jawbone was more suited for my needs! FitBit seemed to be a bit more buggy, even though I used it on my non-dominate wrist, it still gave me incorrect readings.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Fitbit - easy product, great motivation!

    I knew that I had to lose weight so I decided to get a Fitbit to help motivate me with ensuring I got sufficient exercise each day. My brother in law had a Fitbit Ultra and raved about it and lost a heap of weight so I got a Fitbit Ultra as well. That was two years ago.

    In the past two years I have met my weight loss goal and have lost over 15kgs. In that two years I also fell pregnant and had my daughter! I used the Fitbit in conjunction with MyFitnessPal in order to keep track of what I ate and how much as well as how much exercise I was doing. For me, this made everything easier than previous attempts at losing weight and I got the results I wanted.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Obsessed - in a not psycho way hopefully :P

    I’m kind of obsessed with my fitbit…it’s so easy to check I’m a bit like “oh 2 more steps, go me!”. It’s kind of sad, but also, hugely encouraging. And for me, the best part is the sleep function, oh but my lack of sleep was driving me insane – but seeing it right there – the lack of sleep – allows me to prioritise healthy sleeping habits…GODSEND! Love it. Recommend it. Did I mention I love it? =)

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Fitbit gave me the motivation and boost I needed!

    I first bought my FitBit Zip last year after deciding I really needed to change my lifestyle and quite a few friends had them. To be honest I wasn’t sure if it would work for me but it did and soon I was walking everyday, getting a minimum of 10,000 steps and doing fantastic! I had signed up for a 10km walk to raise money for MS and having my FitBit in the lead up to that definitely helped me make my goals!
    The FitBit is very easy to set up and very easy to sync to your computer etc. When I first bought one it didn’t connect to my mobile as it was an older model but now it does.
    They are very comfortable to wear and most of the time I don’t even realise I’m wearing it! Every so often it digs in if I’m bending the wrong way or something but so would anything you wore on your belt!
    I admit I have been a bit slack recently but am hoping to sign up for the walk again and will need to start working on my fitness etc and my FitBit can certainly help me with that.
    The picture is of me after walking the 10km! The 10km was fine….the rain and freezing weather wasn’t!

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • i love it

    I have a fit bit flex and I love it. I hate having to take it off to charge it. It is great, sometimes has some syncing issues and has come of my wrist but overall it is an awesome product that is really motivating to keep you active and do more activity during the day which is exactly why I bought it. $120 well spent, I want another just so I don’t have to go with out while charging lol. Would recommend to anyone who is trying to keep track of their activity and sleep patterns.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • i love it.

    It does have it’s issues like sometimes the connectivity with devices doesn’t sync very well, and the wristband can come of easy, but otherwise I love it, I can see how active I have been through the day and if I need to do more or if I can relax. I don’t buy myself things often but this was $120 well spent. Would recommend to anyone who wants to know how active they are or how well they sleep at night. Brilliant device. Oh and I love the silent alarm, wakes me up better then any other alarm and doesn’t wake kids up.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • i love fitbit

    I love fit it, it is great to track your activity during the day as well as what you eat. It is great, let’s you know when you need to step it up a bit. Only thing I don’t like about it is that the foods you can put in, seem to be American? So you need to enter foods manually which is a pain, it doesn’t havebarcode scanner like other apps I’ve used, though the other apps don’t have the wristbands so you need to carry the phone around constantly. Anyway I love fit it, it’s been helping me a lot lately, have lost 16 kgs, by using fit it to help me make sure I’m exercising more then I’m eating. I’d reccomend in a heartbeat.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Love it

    I have a Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker which I originally got because having chronic fatigue I wanted to get an idea of what I was actually achieving each day (step wise) and what was happening with my sleep pattern. I have been wearing my fitbit flex for more than 6 months now and love how easy it is to see my daily steps and how it pans out over a week. Because I don’t have an iphone I have to look at my results on my pc – but that is ok, I can get an idea of my steps by tapping my flex which indicates each 200 steps I have achieved for the day.

    The sleep pattern has been the most interesting – you can set the device to measure very sensitively (which picks up all movement) or less sensitively. The device has provided info which has been incredibly useful for my doctor and I in discussing my CFS.

    The negatives – the device comes with a large and small wristband – but you would need a teeny tiny wrist to fit the small wristband. The unit is not compatible with android phones. Apart from the steps tracker and the sleep tracker most of the rest of the application rely on you inputting data – too much effort involved to make it useful. The wristband is not very well made, with a lifespan ranging from a few days to a few months. Battery life is short (1 week) which requires removing the wristband to recharge the unit, and then the joys of trying to put the wristband back on.

    For the price however it provides what I want it to do, so overall very happy with it.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • helps in being fit

    Hubby and I bought these things off a store so we have one each. Its s fun way to keep monitoring not just my fitness but his as well. We make challenges and bets for ourselves to keep us motivated. Its a cool and stylish device that helps us in our lifestyle. We have fun in keeping fit and its easy to connect with our other devices. Its like a wedding ring truly but less expensive and is as blingy.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Pretty neat device

    My husband bought one a few months ago which surprised me because he’s not really into fitness. We thought it was great that you can track steps, sleep weight etc. The data was really easy to access and we love that you can track how you are going. We bought the scales too – and they are amazing. We love that we can have profiles and then access the data without having to remember what we weighed last week. Its comfortable in comparison to other monitors and pretty discreet. Someone even asked me where I got my bracelet from! We are going to get another one so that we can have one each. He got the blue, but I haven’t decided on a colour yet. Definitely good for motivation because of the range of data it records.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • I love Fitbit!

    I have owned a fitbit for 8 months now. My first one died and just went black but fitbit replaced it straight away. I love counting my steps and it makes me feel healthier

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Fantastic I love my fitbit

    I love my fit bit, I really enjoy at the end of each day looking at how many steps I’ve done and how far I walked.
    The only down side I have is when driving if I go over a bump it puts itself in sleep mode which is annoying.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Easy to use, easy to wear

    The Fitbit looks stylish and is easy to set up. It is interesting to see the amount of activity and sleep you are doing during the day. My husband loves his Fitbit, and it helps him to figure out how much he is burning at the gym as it measures his heart rate. I also like that it isn’t bulky, and it looks like a wrist band as opposed to a fitness device.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Such a motivating product

    I have tried both the fitbit flex (the wrist band one) and the fitbit one (the clip on monitor) I initially bought the flex and loved it! I love how it connects to all my devices (iPad, android phone, laptop) so I can check my progress whenever I like. I also found it super motivating, I would check my progress, not like the lack of activity I had done and I would walk back and forth across the kitchen while cooking dinner.

    I did find that the flex didn’t accurately track my steps while pushing my kids in the pram, so I sold the flex and bought a one. The one is great and also has the added feature of tracking floors ascended. I live in a 2 storey house so was interesting to know how many times I went upstairs.

    The only way I didn’t find the one superior to the flex was the sleep monitor. I al often forgetting to put the sleep band on at night.

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Excellent and user friendly

    Fitbit calculates steps easily and is very lightweight. The band comes in small and large sizes but the small is pretty useless as you would have to have a very very small wrist to use it. I have found that the clip on for the band does give a small rash if you are using it a lot and sweating. It also doesn’t connect with android mobile devices so that was a bit of a downer. Apart from these I love the FitBit and would defiantly recommend it. The battery life is excellent and the website has a range of goals to keep up with which is great amongst friends. Thumbs Up AAA++++

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date


    I got a fitbit about 6 weeks ago, I set it up and loved it straight away.
    I got it, as I wanted to lose weight, but also to see how active I truly was ( as I am a working mum I thought I would blitz it).. truth.. even though I was running after a 3 year old I wasn’t doing 10,000 steps a day.. so I embarked on doing at last 10,000 steps a day. in my lunch hour, I would go for a walk, at night I would do a few laps up and down my staircase.. this has defiantly helped e as I have lost over 3 kg already just by doing that little bit extra everyday.. its a MUST have for busy mums

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • Not too happy

    My fit bit scales still don’t work, I tried to contact customer service and followed instructions but still nothing!
    Now that school is back I cannot wear my fit bit to walk to school because while I push the pram my fitbit turns itself on and off sleep mode constantly. Any sort of vibration will turn it on. When I drive my fitbit counts steps and when Im riding or using other gym equipment the fitbit doesnt count.
    I really think it needs some sort of hear rate monitor to recognise workouts as that would motivate me more then just steps counted.
    I still find it very hard to use the food bank as it doesnt have most of the foods I eat and I find it hard to sleep with when its hot.
    I have lost most of the weight I wanted to before surgery, I think the fit bit helped get me ontop of that because I had that as a reason to get me going and it was exciting

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

  • So want to try

    After reading all the reviews on this product I would really love to go out and get one. As an active family I would love to keep track of my fitness and to keep me motivated more and more. Looks so easy to set uo and being wireless make it’s so much better. I think it’s so worth spending the money and improving my well being and fitness

    Fitbit is easy to
    set up
    Fitbit works well
    with connected
    Fitbit gives me the
    motivation I need to
    stay active
    Fitbit is
    easy/comfortable to
    Data is easy to
    access & up to date

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I fondly remember slow, summer afternoons with family and friends gathered around a table of delicious finger-food during my childhood – the adults chatting and laughing, the kids pretending they understood the jokes. My parents had continued their Mediterranean traditions long after settling in Australia – and the simple joy of an effortlessly elegant gathering was one of my favourites.

What I don’t remember is my parents ever being stressed about the gatherings. It all just seemed to ‘come together’. Ah, how times have changed!

There’s something about the Italian style of entertaining that’s still so alluring in our fast-paced family lives. The idea of La Dolce Vita: a sweet life surrounded by family, friends, food and minimal fuss. Which is why we’ve enlisted the help of the entertaining experts at Sandhurst to share easy tips for elegant, memorable summer get-togethers.

We also asked our community of mums to share their tried and true, easy summer entertaining ideas, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Euro-Inspired Entertaining


Before we dive into the delicious world of sumptuous, simple summer entertaining, it helps to know a little about the inspiration behind our guide. And that’s the concept of Italian entertaining – where time is taken to lovingly grow ingredients, before enjoying them with those you love.

Established in 1988, Sandhurst was born from the time-honoured traditions of generations of the family behind the brand – a proud Italian Australian family passionate about quality produce sourced from world’s best growers.

At the helm of Sandhurst are brothers Mimmo and Ray Lubrano, who live and breathe the impeccable ingredients that become the centrepiece of so many gatherings in Australian family homes.

“Tradition is what we stand for. We’re custodians of Italian values,” explained Mimmo. “When we go to Italy we see it in our grandparents, our parents came from Italy in the 50s. The tradition is a set of values: honesty, teamwork, participation, family – all the things you would associate with Italian family are the values.”

And it’s these beautiful values that make summer gatherings in Australia an extension of the European table.

Easy Summer Entertaining Starts With … Time Saving Secrets!


A sweet summer of entertaining doesn’t need to be stressful. In fact, it shouldn’t be. It’s a chance to spend time with loved ones. To press pause on life and make memories. And it can be simple! So here are some really easy tips for making your home the place where everyone wants to gather this summer.

Create An Entertaining Kit

Whether it’s pre-planned or you’ve had friends or family drop-in, having a few things ready to go immediately melts away any stress. Here are some things to include in a summer entertaining kit:

  • A red table cloth: It instantly says festive!
  • Some platters and serving dishes
  • Candles
  • Some quality antipasto ingredients that simply need to be decanted and enjoyed!

Many Hands Make Light Work

As mums, we tend to be our own worst enemy when it comes to delegating tasks. But remember, a summer of entertaining is about creating memories – not perfection. So let the kids help, and accept offers from your guests who’d like to bring something along to share.

“It can be overwhelming, so just delegate, and prepare. I do one dish prep per day and pop them in the freezer. Then they just need to be heated up. Let the kids do the decorating for you – plus keeps them busy!” – MoM Member Kirsty

Decorate With Happiness

There’s no need to pull out your finest crystal to pull off an elegant get together. Take a look around your home and garden to see what will bring your table to life. A bowl of lemons is a gorgeous addition, as is a bunch of gum leaves. Keep it simple and understated.


Finger Food For The Win

Nothing says simple summer elegance more than a charcuterie board (or three!). When my friends and our families get together, it’s our go-to – every family is asked to ‘bring a board’. Some do savoury and some sweet, so we’re covered for a long afternoon of catching up.

“Food wise, I keep it simple by doing cold deli meats, cheeses, fresh fruits and veggies.” – MoM Member

But just because boards are easy to put together, doesn’t mean they can’t ooze elegance. And that comes down to including quality ingredients. Choosing Sandhurst products is the easiest way to guarantee the highest quality ends up on your table. We love the premise behind the brand: from our family to yours – it invokes that nostalgic feeling of shared stories, history, gatherings and family.

How To Put Together A Charcuterie Board 

Sandhurst article image

There are no right or wrong ways to create a charcuterie board, but to ensure a balance of textures and flavours try to include:

La Dolce Vita!

A summer of sophisticated entertaining doesn’t have to be hours and hours of work. We don’t want it to be! By grabbing some beautiful ingredients to fill your pantry next time you’re shopping, you’ll know that at a moment’s notice you’ll have everything you need for a Euro-inspired gathering. No fuss, but plenty of substance and style!


Ready to host your own summer gathering? Choose Sandhurst’s quality produce and look for the red lid.

Mouths of Mums is proudly working with Sandhurst to bring you this article.

  • I have been a lover of Sandhurst products for a long long time – their olives, jalapenos, capers and semi dried tomatoes are the best. The brand is the best and they are not too expensive as well.


  • The Sandhurst products are so tasty and you make a great impression on the table when entertaining. The Kalamata Olives and eggplant strips when eaten together are so flavoursome. I love making a pasta dish with the delicious Capers too.


  • I’ve really needed some inspiration this year for Christmas and this is great! I Love a good charcuterie board and I think I may do one this year for the family as well as all the regular Christmas trimmings. I have 6 kids and all the extended family coming to entertain and feed!


  • I’m loving all the ideas here in the comments and pictures above! I love to be able to just look at what others have done and straight up copy it. Takes all the thinking energy out of entertaining!
    Such a good and trusted brand to purchase over the silly season! You know you are faring great quality and value!


  • We often have homemade pizza nights aka fakeaway night! And my pizza is always on a low carb Pizza base with roasted and sundried tomato and capsicum. My fav combo with grilled chicken and a swirl of peri peri mayonnaise! Making our own is always better than takeaway versions and healthier!


  • Sandhurst products are my go to for great healthy and tasty snacks, especially after school.


  • Great information! Loved it. You can see https://reminiiapp.com/


  • Looked so good I couldn’t wait – Dove in off the end of my bread baton and swirled around in a couple of cheesy dips only to finish up at the Sandhurst stackers and sun-dried olives, who needs a Holiday when there is one in the kitchen, I can take any day.


  • I have been buying Sandhurst Kalamata Olives, Sandhurst Semi-Dried Tomatoes, Sandhurst Baby Capers, Sandhurst Sicilian Green Olives for years as our kitchen staple adding that extra flavours to our dishes. I buy Sandhurst products for Gift Baskets as presents for family and friends and they love this idea as I add a chopping board and a knife and crackers and cheese for a celebration of flavours.


  • Great ideas for entertaining guests and love that brand I buy it all the time


  • i buy this for family they love the brand and the taste of sandhurst and the different flavors and range to choose from and i find it great value for money, i re-use the jars when im done with for small items in the house.


  • I have been a purchaser of Sandhurst goods ever since they first appeared on supermarket shelves and still buy it to this day. The Sandhurst brand is the best without a doubt. This year I have not been able to find the Sandhurst cheese stuffed baby capsicums anywhere. I have tried to get on the Sandhurst site, but no luck with what they make. Help – these are such a wonderful addition to a salad.


  • Fantastic Article


  • I Love a good charcuterie board. I Love all the different options all on the one board. I love to do a chocolate board when we have guests over, it’s a fun way to do dessert after dinner. The kids love seeing everything layed out so they can pick and choose.


  • This is great for the grandchildren they love them as they use them as finger food and make up their own meal and use plenty of ingredients including meat and cheese on the dips and crackers. We keep it simple with the Sandhurst’s products as it is a meal in every jar and the kids love them.


  • This looks like the perfect relaxed way to have a picnic! I am loving the idea of this! Just bring along lots of fillings and plenty of cheeses and breads and of course a little alcohol and you’re all set. This sounds like the perfect way to catch up with friends!


  • I hate being taken to a third party page to enter comps.


  • Certainly most welcome for summer, and would be wonderful for the festive season. I can see this platter on the table Christmas Eve, when we get together with our neighbours.


  • Love the look of the olive on creamy fetta


  • This is timely and helpful, thanks – I aspire to entertain more and tips to make it less stressful are very welcome.


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