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SUPPORT for seven-year-old boy left with a gaping head wound after vile bullies pushed him into a metal pole.

*WARNING – distressing images*

Jak suffered injuries so severe he needed surgery and has been in hospital for six days on a morphine drip after the nasty gash became infected, reports Daily Mail.

He has previously been whipped with skipping ropes, stabbed with paper clips and pencils and hit in the face with a tennis racket, his appalled mother Laney said.

The alleged bully, his brother and two other children stamped on the youngster’s head on another occasion at the school in Telford, Shropshire.

In the latest incident, on March 23, the boy was allegedly hitting Jak and pushed him so hard he hit his head on a metal pole.

Laney, who wishes to remain partly anonymous by withholding her surname, rushed him to A&E when the bump swelled the following day – but medics dismissed his symptoms as concussion.

He is now on a morphine drip in hospital, has undergone surgery to drain a blood clot and puss from his head and had an electric vacuum drain inserted.

Laney reported the incident to police but was told nothing could be done as the alleged bully is under ten.

She said: ‘Jak is lying in a bed on strong medication with tubes coming out of him whilst the bully has carried on with life as normal.

‘My son has been in a hospital bed for six days, not once has the bully missed a break time or received any punishment.

‘I’m appalled at the school that I send my children to for six hours, five days a week to be put in danger and then dismissed.

‘But on top of that the police – people who are meant to protect the public – can’t or wont do anything, but life for the bully continues as normal.

‘We need to stand up to bullies, pull together and make a change.’

West Mercia Police said officers received ‘a report of an assault at a school in the Telford area in which a seven-year-old boy was injured’.

They added: ‘We are currently working with the school and the families concerned to establish exactly what happened.’

Laney claims Jak’s school said he suffered a minor injury which later became infected.

Support offered from an amazing young man

Meanwhile young Campbell Remess, 12, from Tasmania, who makes bears for charity and sick children in hospital, has been super amazing and made Jak his very own Hero bear. You can read more about Campbell here.

Campbell shares, “This bear is for a little boy called Jak. Jak was bullied and hurt at school, he’s hurt really badly and is in hospital.

When I got bullied last year I got a broken bone. Mum and dad my Dr’s and other grown ups helped me,but there were some grown ups that didn’t and they looked after the bullies instead and it kept on happening even after they broke the bone.

The bullies are really bad and the grown ups that protect them and ignore what they do is bad too but the good people are stronger and people will look after you Jak and soon the bullies won’t matter.

Just get better Jak and stay away from them and just stay with good people. There are more good people than bad and everyone in my P365 family is good just ask if you need help.

Jak I’ve made a whole new sort of bear that I’ve started because of your story they are P365 Hero Bears and my first Hero Bear is for you this is Hero Jak you’re going to get better Jak and the bullies won’t matter you’re the real Hero Jak.”

Amazing young man!

We hope little Jak makes a speedy recovery.

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  • i know a little girl who was trying to ride her bike away from bullies who were chasing her after school and she rode across a street but got hit by a car. the bullies got away with tormenting her. it is shameful on them and they never got punished. the girl was alright though


  • Surely the school had some knowledge of the bullying prior to this disaster. He would have had bruises etc in the past. They obviously didn’t suspect the parents or they would have lodged a report


  • Bullies are everywhere I’m afraid. My granddaughters have been bullied at school. They never told anyone about it at first. When the eldest was caught cutting her hair she was sat down by her parents and made to explain. They reported the incident to the school and their reaction was to stay away from the bullies. How do you do that when they are in your class? The middle one was being very rebellious at home and her Dad took her outside and, alone he quietly asked what was going on. She explained she was being bullied and none of the teachers would listen. Her Dad then said he would take the day off work and go to the school with her to face the teachers and the bullies if she so wished. My son told me that she changed for the better because she knew she had her parents on her side.
    To Jak I wish you a very speedy recovery and I hope that something gets done with these bullies sooner rather than later. Get well soon
    To Campbell, I’ve read about the wonderful thing you are doing and I believe that you have done a great thing and Jak knows that someone other than his family cares about him.
    As you can see this is a very emotional story for me and I hope something gets done about this problem soon


  • It’s important to remember that these bullies are all future citizens. If we are allowing them to think that this behaviour is okay today by not punishing them in anyway what are they going to grow up to be in the future? Are they going to advance to serious assault charges or even murders as adults? My brother started a life of crime as a teenager and for so long nothing was done and he was laughing at the law thinking he was invincible, doing worse and worse things. Today he has been out of jail for several years, however, has never really held a job, has no intention of working and is off and on with drugs and alcohol. We need to take control while kids are still kids and may still listen to reason. We are supposed to be guiding our children and if we don’t whose example are they going to follow?


  • Kids can be so horrible. I sometimes really fear for mine growing up in today’s society without consequences for children


  • OMG poor Jak. This is so distressing and upsetting for his family. I know how poorly schools and people handle bullying. No-one wants to take a strong stand. I feel so sad for Jak’s family, with my son having experienced bullying (certainly not as bad as this). My heart breaks for what they’re going through. And Campbell, you are an amazing human being. It just shows that the bullies can’t win if we don’t let them. We call them out on it and we respond with love and kindness.


  • I couldn’t look at the images but I hope this beautiful boy will be ok very soon.


  • I’m so sorry this happened to you Jak and hope you’ll get better soon ! I showed your story to my kids and they have been praying for you every night and they want me to send big hugs to to you !
    We hope that the bullies will be confronted with their behavior and will one day realize that their behavior was wrong.


  • Isn’t that little Campbell amazing? He does a brilliant job. I hope the media coverage of this story pushes someone into doing something, this is totally unacceptable. Even worse that the bully is still walking around, no punishment, living his life as normal


  • Oh my goodness, those children should be severely punished and by the looks of it they are so young. What are their parents like that they have become such nasty human beings at such a young age. Poor little boy, to have gone through all of that at such a young age, it’s just not fair. I was a victim of bullying all though out my high school years (except year 11 and 12) as the bullies had left by then.

    • And God bless that beautiful boy Campbell, such a wonderful spirit he has.


  • Hello from Queensland Australia Jak, I hope that you get better really soon. We are all thinking of you and your family and my puppy Muffin says hello too.


  • Bullies are unintelligent disgusting confused people. They are cowards to say the least and bullies are in most cases bullied themselves, so they have to take it out on others just to make themselves feel better. Dear Jak get well soon and Campbell said, hang with good people.
    As for the lame adults who justify what bullies do to others and get away with it SHAME ON YOU! Or is it because youj were once a bully yourself that you see no reason to do something about an injured child. Take charge and stand up for the children who are being subjected to these damaging attacks.
    Bullied children need help and support to overcome their fears not ignorance. Little bullies grow up to become bigger bullies if their behaviour is not addressed and then they are taught to become better and kinder peop;le to others. More attention and discipline should be applied to the agressors with support and assistance going to those who are victims. STOP THE ROT!


  • This story just breaks my heart, hope you’re back home soon Jak. Campbell is such a special, sweet boy, who just melts my heart ????


  • I do hope that the parents of the bully have been made aware of what has been going on.
    I wonder what kind of home the bully comes from.

    Campbell is certainly a person to be proud of. What an angel he is.


  • Campbell is full of wise words! What an amazing young man! Best wishes to Jak for a speedy recovery and I hope you get justice!


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