


With many Aussies now tired of binge watching Netflix and doing jigsaw puzzles, now is the perfect time to put on some gloves and fill in that extra at home time by creating an indoor garden for your mum this Mother’s Day.

“We encourage Aussies to explore the many wonders of gardening while they are practicing self isolation at home, and what better time to start then creating something sentimental for mum this Mother’s Day. This year we want to encourage both new and experienced gardeners to ditch the chocolate and socks for something personal and meaningful,” said Narelle Peart from Scotts Osmocote says:

A mini indoor garden is an affordable, sustainable and everlasting way to show mum how much you care. With the increasing popularity of indoor plants, it has never been easier to create your own displays.

For those looking for some inspiration, Narelle has shared how to make a mini indoor garden that your mum is sure to love:

Pick the perfect container

You’ll first need to choose the right container for your mini indoor garden. You can choose to upcycle an old bowl or buy mum a pot in her favourite colour. Anything from a shallow metallic bowl, a colourful pot or even a glass salad bowl will be perfect of the job. You don’t need to have a hole in the bottom of your container – you can put some pebbles and horticultural charcoal to help to water drain from the soil.

Choose the perfect soil

Give your mini indoor garden the best chance of survival right from the get-go by investing in the right potting mix that will allow the garden to thrive. We always recommend selecting a potting mix with the Australian Standard red tick, which ensures that the mix has been manufactured with quality ingredients. Scotts Osmocotes’ Premium Indoor Potting Mix doesn’t contain compost or pine bark which is known to shelter fungus gnats. Let’s face it, no one wants give mum a gift filled with flying bugs.

Purchase the correct plants

Picking the right indoor plants is critical for a long lasting garden. Ferns, vines like English Ivy and other hardy indoor plant varieties that don’t require a lot of light are perfect for the base of your mini garden. For an added splash of colour, try choosing plants that have a red leaf. My favourite is the Hypoestes phyllostachya or Freckle Face which comes in a variety of colours. Peace Lilies and Red Poinsettia are also easy to look after and will really set the tone for your mini garden.

Placement is key

Once you have the perfect plants and soil, getting the placement of your garden is the next most important step. When constructing a mini garden, it is all about balance. Remember to have an even amount of greenery with the added touch of colour. I also recommend plants of varying heights and textures to create an interesting arrangement.

Unleash your creativity

To finish your living gift, decorate around the plants with shells or geometric crystals and some coloured battery operated lights or place a large candle in the middle of the garden is an easy and affordable way to spruce up the garden, you can even include your mums favourite candle!  Place some coloured pebbles around your plants to cover exposed soil and give your mini garden an extra burst of colour.

Make it easy for Mum

It’s one thing to have created a beautiful mini indoor garden, however the next step making it easy for mum to keep it alive and thriving. If you’ve chosen indoor plants that are easy to care for they should be forgiving if mum forgets to water them. For optimum results, include a liquid plant food, such as Osmocote Pour & Feed, in your gift. This is easy to use and will help keep mum’s mini indoor garden happy and healthy during these cooler months!

Have you ever made an indoor garden before? Would you be keen to make one? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • I would love something like this but have no idea where i could put it


  • Great idea, but mine is outside my backdoor and I get a lot of food from it. Thanks for sharing.


  • wonderful idea.


  • I didn’t even know it was a thing, great idea


  • Thankyou. This has given me a little inspiration!


  • Such a great idea! Love it


  • I think this would be a brilliant idea – Love it


  • awesome idea for the kids


  • I do not have a green thumb for indoor or outdoor plants. I often buy herbs to pot. I just love the idea of them, but they alweays die. I just forget to water them. It’s just another chore to add to the To Do list.


  • It’s a brilliant idea but we don’t have any space to put one.


  • I don’t have enough space for it indoor.


  • I love ideas for hands on activities and projects. There has to be a limit of watching shows and using devices. This is a time to be creative.


  • That is a great idea and will last alot longer then a bunch of flowers. I might get the kids to try to make one.


  • This is a good idea


  • We haven’t tried to, but not sure if I’d have much luck almost everything I try to grow fails


  • Oh. I would really love this for Mother’s Day!


  • My place is where good plants go to die!
    Think I’ll just stick with my games, puzzles and chocolate


  • The looks like soo much fun – I would love to have a garden that I could live on – this would be my dream! :)


  • I would love to do this but mY toddler would destroy it. I would have loved to see some photos of examples though.


  • A great idea! It’s healthy and fun!


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