
We’ve certainly seen some crazy weird and wonderful cake creations in our time but this “Womb With A View” baby shower cake surely takes the cake.

This baby shower cake was shared in the hilarious Facebook group: That’s it I’m Cake Shaming and we don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

The cake at first glance, features an elegant bustier and frilly bright yellow dress, accompanied by a posh string of pearls. But it’s what’s in the middle that made us look twice.

The centre of the cake looks like it’s made of jelly and within the jiggly belly is a cute little (toy) baby, complete with a nappy.

womb with a view baby shower cake
Image Via facebook


Worst Cake Ever!

The revealing bub-in-utero cake has shocked some readers with one saying that it would be “haunting their dreams.”

Another slated the ‘masterpiece’ commenting that it was the “worst cake” they’d ever seen.

“Well, if I didn’t want kids before, I definitely don’t want them now,” another wrote.

“Have no words for this monstrosity,” another group member shared.

More Disturbing Baby Shower Cakes

But this isn’t the first time, we’ve seen a ‘graphic’ pre-birth cake.

We posted this picture of another in-utero cake a little while ago and this attracted over 2,700 comments.

And who can forget this classic baby shower cake of a cheerful baby in the process of being born:

Lots More Creepy Cakes

If you’re a fan of creepy cakes, you’re going to love this post about the Most Horrifying Smash Cake ever.

We also have a collection of the Creepiest Cakes you will ever see!

Do these cakes freak you out or do you think they’re amazing masterpieces? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • People are so very clever but not for me thanks.


  • Oh I’ve seem way worse cakes.


  • I don’t think it’s the worst cake I’ve seen it certainly doesn’t turn me off having kids but would I order one probably not out of the 3 cakes shown that last one is the most disturbing one I’ve seen


  • Definitely not my style! Can’t imagine they would make you want to eat them.


  • Oh my word! What were they thinking? Ew!


  • How funny! I couldn’t imagine actually eating one of these but they are very creative.


  • They’re left of Centre that’s for sure! I also think a bit ingenious if not a bit kooky, but hey, it takes all types to make the world turn.


  • Theyre super creative cakes! But don’t know how I’d feel about eating one!


  • How creative! Lots of time and effort put into making these. I think they’re entertaining, I wouldn’t be offended, but the life like baby in the womb (middle picture) is a bit out there! Each to their own


  • Nope, doesn’t look appealing on any level.


  • Very creative but they don’t look tasty to me :)


  • Oh no. That would freak me out


  • this is too much


  • Freak me out!


  • They look disgusting and I wouldn’t want to eat them! Completely untasteful


  • They are just wrong and completely unappetising


  • Too weird and wacky for me. I would lose my appetite.


  • Going overboard, just too weird and creepy for me.


  • These cakes are expertly made but sickening at the same time. There’s no way I’d have one of these made.


  • These cakes are very bizarre. No thanks not for me


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