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Mum’s issue warning to friends and family. Please just stay away!

Mum-of-four Laura Wallis, 25, shared devastating photos of her little girls with breathing tubes in their noses, along with the desperate call on Facebook writing: “this is the result of someone with a cold coming near my babies”.

“Please, I urge anyone who has a cold not go near babies,” she wrote.

“One twin on oxygen and a feeding tube and another heading the same way, so please if you are sick even with a minor cold, do not go near babies.”

Six-week-old twins Harper and Harlow were infected with RSV, a virus commonly mistaken for the common cold, which can be deadly to babies, The Daily Mail reported.

“It is heart-breaking and extremely scary to see them like this, I just sit next to their beds every day staring at the monitors,” Ms Wallis told the Daily Mail.

“At this stage I knew why they were sick – I had heard of RSV – but didn’t realise how bad it could be or that it would just look like a common cold.”

The girls were born five weeks premature and Ms Wallis said she explained to family and friends that even a minor illness could harm them and she told them not to come over if they were sick.

“I just can’t believe someone decided they would be able to risk it with my babies. Now they could die.”

Both of the babies are being fed by tubes, but for now the larger twin, Harlow, doesn’t require oxygen but that could change.

“I can’t give them anything orally because they just aren’t coping,” she said.

“Every time we hold

them for too long all of the alarms go off, it is really scary.”

“Even if you just have a runny nose don’t risk it – with babies it can be life or death because they haven’t built up a strong immune system.”

Please stay away if you are unwell

NSW mum, Kirsten Brown, told 7 News Online how her baby was recently airlifted to hospital in a similar situation.

She said she wanted to raise awareness of how sensitive premature babies can be to the flu.

Ms Browne, of Fairy Meadow, said her son had been in intensive care at The Children’s Hospital at Randwick for the past week after someone suffering from a cold came a little too close to him.

“It’s the most terrifying thing. If I talk about it I still start to cry,” Ms Browne said.

“He got very ill quite quickly… we took him to hospital and he had to be airlifted to Randwick and put into intensive care… it then turned into a lung infection.

“There were tubes down his mouth, catheters in his arms and legs… it’s nothing you want to ever see.

She said many people did not realise that they should not come near premature babies when suffering from a cold.

“When I heard this mum’s [Ms Wallis’] story, I thought, thank God I’m not the only one who feels like this,” the mum-of-five said.

“We really need to get this message out there.

“I know what this lady is going through and it’s just awful, I really hope her girls start to turn the corner soon.”

Kirsten added, ” prem babies lungs are still developing, people need to keep in mind how sensitive they are.”

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  • people really just lack some common sense about things. stay home, get better, visit later!


  • Why are people so stupid? Going to see a newborn, especially a premmie, when you are sick, is right up there with kissing babies while you have coldsores. Just use your damn brain.


  • Really is scary worrying about how delicate newborn babies are, especially prems.I hope all the bubs fight through it and come out stronger than ever.


  • This is a timely message for all – if you are seeing someone in hospital don’t take your germs in there and make it worse – doesn’t matter if they are babies or older persons – they cannot cope fighting off an extra problem when they are in hospital.


  • Some people can be so selfish and inconsiderate of others. When my son was a newborn my sister in law came over and was sneezing and had a runny nose- she suffers from allergies so we didn’t think anything of it, 2 days later she says she can’t make it to a family lunch because she is sick and my son also seems to have flu like symptoms. My sister in law was actually studying to be a nurse!


  • I’ve never gone near any baby, whether prem or not, when I’ve had what I thought may be a cold coming on.


  • Never would I visit a new born when sick. I was disappointed when I was finally going to see my new born (triplets) nieces and nephews but my youngest wasn’t well so we didn’t go


  • Oh my goodness, this hit home BIG time. I also have twins and the day they came home from the hospital (not even their due date, they were 6 weeks prem) my sister in law came to visit with her sick children. Needless to say I nearly lost one twin and the other followed suit, both spent 2 weeks in hospital with oxygen and feeding tubes and hooked up to so many things that went ‘ping’ when I touched them. Was the scariest time in my life. And to make it worse my sister in law made out like I was a drama queen. I can’t look at the photos of them without crying.


  • Which illness are babies vaccinated against before they leave hospital? Our youngest was 3 weeks premature (really small) and was still vaccinated before we went home at 3 days from birth. Hospital staff who not allow visitors in the Neonatal unit either, only the parents. I know a couple whose 4 baby was the one born alive who caught a virus, had basically no immunity and died. There was others too. It isn’t only inconsiderate visitors, if you take them out in public you run the risk too. You have a cold or virus before you feel the symptoms. It may / may not have been a selfish act. I once got a cold 2 days after handling a baby. I rang the parents as soon as I realised I wasn’t well and told them. Fortunately it was hayfever, nothing contagious. I worried until a few days later when I found out none of them had caught what I originally thought was a cold.




  • some PEOPLE JUST DONT CARE. Even if they are told they still show up. I would not let them past the front door.


  • Yes such wise advice. Some people can be just so thick and stupid. Let’s look out for our bubs.


  • Some people just take no notice of what we say, precautions are taken for a reason! If you’re sick, listen to the parents, and stay away! Years ago I put off having a catchup with a friend who was having chemo because I had a cough and the sniffles, she thanked me and said id be surprised by the amount of people who still would have gone and put her at risk. A bit of common sense people!


  • This is so sad and so preventable and unnecessary. People who are sick should not go near the elderly, babies, people going through chemo. It’s totally unfair to share your sick germs with others. Be considerate of others.


  • Poor Mumma, hope your little boys pull through well. My friends & family respected my wishes of no one to come near if they even had a hint of sickness. Even now, they ask first almost 2 years later


  • It is just commom sense not to go near babies when you can pass on your sickness!


  • People are too selfish to stay away, they want to see the babies and that is that! Once you are a parent of a premature baby you see so many risks in everything and everyone but until you are you have no idea how dangerous your actions can be


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