
In May we celebrate a very special day – Mother’s Day. A day of appreciation to honour all of the amazing mums around the world.

I have three girls and remember when my first daughter was born. Like most first time mums, I had little idea of what was ahead but I soon figured out that being healthy and happy was the best gift I could give to my children.

Our children mirror everything we do so it is important to take care of ourselves, which in turn, means we can take better care of others.

Here are some tips for all the busy mums out there to ensure they are taking care of themselves:

1) Take charge of your body

Honour yourself by taking care of your health in mind, body and spirit. You need to nourish your body with wholesome foods and lots of water. Exercising is great for the mind and will really set you up for the day.

Finally, being kind to yourself and thinking positive is the best way to have a healthy spirit.

2) Good food

Eating poorly will make you feel sluggish and tired and will leave you with no energy. Eating the right way will give you vitality and you will look and feel so much better.

Getting interested in low-fat cooking and being smart about what you put into that gorgeous body of yours is a good start.

Ask yourself next time you eat – will this food nourish my body or hinder my progress?

3) Get moving

A 30 minute workout is only 2% of your day so there are no excuses!

You should be exercising at least 4 times a week. Exercising gives you a better quality of life now, and as you age. It is also great for the mind as it can help you to release stress, improve anxiety and sleep better.

Also, when you’re healthy and fit you are setting a good example for your children.

Next, please prioritise yourself and put yourself as number 1 because if you aren’t looking after yourself properly, how can you look after others?

If you have feelings of resentment, it could be because you are giving to everyone but yourself.

Prioritising yourself doesn’t mean you are selfish, it just means you are choosing to look after yourself so that you are better able to look after others.

My final tip is to learn the word ‘NO’ and use it often. Women are meant to be the nurturers, but this doesn’t mean we are slaves, so learn to delegate and make everyone, no matter what age, responsible for jobs around the house.

Sharing household chores means you will have more time to exercise and cook healthy meals, and more importantly, you may even find some extra time for yourself.

This Mother’s Day remember to give yourself the gift of good health. Your mind, body and spirit will benefit and so will those around you.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
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  • Agreed with this article, some very good points in here


  • I feel like a better mother when I workout. I am happier, calmer and have more energy.


  • fantastic ideas


  • Have resolved to wake up earlier so I have time for myself before the day starts!


  • this is so accurate, must remember to put myself first!


  • yes to using the word no!


  • I make sure I walk at least 10,000 steps every day and have a healthy diet and I congratulate myself each Mother’s day that I am still around 55 k in weight.


  • I think good health should be year round thing


  • Yes we should care for ourselves. Mums often care for everyone else.


  • A very good message to keep in mind every day.


  • We don’t do mothers or fathers days or valentines. We figure you should let loved ones know they are appreciated 365 days of the year


  • Good tips. Taking care of your inner health of mind, body and spirit is so important. Good, healthy, organic and wholesome foods and plenty of water and exercise is a great way to honour yourself.


  • I try and not do too much on Mother’s Day. I’m not too successful, but I keep on trying. Maybe one day, I’ll get to do absolutely nothing on Mother’s Day


  • Great! That’s interesting! Thanks for sharing this!


  • Half hour exercise is all it takes!


  • thanks for sharing x


  • easier said then done, healthy food is expensive and i dont have the time


  • Always easier said than done, but I’m going to stop with the excuses and get back into exercise!


  • I am going to add parts of this to my diary as a reminder I can do something for myself every day… you it states the best thing you can do for your family it to look after yourself, Thank you


  • I can personally vouch for this, there is nothing cuter than watching an 18 month old trying to mimic a full floor work out complete with planks, push ups and leg raises!


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