

A Sunshine Coast mum has hit out at the growing number of “pointless” playgrounds saying it makes it harder for parents to feel comfortable leaving children alone to just play.

Kirsty Williams has three young children all aged under four, so a trip to the park can be tricky at the best of times but now she’s facing a new problem altogether.

“I have found the majority of parks around my area have become too artistic,” she told 7 News Online.

“It seems the people that are creating these parks are forgetting that parents with young children also enjoy a park outing.

Pointless Playground Equipment

“They seem to be focusing on creating these rope ladders that lead to pointless platforms, high drop off points with a pole or something similar or something like a steep rock wall to get access to a slide.”

The young mum said she believes parks are constantly in an artistic competition and are forgoing the practical elements that children love about playgrounds. She doesn’t feel comfortable leaving her children alone on some of the new age playgrounds.

What’s happened To Old School Playgrounds?

“Whatever happened to old school parks where children of all ages can enjoy?” she added.

“It’s not just one or two anymore, it seems a lot of them are being ‘revamped’.

“Please allow me to sit down for at least 2 minutes without the worry of my children face planting.”

Does she make a good point? Are today’s parks making it harder for parents to sit and relax while the kids play?

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  • I think no matter what you have to keep an eye on them. Kids forget and will run in front of the swing. Tumble of the side of the slide, etc


  • The playgrounds would also be used more if there was some shelter from the sun too. Equipment can get so hot very quickly in the sun even when it is not what you would term a hot day. As a result of this, children can receive painful burns. Parents want to be able to keep food and drinks they take in the shade too.


  • Our kids love rope ladders, fireman’s poles, high platforms. Mind you, we supervise well. (and one is legally blind! She’s the most adventurous!)


  • Whilst my son is now too old for a park I would totally agree. The purpose should always be free and safe fun for kids and parents but that’s been lost along the way.


  • Yes. Totally agree..
    Where did the parks go with just a swing, slide, rocking toys etc go.
    Spend money on these artistic designs and kids arent going to take notice. Its all about play . Let kids be old style kids not these new age style.


  • Yeah, I agree. Some have no place fr parents to sit. Some have lousy sight lines, so you have to hover rather than hanging back and giving your kids some freedom while still watching them.


  • My kids were happy with any playground as long as it had a swing, slide and something to climb on.


  • Some of these parks have been improved to help with dis able children. But then some designs really need to be re looked at or signs letting us know who it was intended for to help us direct our children to the right ones.


  • Functionality should really be the forefront of the desig.


  • I wish they would figure out that small children have no fear and placing a hole with a sliding pole down the middle of a playground is deadly for small children, it is around a 2 metre drop. My 2 year old is fast too, I can’t take my 2 and 4 year old kids by myself to the park!


  • I was thinking this exact thing just last week. Have had three parks near home “revamped” and my toddler cannot even access the slide at two of them without me lifting her to the platform. The other park used to service about a quarter of my eldests primary school in the afternoons but some genius thought they’d rip out a massive playground and replace it with something smaller and again, less accessible for smaller kids. Wish councils would ask for input before making stupid design choices like these. What fun is the park if you can’t even get to the slide?


  • I totally agree with this, I try all the new ones but seem to go back to the older ones that I can actually enjoy with the children and not say no and freak out all the time.


  • These playground/parks don’t look like they are much fun to play in for children.


  • Playgrounds just need to have safe and fun equipment for children. They don’t really care what they look like as long as they can have fun there.


  • Wow she is so wrong about this. There are plenty of things to love about parks that are more than just play equipment. They inspire kids to play in different ways.


  • No matter what they do with the playgrounds they will only suit 50% of people.


  • I think she is being a bit of an old grump personally. I actually like artistically styled playgrounds and seek them out because my children must find them more exciting than the old school ones and I like to encourage their imagination which can be hard if a playground is just a swing set and a slide. As another lady on here said- a kid can still face plant on the old fashioned ones too. Really, in this day and age when out in public you should be reasonably close to your kids anyway not just for safety on the play equipment. Besides, I think it’s nice to participate with my children- climb up things with them, go down slides and I’m sure that the majority of people would feel the same.


  • We have plenty of old fashioned boring parks around here and the kids still faceplant.


  • I think there are a variety of parks around to suit all different ages. Just go where it suits you.


  • I would take my grandchildren when younger I would not allow them on a very high pyramid shaped climber , My concern was that they would miss their footing fall through thereby hanging by their necks. I saw many near misses with other children on these type of climbers . they would have to watched carefully as they always wanted to climb these and if my back was turned would be on them


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