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After gaining 30kg during her first pregnancy, celebrity trainer Tiff Hall is shedding the weight one step at a time…

Biggest Loser trainer and celebrity fitness expert Tiff Hall has shared her struggle to shed the baby weight, saying that she felt immense pressure to bounce back after the birth of her first child Arnold. Despite wanting to get her pre-baby body back, Tiffiny opted to take things slow and hopes her journey has inspired other new mums to listen to their bodies.

Journey vs. Destination

Tiff says she was in the best shape of her life before getting pregnant and was concerned that the pregnancy would signal the end of her passion for fitness but quickly realised that didn’t have to be the case. “I had nine months off where I lost a lot of lean muscle. I was starting from zero.

I can honestly say to anyone that I had no advantage here. I had no lean muscle to back me up. I was 30kg overweight,” she told news.com.au. “It could have damaged my business because it changed my image and all that but I didn’t care. I wanted to rehab my body after the trauma of birth properly.” Despite suffering an ankle injury just weeks after starting to exercise again, Tiff proved that she could still incorporate some activity into her day, choosing seated workouts until she could put weight on it. “People say ‘please give me a magic pill Tiff’ but it’s just consistency and discipline,” she admitted. “It’s really boring!”



Different Priorities

At a recent TEDx talk in Sydney, Tiff spoke about how she resisted the pressure to ‘bounce back’ after giving birth and instead ‘bounced forward’ into her new role as a mum and the process of rebuilding her body. “I tell new mums all the time not to bounce back but to bounce forward,” she said. “Your body isn’t the same anymore and that’s ok. Mums need to take time to heal their body and build up stronger.” Tiff’s Instagram is now a source of inspiration for women of any fitness level and she hopes that ‘real’ photos of her post-partum body reassure other mums that they aren’t alone.


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It’s hard to believe Arnie is already 18 months and counting! I put on 30kg while pregnant and to be honest, I didn’t want to bounce back after having a baby. It took me over 17 months to regain my fitness and strength. There was plenty of pressure to lose weight – it’s everywhere! – but I chose to prioritise self care, the sanctity of the newborn bubble, breastfeeding, recovery and one of the most important relationships in my life: my love of movement. I knew if I punished and flogged myself too soon, I would damage my relationship with exercise. So I chose self love and acceptance. All these months later, while I always knew my training methods were effective, I can now proudly rep them myself! ???? My new TIFFXO workout method HYPER helped me regain my strength and confidence. My core, pelvic floor, glutes and kicks are stronger than before I had my baby. I trained smart and I found myself again through martial arts. It not only helped me physically, but built mental and emotional resilience for the fight many women face after having a baby: sleep deprivation, postpartum injuries, feeding, going back to work… As any new mum has to, I took it day by day. I focused on the fit, not the fat loss, and in doing so, I never bounced back – I bounced FORWARD. I am stronger now, because of you baby ???????? Join me on TIFFXO and I’ll be there with you every step of the way – hit the link in my bio to bounce forward with me.

A post shared by Tiffiny Hall (@tiffhall_xo) on

It’s so refreshing to see a fitness celebrity finally showing the reality of pregnancy and its impact on the body! We think Tiff looks amazing.

Did you feel the pressure to lose the baby weight? Share your story in the comments.

  • Bodies do take a while to get back in to shape – but it can be done. And it is so wonderful to have a slim body for the rest of your life after 6 pregnancies without any commando training either. Just commonsense.


  • Thanx Tiff for being so honest.


  • I’m so glad a celebrity told he truth about the struggles of bouncing back after Bub.
    Everyone else makes it look so easy and gives us normal mums the wrong impression about quick it can be to loose the weight.
    I wish more celebrities used their status to tell the truth


  • I can’t believe the amount of pressure there is on new parents to get back to pre baby weight. I feel everyone should worry about themselves.

    • Exactly! It’s more important to look after the baby and mum!


  • IT took me 2 years to lose the baby weight you just need determination good on Tiffany I wish her all the best


  • I think it’s important that Tiffany has voiced her struggles. As it’s not easy and she is such a strong fitness personality.


  • Finally a celebrity who is embracing her post baby body and sending the message that its ok to take your time to lose the baby weight and there is more important things like your new baby to be spending time with!


  • I’m glad she is promoting the idea that it’s not normal or necessary to bounce back immediately after having a child! Some of us are still bouncing back and our children are at school!!!!!


  • I love the bounce forward message there is definitely no going back and that’s a good thing.


  • Such a realistic woman!


  • I would just take it easy on myself.


  • A positive message indeed and she does look amazing.


  • Love how realistic Tiff is!


  • That’s such a positive message to put out to women 🙂


  • That’s the tiff I like. Sometimes we all mum’s needs reminding we can move forward when we are ready for ourself not for someone else.


  • Mum of 3, youngest is 3 months and I am in zero rush to get my pre baby body back


  • There is definitely pressure to get back to pre baby weight, slow and steady is best.


  • There’s definitely pressure to try get back to normal quite quickly. Even though In reality our bodies will never be exactly back to normal.
    I don’t think we should feel like we should though! It’s hard enough adjusting to a new baby!

    I’m usually pretty lucky and bounce back pretty quick without too much effort.


  • I follow tiff on Instagram and have been following her journey. Just because she is a celebrity doesn’t mean she doesn’t have struggles like the rest of us!


  • I loved her speech so much! She is real and honest and a true role model for us all! Keep up the amazing work Tiff!


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