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It goes without saying that we all think our babies are the most beautiful creatures in the world when they’re born.

But the truth is, newborns are often pretty strange looking. So it’s only natural that the photo we use to announce our baby’s birth probably isn’t the first photo we took of our newborn.

Babies fresh out of the womb are often wrinkly, bloody, covered in vernix, sometimes poop. They’re puffy and squished and their heads can be misshapen. They truly have faces only a mother could love!

And now parents are sharing their photos, comparing the pic they sent to friends and family to announce their baby’s arrival, versus the first photo the took of their new arrival. And, as expected, the side by side images are HILARIOUS! This TikTok challenge has us absolutely unable to breathe – so if you need a good laugh, enjoy scrolling these images!


babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

babies straight after birth

Was your baby a little strange looking when they were born? Let us know in the comments, and feel free to upload your own comparison images, we’d love to see them!

  • Some of these photos made me chuckle. I love the character in their little faces.


  • Ive always said a new born looks like some kind of alien when they are born. They do need a few hours of living in the world before they look a little human.


  • Yeah, most babies need a few hours to settle!


  • We weren’t allowed to take a photo when bub was first born. Some of these are quite hysterical. Something to show your child when they are older.


  • Can’t look camera ready after all they go through to get there. It would be funny to see one of these for the mums straight after delivery vs first holding pic.


  • Gosh some are hilarious! Its soo true though lol


  • I love the third one – that newborn face is actually very cute, if alarmed – and the final one.


  • Lol these are funny. My first had a cone head from a vacuum attraction and my third was so overcooked she came out red and cracked ????


  • I love the last picture – such an honest image of the mum! In a world of filtered bs, it’s lovely and a relief to see honest images….I find the heavy emphasis on unacknowledged filtered edited photos very unhealthy for real life and realistic stories.


  • My son was vacuum extraction so his head was enlarged. I was just happy he was breathing, so didn’t care what he looked like, and didn’t even ask his gender. Then I passed out!


  • Wow! The heads on some of those! I thought my daughter was bad!


  • I love those photo’s ! Not ugly at all !


  • Omg, such a good giggle. We have photos just like this of our boys. Hilarious. Give them a few hours to bounce back!


  • Oh poor babies, they are so squishy. They definitely need a bit of time to grow into their face!


  • Omg these are hilarious. It’s incredible how much a baby’s head shape changes.


  • All babies are quite misshapen from their journey to the outside. They always smooth over a bit in a few days though.


  • Hahahaha these photos are amazing!!


  • AWWWW love this. My third born was a bit odd looking at birth I can admit now


  • Tooo cute! And hilarious, brings back some memories


  • I find this to be so degrading its your new born child so why would you show this people need to grow up


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