

Mum shares how her young daughter was targeted by a sick predator on a popular app.

Another mother has been left horrified after a paedophile exposed himself to her ten-year-old daughter as she chatted o her friends on popular children’s app Musical.ly.

Linda, a mother-of-four from Logan, near Brisbane in Queensland, told Daily Mail Australia her daughter Chelsea was on the app with friends on Saturday night when the man entered the conversation and began masturbating on camera.

‘She was talking to her little friends when a guest popped up to join the conversation. She just accepted, assuming it was another girl from school,’ the mother said.

It was about 7.30 on Saturday night when the young girl screamed out for her mother.

She yelled “mummy quick come here!” and when I got to her room she was shaking and crying.

‘She said ”please don’t be mad with me mummy” and then showed me the screen.’

The man quickly ended the chat with the young girl before sending her a message to ask if she had ever masturbated.

‘Cheslea is so upset because she thinks it is her fault for clicking accept on the conversation.

‘She is so traumatised her other little friends had to see it as well and asked if I could delete the app straight away because she was so upset about it.’

Linda said the incident has ‘shattered’ her and her young daughter.

‘It might not have been a physical violation but it was definitely a psychological one,’ she said.

‘I feel like he has taken away her innocence – little girls shouldn’t be seeing things like that.

‘Or even little boys for that matter. We have all had to have a chat to our kids a bit earlier than we expected I am just glad she didn’t know what masturbate meant.’

The mother called the parents of the other children who had been in the conversation at the time and says they have all deleted the app because they felt ‘let down’ by the safety settings.

‘With Musical.ly when you use it on its own the only setting is private – but if you have the Live.ly app as well the two work together and it isn’t private any more.

‘I thought it was just a fun game where little girls mimed to songs and danced with each other.

‘But now I can see how paedophiles can access this.’

The furious mother complained to the police about the matter and is concerned for the safety of other children who have used the app.

‘I am not one to cotton-wool my children but this has opened my eyes, it is not easy protecting your kids online.’

Previously we shared in March that Melbourne mother, Alicia, was horrified when a stranger calling himself ‘the real Justin Bieber’ asked her eight-year-old daughter, Charlie, to send him nude photographs, reports Daily Mail.

The mum had only allowed her daughter to download Musical.ly – a popular video sharing app with roughly 100 million users – two days before the incident.

‘It was her first venture into a social media account and it’s gone horrifically wrong,’ Alicia told The Age.

Charlie had just eight ‘friends’ on the app and planned to use it for games and to do homework, but things turned sinister when the imposter messaged her.

‘Who wants to win a 5 minute video call with me?,’ he wrote in his first message, which included a big red love heart emoji.

‘All you need to do is send me a photo of you naked, or of your vagina,’ he continued.

‘Lots of girls send me these pics all the time I will never tell anyone.’

‘Message me right now if you want to do it.’

Alicia immediately blocked the user and took the iPad directly to police, but they said there was little they could do to track down the person behind the account.

She told The Age the predator’s language made her feel sick to the stomach.

‘The third message concerned me even more,’ she said.

‘It showed how much of a professional predator he was.’

‘It was that persuasive ‘you’re doing the right thing’, sickly chat.’

What is grooming?
Pia Marshall previously shared on MoM, “Online predators frequent chat rooms and online video games, posing their profile as a young boy or girl.

Grooming a child online, is similar to that of grooming a child offline. ‘Grooming is the predatory act of maneuvering another individual into a position that makes them more isolated, dependent, likely to trust and more vulnerable to abusive behaviour.’

It starts with the predator striking up a conversation. They then begin to show an interest in your child and form some sort of ‘friendship’ with them.

Worst case scenario, your son or daughter organises to meet their ‘new’ friend, putting themselves in potential danger.”

Read more:


Previously we shared that a Victorian man had pleaded guilty to 62 abuse charges after he coerced young girls into sending him explicit photos and videos. Read the full story here.

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  • please watch our kids and give a hoot! don’t let them on things like this in the first place!


  • What sick-selfish-perverted mind finds joy in robbing a child from it’s innocence ?
    Never heard of musical.ly btw. Glad my kids havan’t so far the desire to go on Apps.


  • I cannot believe there is so many sick, twisted people in this world! My girls play this app, l will be making sure to keep an even closer eye on them to make sure they only play it with their friends.


  • How sick, what a disgusting, vile animal. So important to protect the young ones.


  • This is just one reason why children should not be given access to such devices. I know parents who have given basic mobile phones to boy who has started going out with friends during the day. he was told he was only allowed to call certain numbers, preferably only when he wasn’t happy where he was, especially if he felt they could be in danger. He never abused the guidelines at all.


  • I have a teen son who is not interested in, or uses this app. However, the coverage of this has allowed me to share it with my friends who have daughters who do use the app. Thanks for creating the awareness and sharing the story.


  • So hard to be tech savvy to make sure your children are OK – keep up to date with all that is out there today, the trolls will affect your children for life.


  • Scary and very disturbing ! One of my friends got confronted by this herself. Shocking !! Sad we have to make our kids aware and warn them against this at such a young and innocent age.


  • there are some really sick people out there.


  • It is so disturbing when this happens to young children.


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