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I feel like I just don’t stop nagging! By the time the kids are in bed, I feel like I’ve made a complete transformation to a shrieking shrewish Shrek.

“Put your dinner plates in the dishwasher”.

“Pick up your disgustingly dirty clothes and put them in the washing machine”

“Scrape up that mouldy apple from under your bed”

It just doesn’t seem to stop!

So I will be eternally grateful for genius mum, Kacey, who created this amazing and interactive chore chart.

She says:

“I refreshed the boys routine/chore charts. I originally found this idea on Pinterest and got everything from Kmart, $15 for all 4 charts.”


She explains why this chart is so successful with her boys:

“This works so well for our boys as they can move each peg as they do each chore and visually see what else needs to be done.”

Brilliant Idea

Kasey posted her creation on the Kmart Mums facebook group and she was flooded with approving comments.

“Brilliant”, “Incredible”,  “Awesome”, the comments read.

One mum asked: “Have you written the tasks on the other side so that when they put the peg on the other side it shows it the right way up or they will peg it so it shows a blank side, or the written side upside down?”

Kasey answers: “I just have them upside down, I’m just happy they make it to the done side, although I hadn’t even thought of writing it on the back the other way as some clever mums have suggested, complete mum brain moment for me.”

Another asked: “Do the kids move each other’s pegs around to tease each other? We have used systems like this before and they wind each other up and move them around etc, or do you have a successful reward system?”

Kasey responded: “They don’t, well haven’t yet haha. We’ve been using this system on and off for nearly a year and it works well for us, they know everyone has to finish the morning jobs before screen time and again in the afternoon, the only thing that gets missed some times is the 10 minute tidy, but if I help them manage it, everything gets done and the house isn’t as chaotic.”

I’m now using a similar chart and my kids are actually enjoy doing their chores. There’s even a bit of a competitive spirit as to who can move all their pegs the quickest – love it!

Do you have a successful chore chart that you are using? Tell us about it in the comments below.

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  • Brilliant. Sometimes its the simple ideas that work the best.


  • That is such a good idea. Thank you for sharing


  • We do a similar thing, but with colour coded and laminated cards. The kids can take a card and do the job.


  • Great idea. I used to print off a chart and put it on the fridge, but I do like this idea.


  • This is a simple/cheap and clever idea!


  • Love these creative ideas and hacks.


  • I did this a few years ago, it was a fail for me. Hopefully it works for everyone else!


  • This is fantastic! I tried a reward chart for mine with success to start with and then they lost interest- maybe this would be better.


  • Chore chart is such a brilliant idea. Gives kids a sense of worth and use to doing regular chores.


  • There is nothing wrong with establishing a good routine, well done mumma!!


  • This does seem like a wonderful idea but these pegs seem to snap easily.


  • Hoping to try this when my kids are older.
    At the moment my bub still doesn’t pick up after herself even though i keep telling her to!


  • Yes that would work well. Thanks


  • Nice simple idea, might be effective for my 8 year old. Thanks for the idea. ????


  • Talk about ingenious and simple-love the idea.


  • What a fantastic idea. The fact that you make it yourself allows for the kids to be involved in the entire process. What a great idea to get them involved and the use of recycled materials is a bonus…..Good Job! all around.


  • This is fab…. sigh… guess I’ll have to make a Kmart trip to do this on the weekend. So so so fantastic. So visual and physical I feel like this will be a huge success with my kids.


  • Great idea, I haven’t done one for my daughter and my son is too young but good for the future


  • I like the idea of this to keep me on track with all my tasks at home.


  • I’ll be shopping tomorrow to makes this happen! It’s damn brilliant!


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