

Young boy desperately wants to change his name as his birthday present as it reminds him of “bad things”.

Mum turned to Reddit for advice after her six-year-old son asked if he could change his name for his birthday, revealing that it makes him think of bad things.

“My husband and I adopted our son about 3.5 years ago. He had a rather unusual name but we decided to keep it,” she began. “We researched a lot and although the name seemed awfully silly, it felt wrong to take his name from him”

While the woman doesn’t reveal the actual name, she refers to her son as “Table”.

“We actually decided to keep his entire name but we just rearranged things to include our surnames. His full name was Table Michael Harrison. My husband and I gave our son both of our last names and made Michael and Harrison both his middle names. Therefore, his name became Table Michael Harrison Smith-Jones.”

When he started school, some of the other kids teased him for his name so they agreed her could choose one of his middle names to go by.

“It took a little while to get everyone on board, but he was in first grade this year and everyone now calls him Harrison,” she continues.

“He gets upset anytime he sees his actual first name written down on forms. He gets upset when he has a substitute and she calls him Table. He really doesn’t like his first name and he said it makes him think of bad things.”

For his birthday, “Harrison” asked is he could legally change his name as his present.

“He wants to get rid of Table completely and become Harrison Michael Smith-Jones,” she said.

“I don’t want him to regret it when he gets older and resent us for allowing him to make the choice when he was only 6 years old,” she said.

*Note: None of the names above are real. His first name is after a piece of furniture and the name he wants to use (his former last name, current second middle name) can be used as a first name.

The response on Reddit is mainly in favour of letting the boy change his name.

reddit name change


Do you think he is too young to make such a life changing decision? Or is it a great idea to make a fresh start now before it’s too late?

Share your comments below.

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  • he would resent them if they didn’t. obviously it is affecting him now so why subject him to the torment in highschool and the rest of his life.


  • I think He’s old enough to realise that the name upsets him. I would be ok to grant his birthday wish in this instance.


  • I think this is a real case for change of name as it is really upsetting him. The school should be asked to delete ‘Table’ from their records. He will be a happier little man then and his self asteem will rise.


  • Haha I still feel this way as an adult


  • I don’t think he is too young to have his name changed legally if it’s what he really wants. They just need to point out to him that if any time in the future he wants to change it back it will be possible. They will then have a son who is more confident in himself.


  • Why not ask the school to change his name too? I’m sure they would assist.


  • Why not ask the school to also change his name to Harrison – I’m sure they would look kindly on the matter.


  • I’m sure the school would see reason and drop the first name of Table now that everyone is calling him Harrison. Why not ask and see if it can be done?


  • Why not ask the school to alter his name so that everyone called him Harrison from now on? I’m sure they would consider such an arrangement.


  • I would be asking the school to alter his name that you originally registered so that he doesn’t have to hear this in future. I’m sure they would agree seeing as how everyone now calls him Harrison. Good luck.


  • Did the parents give any thought at all to how the boy would feel about such a name? He is probably being teased about it. Let him choose his name even if you give him some sensible suggestions he doesn’t like.


  • He probably has negative associations with his name by his past. The constant reminder can form a huge obstacle for change and growth.
    Think the adoptive parents would do well when they take this boy serious and grant him his wish.


  • if he is genuinely that upset and distraught by his first name then I think his parents should let him change it – it’s hard enough for kids at school let alone having to deal with something as trivial as his first name causing disruption and embarrassment at school.

    Good luck to him and I hope he gets his name changed for his birthday


  • A rather sad story for a six year old to be so sad over his name. :(


  • Let him change it. He can reclaim it later in life if he wants to – but he needs to do this at this time.


  • Let him change it.


  • If he feels that strong about it,he should change his name.


  • Sadly, I don’t think a name change will help change his bad memories. But if he thinks it will help him move on, let him try it


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