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In news that won’t come as a shock to many parents, 87 per cent of Aussie kids aren’t washing their hands properly. So one of the nation’s most beloved children’s groups has been enlisted to help!

A new study of parents and teachers, commissioned by Dettol, found that 87 per cent of Australian kids aged between three and six don’t wash their hands for the health expert recommended 20 seconds.

The research found only a third consistently use soap every time they wash, just one in five wash their hands after playing, sneezing, coughing or blowing their nose, and 60 per cent wash their hands for 15 seconds or less.

The research highlights a gap between kids being aware of what they have to do when they wash their hands, and actually doing it. As this leads to the spread of germs, kids feeling unwell and missing out on valuable playtime, which is a key part of childhood learning.

Wiggles Dettol

So Dettol has decided to help parents (and kids) out by making handwashing fun – working to close the gap between kids knowing what to do and actually doing it. And they’ve enlisted The Wiggles to help out!

The entertainers have released a new song called Wash Like The Wiggles, aimed at transforming handwashing into a learning experience as well as something fun.

“We understand that teaching children about hygiene can be as challenging as getting them to eat their veggies. That’s why we’re pleased to work with Dettol on a unique approach to education that resonates with children and helps vital messages like these stick,” said Simon Wiggle.

“We’re super excited to be part of this great initiative, spreading joy instead of germs.”

Wiggles Dettol

Dettol has also launched two new new Kids Colour Foaming Handwashes, which are suitable from three-years-old, in collaboration with The Wiggles. Designed to foam with bright colours, the new range is all about giving kids a helping hand when it comes to hygiene.

  • If covid taught us anything, it’s that adults don’t have good hygiene habits. So we can hardly expect the kids to. Glad something positive is happening to change that.


  • I am constantly reminding my kids to watch their hands let alone properly! Good job Wiggles! Anything will help


  • What a novel idea to get kids to wash their hands correctly. Now all we have to do is remember the song ourselves so we can sing with our little ones. Let’s make it fun washing our hands with our kids.


  • Any reinforcement of good habits is a win.


  • I’m not surprised to read this. Kids are young busy and immature, of course they’re not focussing on hand washing


  • A great idea! My kids are great when it comes to washing hands, it’s how you raise them aswell.


  • If kids aren’t washing their hands properly,what about the adults in their life?


  • It feels like the habits of COVID hand washing and sterilisation have very quickly disappeared.


  • My 11 and 9yr old don’t, I’m always barking at them about hygiene…


  • The Wiggles did a big video and song on how to wash your hands before Covid and then they had to edit it from 15 seconds to 20 seconds cause of Covid. They didn’t need to make another thing about washing hands


  • Wiggles are great! We have always instilled hand washing right from when our son was little, especially now toilet training!


  • Wiggles are the best


  • Maybe adults should be taught as well because I have seen plenty in public toilets who walk out without washing their hands.


  • A great thing to do especially if it teaches kids how to wash properly


  • This is great. I do assume they’re getting royalties, so it’s not entirely altruistic.


  • Perfect way to et kids to wash more and properly, hopefully some grown people can follow. I can’t believe how many adults in public toilets don’t wash their hands or their kids hands. Maybe they use sanitiser when they leave, but seriously warm water and soap is the way to go.


  • I don’t know many adults that wash their hands for 20 seconds…..


  • I’m not at all surprised as so many parents don’t bother themselves. Any encouragement is a good thing.


  • That’s a great idea of Dettol to approach the Wiggles for this !

    • Washing hands is -like brushing teeth- so important for us all !


  • We have the red one and the kids love it because the foam comes out red!

    • I can imagione they love that !


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