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Now before I get into the nitty gritty of this unusual discovery of mine, I feel the need to cover my butt ahead of all the mean keyboard warriors who probably will want to rip me to bits for how irresponsible this sounds.

Firstly, something about having to pay for groceries with Afterpay doesn’t sit well with me – but then again I don’t know how it differs any to placing groceries on a credit card. I guess I just felt as though Afterpay was saved mainly for splurging- for those items that went on sale and then were even further reduced that you didn’t really need, but would be silly not to snap up at less than a quarter of the price that it originally was… that kind of spending – as well as unexpected expenses… unusual things that you wouldn’t necessarily have the extra cash saved up for.

I Was Up For The Challenge

I am so extremely against spending money that I don’t have that I haven’t even got a credit card. However, as careless as it sounds, I just had to find a way to pay for groceries using Afterpay. Perhaps it’s the excitement of what feels like ‘breaking the rules’ considering that it isn’t an option on either the Coles or Woolworths websites yet. But either way I am happy that I found a way around placing groceries on Afterpay!

This Is How To Afterpay Groceries

Here’s how I did it-

First I logged into my cashback app (so far I’ve made over $300 back in a year, so it pays to remember to use it- depending on where you’re shopping). There are HEAPS of different cashback apps to choose from, do your research and choose one that best suits your shopping trends.

I then logged into eBay via the cashback app and added roughly $50 worth of essentials to my cart from the Coles Ebay Store – I needed to spend $49 to get free delivery AND by using eBay I also got an additional 10% off.

Just to be sure that I wasn’t being ripped off, I also double-checked all the prices separately on the Coles website – time consuming I know, but my experiment would have been absolutely pointless if I ended up paying more for the items just because I was not using their site.

Thankfully there was no difference in price whether I checked out from the Coles eBay store or the Coles website. And let’s not forget the FREE delivery, extra 10% off as well as the AFTERPAY payment option!

It’s Good To Have The Option!

Of course, I’m not recommending this as a stable financial strategy. Unless you are on top of your Afterpay or are using it purely for the discount codes that they occasionally launch. But let’s face it – it’s always good to have options. Heaven only knows the little financial hiccups that get thrown in people’s way and it’s always added peace of mind to have an emergency backup plan C, just in case plans A and B fail.

It (Probably) Also Works With Woolies

Essentially this idea could also possibly work at Woolworths by purchasing their gift cards with Afterpay prior to actually doing the groceries. This idea I’m not certain of because it’s only a theory, and then there are also no extra bonuses that go along with it like the free delivery and 10% off (that I know of).

As reckless as this idea sounds, I hope that it is helpful to someone! I also hope that my hubby never finds out that I experimented with this because he already cracks enough jokes about what a savvy shopper I am hehehe!

But Buyer Beware

Whatever you do, don’t overspend by using this method. Remember that whenever you use things like Afterpay you’re shopping with money that you don’t yet have, and nothing is guaranteed in life so only do it if you really have to. I mean there must be a reason why these supermarkets don’t offer Afterpay as a payment option on their websites after all. And for heavens sake don’t use this as an opportunity to stock up on toilet paper. If it’s not a necessity that you’ve got the cash for then it definitely isn’t worth stockpiling with money you don’t even have yet.

Happy shopping and as much as I hope no one has to use this method as an emergency option, I do wish that it provides someone with the peace of mind knowing that it is possible.

… now if only Aldi would just jump on the online shopping wagon, my shopping life would be complete!

Do you use Afterpay? Would you Afterpay groceries? Tell us in the comments below.

  • If Aldi did this or ordered online, I would soo do it.


  • Hmm I don’t think I would use afterpay for groceries either.


  • I have afterpay I use it for birthdays Christmas anytime I need to spend a few hundred I don’t get paid much so paying off things sometimes is my only option I don’t no if I’d use for groceries as I’d still be paying for them once all gone


  • I dont think this a good idea. Might put more pressure on a stretched budget


  • Wouldn’t get into this cycle for quids. If I cannot afford what I buy with what is in my bank, then I will go without. The thought h=of having to pay back what I bought over 4 weeks and still live on makes me cringe


  • I enjoy hearing about the CashBack – I’ve just gotten into this. Just have to remember to use it when I want to buy anything.
    Highly recommend linking your card to the website so even when not ordering online you get the benefit.
    As for afterpaying groceries….. bit of a vicious cycle. Probably best not to unless you’re in a real pickle and need to feed the family.


  • What’s the point of after paying your groceries? You’ll still be paying off the last lot and needing to do another shop!


  • How dangerous for some, convenient I guess for others. But if you did it. Buy a months worth at a time or you’ll be paying double the amount you usually pay in your weekly shop in the instalments.


  • I wouldn’t use after pay or services like that. There are always hidden fees they are not there to help you they still have to make money


  • This isn’t something I’d be comfortable doing but if it helps people get out of a bind then so be it. I have to rely on the money my late husband left me as I can’t work and also not eligible for Centrelink of the pension and won’t be for a few more years. At least now I know it’s there if I ever feel the need to use it. Thanks for bringing this to light


  • I feel like this could get people in trouble with their finances down the track, but each to their own.


  • I’m unlikely to use Afterpay but I did enjoy reading this article.


  • I’ve never used afterpay & don’t intend to as you never know what the future holds. My motto is if you dont have it don’t spend. Don’t want to get in a situation where I buy all these things then struggle to pay the amount bag. I think this is quite hard to manage if you do it for groceries. A splurge here and there I can understand but even then you need to be careful


  • I regard Afterpay as quite dangerous, but you’re right that it could be an useful option so long as you’re very careful.


  • Hmmm I think that could be a very dangerous trap… I tend to use it more for occasional additional spending like presents and clothing sales.


  • I’m not comfortable with Afterpay and it’s terrible for those who are not financially literate. How did you get the extra 10% off by using ebay?? There’s 0% cash back through cashrewards and only 1% for ebay gift cards. It’s a bit too much of a hassle to only get 1% off.


  • I don’t like to use them.


  • I suppose this eoukd br okay if you were absolutrly strapped!


  • afterpay to me is so bad, it’s money you don’t have, cannot guarantee that your going to have and it’s just so easy to end up in debt with this. I personally haven’t looked into what the fee’s are or interest added to your debt but for me I won’t use it. We have a credit card for emergencies that are beyond our emergency account and that can get us out of any pickle we might find ourselves in. We should be teaching our kids to not rely on these options and to only spend what they physically know they have available to them to spend – well at least that’s what I am teaching my girls – I don’t ever want to see them in any financial hardship.


  • I’ve never used AfterPay and have no interest in it. It does concern me as a payment option for younger people. But, the experiment shared was interesting.


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