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Have you ever noticed when you are stressed out and pushed to your limits your kids know exactly how to push you over that limit.

Yet when you are feeling in control and calm your parenting becomes easier and more enjoyable?

This has been the biggest learning curve for me as a Mother to my four gorgeous kids (or as I affectionately call them monkeys)!

When I am happy I can cope with the day to day battles of getting ready for school and sibling bickering. On the opposite side, when I am feeling stressed or tired then I will tend to fly off the handle over the little things like spilt Weet-Bix on the couch (which happened this morning!).

We as mothers have the ability to set the mood of the household!

Which is why to raise children stress-free we need to feel calmer and happier on the inside. Not rely on hoping that our monkeys will do what we say or speak nicely to one another.  We need to feel it on the inside and then the outside will flow easier and become less stressful.

This has become my passion in life, to look within so I can become the parent I have always wanted to be – calmer, available and happier.

The added bonus to this style of parenting is, we role-model these qualities to our children, they will also take on these qualities as their own. Especially considering that children learn 80% of their behaviours through their parents role modelling!

Here are my three essential steps to “Stress free Parenting”:

  1. Time Management – this is a huge one! When we feel in control of our time, it gives us a sense of control in our lives. Start to manage your time more effectively by looking to see where you waste time in your days, are you a self-confessed Facebook/Internet junkie like I am?
  2. Look within – we often blame things and people around us for the way that we feel on the inside. It is no-ones fault or responsibility to how we feel, but our own! We need to understand why we feel the way that we do and take responsibility for it (all of it). Someone else cannot make use feel anything, it is only ourselves that have that control. Refocus back to yourself and what emotions/beliefs are causing these feelings.
  3. Self-care – one of the most important things you can do for your children is to look after their mother. Yes that is YOU. How can we be a happy mother if we do not look after ourselves physically, emotional, nutritionally or spiritually? Take time out each and every day to do something for you – it only needs to be 10 minutes a day. Dedicated ME time, to meditate, catch up with a friend, exercise, walk the dog or whatever you determine to be your ME time. 10 minutes is all it takes.

For more steps to “Stressfree Parenting” click here.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • Really interesting, I’ll try to keep these tips in mind and put them to use.


  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


  • I never thought I would ever see the words ‘stress free’ and ‘parenting’ in the same sentence!


  • ;0) Kids do seem to know when to push the buttons so if you try and stay calm they won’t try


  • I agree with this article. As my boy enters Year 9, it is my aim to talk less, listen more, and to not sweat over the little things.


  • Great article!


  • Another tip is to simply your life. Hire a cleaner, unsubscribe to emails that no longer interest you, don’t over subscribe your children to extracurricular activities, don’t expect to be a supermum.


  • Children most definitely do feed off our energy and mood. Time management is definitely the biggest thing, we all waste time but I’m definitely not going to feel guilty about it 🙂

    • yeah for sure, great article there Debbie


  • Can’t stress the time management aspect, it’s so easy to let time get away with you so working on this is so important


  • Definetly not in control of my time, with a baby that hates sleeping 10 months later I’m still very behind in the house!


  • Perhaps I should stop reading this to Avoid wasting time, but on the other hand maybe its the 10mins of me time for the day!!


  • Time management is also very important.


  • Totally agree that whatever mood i am in my daughter will feel the same. And she pushes my limits constantly every time. Thank you so much for these useful tips. I will be putting me into practice for sure.


  • thanks for the interesting read


  • time management is more important….true


  • These are great ideas for stress free parenting.


  • True true and true. Although i dont think stress free is quite the right word more like stress less


  • I actually give myself time out. Time Management is massive for parenting. If there is less chaos the calmer the kids are and parents. I love this article. It’s great.


  • Thanks again for sharing this article; have been sharing with friends.




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