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The natural mother of Angelina Jolie’s adopted Ethiopian daughter, Zahara, dreams of meeting her baby girl.

Poverty stricken Mentewab Dawit Lebiso told Daily Mail Online through an interrupter that she is desperate to be part of her 12-year-old daughter’s life.

She dreams of one day meeting the girl she gave up as a tiny infant – but said she would settle for the chance to simply hear her voice.

‘I just want her to know that I am alive and here and long to be able to speak with her. I do not want my daughter back but just to be in contact with her and be able to call her up and talk with her,’ said Mentewab, who lives in Ethiopia.

Mentewab is the first to admit that the Jolie-Pitts have given her daughter everything she could wish for, adding: ‘Angelina has been more of a mother to her than I have ever been. She has been with her since she was a baby, but that does not mean I do not miss her.

But she adds: ‘I miss her all the time. I think about her every day and long to hear her voice or see her face.I know when she has a birthday but I am sad because I can’t celebrate it with her. I would so much want to celebrate with her on her birthday and other special days.

‘I long to be able to have regular contact with her.’

‘I would like Zahara to know she has a mother who loves her as much as Angelina.

‘I know her life is with Angelina is in another country and she speaks another language than me.

‘She has a life that I could never give her, but I would still like to have some contact. I would like to see her face. She has grown into a beautiful woman and I am so proud of her. My heart bursts because I am so proud.’

‘We all die sometime and before I die I would like her to know about me and that she has family here in Ethiopia.

‘I would ask Angelina to let me speak with her. I do not think it is too much to ask.’

Read the full story here.

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  • In Australia unless the laws have changed you don’t normally know who the maternal Mother is if you adopt a child. You used to be extremely lucky to get any medical details of anything that could be hereditary or related to the birth in any way.
    It would be nice if Zahara could meet her maternal Mother but will she be able to cope emotionally and physologically with meeting her. 12 y.o. is a difficult age to adjust to all the changes that girls go through at that age. How is the Maternal Mother going to cope? Is that going to distress both of them. Are the adoptive parents going to have to “pick up the pieces” in re-settlling Zahara? Is Zahara being given an option whether she wants to meet her maternal Mum. Some adopted children don’t want to and never register so that they can be found and reunited at all.

    • Interesting..my first thought was, “of course she should meet her”..but after reading your comment, I have to agree with you..there are so many factors to consider first!


  • She sounds like a wonderful woman. First sign of her wonderfulness was the fact that she had the strength to put her child up for adoption because she knew that would offer her a better life. it would be wonderful for both of them im sure if they could meet.


  • Aw bless ! I hope mum and daughter will be able to be in contact with each other, it is most likely in the best interest of all involved.


  • Can understand the mother’s emotion – do hope it isn’t a monetary thing though.


  • I think she feels she is on to a good thing,,,,, no gain for the child that has an amazing life


  • Thanks for the link to this very long article and the photos on the story and on adoption.

    • Children often re-connect with biological parents when they are older.


  • I hope this woman has her wish granted. It sounds like she didn’t want to leave her daughter but felt she couldn’t care for her. Very sad situation


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