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Parents told police they don’t believe in medical treatment for religious reasons.

They have been charged after their two-year-old daughter died from pneumonia, shares Daily Mail.

The parents told investigators that they do not believe in medications and doctors and ‘as part of their faith they do not believe in any medical treatment.’

Their daughter Ella Grace Foster died November 8, at the family’s home.

Jonathan and Grace Foster are being charged with involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment.

Pediatric cases of pneumonia are typically caused by viruses and often begin after an upper respiratory tract infection.

Children who contract pneumonia caused by bacteria becoming sick very quickly and present high fevers. It was not clear which Ella had before her death.

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Image via Daily Mail

  • I cannot comprehend this, how could they do that to a beautiful child.


  • This is terribly sad. I can only imagine the pain and suffering that Ella had gone through before she died. Our job as parents is to love our children and to keep them safe. They have not done that. The religious beliefs are their own, not that of their child who is too young to yet make any decisions or to even be fully vaccinated. This is a tragedy that should never have happened.


  • Personally I don’t care what the parents preach and practice themselves as long as it does not effect any one or any thing and that includes their children. This poor little angel could not speak up for herself and deserved a right to be healthy and the chance to live.
    Yes they should be charged ..it’s a parents responsibility to look after the welfare and health of their children and that includes doctors and hospitals when required.


  • How sad that a little girl has died in this modern age when we have everything we need to treat things like this at our fingertips. I don’t know what religion they are a part of but because they forced their beliefs on their child she is now dead. I’m sure if she had of had a choice she would have chose to have medicine.


  • This way of thinking was quite common a 100-50 years ago in the area I grew up.
    There is a difference in being a true believer and being religious.
    In Matthew 23 Jesus pronounces judgment upon the Pharisees for some of their beliefs and behaviors. He pronounces several “woes” upon the Pharisees for what they teach and how they live.
    The Bible is about Freedom and mercy. It’s sad that some people misuse the bible and build a religious believe system on it.


  • My twins both had this at the same time when they were babies. They were born premature and contracted this one week from being home. If they did not go to hospital I would have lost them both. This is so ridiculous. Why would a loving parent no take their child to a hospital/Dr.


  • Is it just me or is Religion just BS?
    Not being part of their faith is no excuse NOT to go to the Doctor or Hospital. The child didn’t have that choice – only the parents.
    Some people find it incredibly hard to have children why would you let an innocent child die due to lack of care. I agree with them being charged with manslaughter.


  • Sorry, but this is something I will never understand. And it happens just too often! 🙁


  • A very sad end of life for this little girl. I’m glad the parents are being charged.


  • How can a parent watch a baby or child of any age suffer a painful traumatic illness because of their beliefs? I sincerely hope they don’t have other children. If they do they should be removed from that environment. Hopefully they already have been. If they have any more babies they should be allowed to have custody of them at all.


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