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Women desperate for a girl should be entitled to an abortion if they are carrying a boy, and vice versa, Professor Wendy Savage has claimed.

Professor Savage, who is a retired obstetrician and gynaecologist, believes that forcing women to continue the pregnancy could be detrimental to both mother and child’s mental health.

She also believes women should have the right to an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy.

Prof. Savage made these claims after a proposal for the decriminalisation of abortion passed through the House of Commons in the UK.

Her stance could spark some strong reactions from pro-choice and pro-life parties.

Prof. Savage made it clear that sex-selective abortions were a ‘myth’ and has slammed NHS hospitals that refuse to disclose a baby’s sex.

Currently, parents who wish to find out the sex of their baby are able to do so during an 18 week scan, but some hospitals have a policy that doesn’t allow them to disclose the baby’s sex.

“Because of this sort of anxiety some places won’t tell the woman the sex of the foetus, which is outrageous.

“It’s her body and her foetus, so she should have that information … if a woman does not want to have a foetus who is one sex or the other, forcing her (to go through with the pregnancy) is not going to be good for the eventual child, and it’s not going to be good for (the mother’s) mental health.” Prof. Savage stated.

Under current UK laws, it is illegal for a woman to have an abortion after 24 weeks for non-medical reasons, and each procedure must be signed off by two doctors before it can go ahead.

“It is a woman’s right to decide. It’s her body. She is the one taking the risks.

“The foetus is a potential human life at that stage (in the womb); it is not an actual human life … I think you’ve got to concentrate on the (rights of the) woman.”

Last week, the parliament voted in favour of the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Bill, which would remove criminal sanctions for women and doctors in England and Wales and place regulation with professional bodies. But Christian MP Maria Caulfield warned the change could bring about a rise in “back street abortions”.

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  • specifically doing this to pick a hair colour, gender or any other superficial reason, would be wrong. Picking based on genetics for specific advantages is also rocky moral grounds


  • I disagree with this idea,it’s not right at all that’s a human crime


  • If there is a risk of hereditary disease I believe the parents should be allowed to know the sex so they can choose termination if they want to. Some diseases cause no or very little chance of quality of life. In some diseases one sex has the definite disease and the other is a carrier and passes it to the next generation.
    I know a family with a daughter who has chronic asthma who has had collapsed lungs so many times you can see the indent in her chest and whose heart is also affected. Her parents were undecided whether or not to consider having another child. Is it is hereditary through other relatives not just immediate ones they were told there is a 95% risk of another baby having it.


  • I disagree with this idea,it’s not right at all.


  • This is terrible. Very materialistic and quite frankly you should not be a parent if you are only concerned about the gender of the child. what happens if you wanted a girl have girl and they are transgender? You dont kill them – to me this is the same thing – killing someone because of their gender.


  • This is a terrible idea. They should be thankful they can have a child. What if each pregnancy produces the same sex child every time? I’m sure too many abortions would cause a lot of damage to the uterus too.


  • Really dislike this idea. They should be happy they are having a baby and just praying it is healthy.


  • This is just going way too far! What about all the people who struggle to have a baby? Whatever did women do when they couldn’t find out what they were having? This is just so ridiculous! Be happy with what God has given you! You have the blessed gift of a child, one who will look at you adoringly and give you unconditional love no matter what their gender is. If too many people start to pick and choose we could end up with huge problems when it comes to men and women finding partners later in life.


  • Sorry, but I had so much trouble falling pregnant and have only been able to have one child. Not by choice. I did not consider what gender, I just wanted to have a healthy baby. I can’t imagine or comprehend this choice.


  • I agree. Aborting it because it is the wrong gender is wrong. Give it up for adoption.


  • Even with mums going through gender disappointment, its very rare they don’t give birth and instantly fall head of heels in love with their baby and can’t imagine life without them.
    I have a friend who just had her third daughter and she cried for days when she found out it wasn’t a boy. But now she’s posting endless pics on facebook and telling anyone who listens all about her.
    If forcing these women to continue a pregnancy because they got the wrong gender causes mental health issues, then what mental health issues are caused by aborting a perfectly healthy fetus because of its gender? I for one would never forgive myself or get over my guilt.


  • Same way of thinking like in some Asian countries where many girls are aborted or directly killed after birth. Such sick way of thinking.
    Personally I think that life, children are gift / a blessing ! to kill and destroy it is evil.


  • With that kind of thinking I am thinking she should have been aborted.
    Having a baby is a very special gift, it’s a gift of a beautiful life, of hope for our future regardless of what sex it is. And should someone feel that strong about not wanting a particular sex they have had, give the gift of love to another who longs to be a parent but can not …simply adopt the baby out.


  • This shouldn’t even be a question….the answer is a flat out no!


  • I’m no anit-abortionist but this is simply wrong. To abort your baby because it’s the wrong sex. There are so many people in this world that would love a baby no matter what the sex, give it up for adoption then.


  • So many people out there want children & for whatever reason they can’t & to hear about abortions for gender disappointment is just disgusting if you don’t want the baby give it up for adoption


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