CategoryEducation & Technology
How can I stop my child from swearing?
It’s a nightmare and such faul language should never come out of such an innocent little girls mouth.!! Pleeaaasseee heeeeellppp.
19 AnswersOnline money making ways
Has anyone found a way to make extra money online be it product testing and writing reviews, or online surveys. Not looking for...
15 AnswersAnyone know of a good book to read?
I’m going camping next week and would really love a good book to read there’s so many to choose from! Does anyone have...
19 AnswersWhat are some educational apps for 4.5 year olds?
Any suggestions for educational apps for my 4.5 year olds? I want to steer away from minecraft and...
8 Answersis technology having an adverse effect on the youn...
Tablets, computers and mobile phones effecting our children, in adverse ways, making them despondent.
14 AnswersDo you know of any sturdy toys for dogs?
Looking for toys that are tough and sturdy and will last. They need to be able to withstand plenty of chewing.
13 AnswersCracked skin behind ears
Has anyone else ever experienced cracked skin behind their ears? A quick web search informs me children often get it and it’s eczema...
10 AnswersAbsences from sport days?
So how does your child’s school deal with school sports competitions that take the child away from school for the day? (I’m thinking...
10 AnswersWhat is your clothing budget?
How much money do you allocate for your own wardrobe?
14 AnswersHow long would you allow to settle in to kindergar...
Have my son at kindergarten 3 days a week.And every week his teacher tells me that he has...
2 AnswersWhat is your favourite section on mouthsofmums?
What you enjoy the most to read.
18 AnswersWhy is medication the only answer for my child?
my little one has a possible diagnosis of autism with possible ADHD I just been advised by my...
12 AnswersHow do you cope with toxic people?
Your suggestions for dealing with a toxic person that sabotages your work?
21 AnswersDo you Volunteer?
What volunteering are you doing for 2017?
14 AnswersWhat strategies have you used to help your childre...
My 5 year old starts full-time school next week (Prep here in Tassie). He had 3 days...
3 AnswersWho are your favourite authors?
Hi Guys, I am an avid reader and love discovering new authors. I love Dean Koonz (especially his early stuff) but not...
19 AnswersHow do you feel about Trump's immigration ban...
I find his policies difficult to comprehend.
9 AnswersWould you consider yourself a feminist?
I do and just wonder if other mums considers themselves feminists?
6 AnswersWhat do other mums think about possible points rac...
I have noticed that some of my comments in the Rate It section appear to have been posted...
8 AnswersIs anyone an organ donor?
How did you decide to become an organ donor?
20 AnswersDo you still use plastic bags?
Do you use alternative bags?
28 AnswersWhat is your NBN connection like?
How do you find your NBN speed? I am with Telstra and live rurally, and ours is terrible. Worse than our...
14 Answers