CategoryHome & Garden
Tips for removing grass stains?
GRASS STAINS! Does anyone have a really hard time getting grass stains out of jeans? I spray and then wash but I can...
61 AnswersBest suburbs to live in Perth?
I after advice re suitable suburbs to live in Perth as we are having to move there early next year for my husband's...
PET SAFE WEED KILLERS? One mum asks "Can anyone tell me a safe product that will kill weeds but isn't harmfull to my...
73 AnswersHow to stop a smelly dryer?
How to stop a smelly dryer? We have a new front loader washer/dryer combo. So far I have only used the dryer function...
71 AnswersWhat is the best way to clean a vaporiser?
I'm wondering what is the best way to clean and completely drain a Vaporiser. The inside gets slimy and water always remains. Why...
65 AnswersMums must have cleaning products?
If you could only have one cleaning product, and only one - what would it be and why? There are so many available...
180 AnswersTips on how to keep a fridge clean
How do other mums keep their fridges clean & fresh? My kids (and hubby) are always making a mess of ours! Posted by anon,...
135 AnswersTips on keeping the kitchen clean & safe?
What is the best way to sanitise chopping boards and surfaces? I always worry about bacteria from contact...
134 AnswersWhat fridge/freezer practices should I be aware of...
My mum has put the fear of cooking/freezing into me with an email this morning. She was reminding...
106 AnswersWhat should I do about the mold in my house?
Our house is always a little on the damp side but especially in winter. Someone told me that this can me really unsafe...
104 AnswersDo you need to have hot water to wash dishes hygie...
In our office at work, there is no running hot water in our kitchenette. Some people think we...
163 AnswersHow can I remove rust stains?
My 11 year old daughter left her bobby pins on the bathroom counter. Any ideas on how I can remove rust stains would be appreciated. I...
246 AnswersDealing with smelly kitchen cupboards
We just bought a house and the previous tenant was very dirty. All the kitchen cupboards have a horrible sweet smell to them...
142 AnswersDishwasher leaving milky stains
“Hi there, just wondering if you coulp please ask your network of mums for some help….. Of late my dishwasher is leaving a...
126 AnswersShould I move my child into their own room?
“My little man has been sleeping next to me in a bassinet since he was born 3 and a half months ago, he...
186 AnswersRenovate or sell?
“Hi, I’m a mum of 2 boys and have recently found out that both of my children are severely allergic to mold. After...
112 AnswersToy storage recommendations
“Hi, I’m just wondering how other mums store their children’s toys? Bub just turned one and we have limited space. I have a...
131 AnswersWhich dishwasher is best?
My old dishwasher has just died and I need a new one fast. It’s been so long since I’ve had to think about...
86 Answers