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A FIVE-YEAR-OLD girl was allegedly abandoned by her dad at a New York City bus terminal. What police discovered at her home was horrifying.

When police went to talk to her mother at home, they found the woman dead, law enforcement sources told The New York Post.

Authorities are now hunting for the child’s father, Elmer Gomez Ruono, calling him a “person of interest’’ in the woman’s death, sources said.

The little girl told police she and her father had taken a bus to the Port Authority Bus Terminal and that he had told her to stay where she was when he dumped her on the facility’s second floor by a Hudson Newsstand, sources said.

Passers-by grew alarmed when they saw the child sitting alone around 10am Monday local time and alerted authorities, police sources said.

“She’d been sitting there for some time … The kid told the cops that her father had told her to wait there,” a source said.

The girl, who spoke mostly Spanish, was taken into the care of Police. She was then able to give them enough information to locate her home in Stamford, Connecticut, police told The New York Post.

When cops went to the address, they found her mother, a Guatemalan in her early 30s, dead inside, authorities said. There were signs of a struggle inside the apartment.

“We are trying to find out more about the family because they only moved to Stamford from New Jersey today [Monday] or yesterday,” Stamford police Captain Richard Conklin, head of the department’s Criminal Investigations Bureau, said.

He added that the department was pursuing the death “as if it was a homicide,” although the local medical examiner had yet to rule on the cause of death.

Surveillance video showed the little girl and her dad entering the bus terminal.

“She is in good health. We are taking good care of her … She is still in our custody. We are working on placing her,” a police official said.

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Image via ABC

  • Sadly the Dad was convicted of murder and is serving 25yrs. That poor little girl now has no mum and a dead beat dad.


  • I just hope the little girl will be ok.


  • I hope the little girl see her Mum die or after she died.
    I hope the authorities find a a loving family to care for her and she is safe in her new environment. They will need to know how to care for a child with such a traumatic life.


  • So sorry for this little girl – who knows what she witnessed? Hope she will be cared for by the authorities.


  • Another example of parents treating their children badly. It’s become the new norm. Thank God there’s still some good in the world and this child was found safe. Hopefully to be given to a family who will love them.


  • Bless her, how awful and damaging to go through at such a young age !!
    Hope they find a safe and loving home for the girl and that father will be caught !


  • Oh my! And they had just moved there?
    Poor little girl. And the mother dead. 🙁


  • Very sad to read the little girl no longer has a mother but at least she is safe.


  • I hope they find this little girls family. Not the father, if he murdered her mother. I hope this little girl is not completely abandoned!


  • What a tragic story. That poor little girl. I am glad that she made it into the hands of the authorities.


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