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Do your kids love fairies? If the answer is yes, then they are going to love these no sew iridescent fairy wings and you will too as they’re easy to make and look amazing.

Fairy Wings

pintereest fairy wings

What you’ll need:

  • Solid galvanized wire
  • Pliers
  • Duct tape
  • Glue gun
  • Clear cellophane
  • Glitter paint (optional)
  • Ribbon
  • Elastic


  1. Cut 4 pieces of wire, 2 at a longer length for the top wings and 2 shorter ones for the bottom. Length will vary on size you of wings that you want.
  2. Shape each piece into a wing shape and twist ends of wire together.
  3. Tape the twisted wire together of the top two wings and repeat with bottom two.
  4. Tape all 4 wings together in the middle until sturdy.
  5. Place hot glue on one side of the wire of one of the wings and stick some clear cellophane to the glue.
  6. Trim the edges and repeat with the other side of the wing.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with the 3 remaining wings.
  8. Paint cellophane with glitter paint if you wish.
  9. Wrap and glue some ribbon around the duct tape.
  10. Measure elastic to go around your child’s shoulders and glue to the ribbon section of the wings.
  11. Glue some more ribbon over the elastic.
  12. The wings are ready to dress up.

pinterest fairy wings

I love the look of these wings; the way they shimmer and shine and I’m sure the kids will love them too.

Do your kids love dressing up as fairies? SHARE with us in the comments below

Image credit: Pinterest

  • I remember making something similar in primary school. The good old cellophane us pretty handy


  • These are beautiful little creations!


  • These are great. I remember my own mother crafting me some for a school play many moons ago out of coat hangers and panty hose.


  • Sound so simple to make but look brilliant. Mum’s certainly have some very clever ideas


  • Very clever ideas and don’t the children look wonderful


  • They look just beautiful. Great crafty idea.


  • wow the kids will be impressed with this crafty idea! this will be fun! thanks for posting it


  • Fairyfabulous …joy with a beautiful flutter. thanks.


  • What child doesn’t love fairies? My son is now a teen and I’ve still kept a couple of sets of fairy wings in a dress up box, you know, just in case!! There may come a time when they’re needed for child, teen or adult!


  • Very pretty ! I think Organza is easy to glue as well and might hold a bit longer.


  • I bet any little girl would fall in love with these. I know I have, they’re gorgeous


  • They look beautiful. I do wonder how the cellophane would hold up on a windy day


  • Love how simple the wings are to make.


  • These fairy wings look so delightful!

    • Just love this project – perfect wings for play time.


  • They look absolutely beautiful and a great idea….unless one child runs into another or falls over. You’ve got galvanised wire that the rest of the decorations could come apart from.


  • These wings are just amazing. They look so good.


  • How gorgeous!


  • Oh, they are really gorgeous, Jessica! 🙂


  • The fairy wings look absolutely adorable!


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