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KFC has gone all chicken about serving real chicken. In a bid to attract vegan customers has now introduced plant-based chicken items to its menu.

With such an emphasis on healthier eating these days, traditional fast-food outlets are giving their menus a shake-up.

McDonalds is now trialing the McVeggie Burger in South Australia and will roll this out throughout the country if it receives positive feedback.

KFC is also hopping on board the health-food trend with its brand new ‘meat-free’ offerings.

It Tastes Identical To KFC

This new ‘chickenless’ chicken is vegan and yet it is touted to taste exactly the same as ‘real’ KFC with its secret 11 herbs and spices.

“KFC Beyond Fried Chicken is so delicious, our customers will find it difficult to tell that it’s plant-based,” KFC president Kevin Hochman said in a statement. “I think we’ve all heard ‘It tastes like chicken’ – well, our customers are going to be amazed and say, ‘It tastes like Kentucky Fried Chicken!’”

This meat-free option is currently being trialled in the US but if customers start clucking about the new dish, we reckon we should see it in Aussies stores too.

A KFC Australia spokesperson spoke to news.com.au and wouldn’t confirm or deny whether the vegan offering would be launched locally.

“We’re excited to see product innovations taking place in KFC restaurants across the pond to cater for all tastes and diets. At this stage we haven’t got plans for meat-free chicken products in Australia but never say never,” the KFC rep said.

Clucking Amazing

KFC has partnered with Beyond Meat in a fast-food first and the initial feedback has been positive.

“This will save millions of chickens from a terrible and cruel life just to be slaughtered.,” one Twitter user said.

“Thanks! And now let’s talk about all that #dairy in them mashed potatoes next,” commented another.

“Thank you soooooo much for doing this @kfc and @BeyondMeat!!!! I have not eaten at kfc in *years* but this would definitely change that. Please make this nationwide!!!” said an excited customer.

How Could You Do This KFC?

Of course, not everyone can be satisfied and there are bound to be customers crowing about their sacred chicken being veganfied.

“It better be chicken!!!! It’s so bogus that Fast Food restaurants are starting to serve meatless meat!!! Like Burger Kings beefless burger!!!! Can’t call that a Whopper!” said a Twitter user.

Hungry Jacks in Australia also has a veggie option, introducing the vegan cheeseburger last year. It is sold as a double vegan patty (made from corn, capsicum and carrot), vegan cheese and vegan mayonnaise with tomato sauce, onions, tomato and lettuce on a seeded bun.


Would you be excited about vegan KFC? Tell us in the comments below.

More On Mouths of Mums

  • I wonder if this is selling well


  • I will stick to the original recipe chicken thank you.


  • I would be willing to try it but just because it’s vegan doesn’t make it healthy. It’s nice to see them catering to different dietary requirements.


  • Chicken-less chicken makes me think of nothing in a bucket.
    Chicken alternative would make more sense.


  • Well this is new and interesting I wouldn’t go near it I love meat and sure I always will


  • I find things like this unusual – I am not vegan myself so each to their own preference but what confuses me sometimes with some people is I don’t understand how some don’t like meat yet want it to taste like meat if that makes sense? I would try it though just out of curiosity!


  • If KFC want to broaden their customer base and people like it why not. Of course there will always be people who hoo ha about it but the bottom line is they are a business and they want to make money.


  • That’s great they’re offering this. Even as a meat eater I like non meat options.


  • I guess KFC is just trying to broaden their clientele. I’m not a vegan, but if I was, KFC would be one of the last places I’d go to eat out at.


  • It sounds interesting. Would it be cooked in the same oils/ovens as the chicken or would it be cooked seperatly?


  • honestly, it’s just another menu item. If you don’t like it don’t buy it. Good luck to all the vegans who want to give it a go. I won’t be buying the zinger pie either.


  • Interesting. I’m not vegan but I’m going to give the menu a go!


  • Can’t decide until i try them.


  • OMGolly can not wait for this to come to AUS, hope the international trials go well, variety is life!


  • It would be nice to see a more proactive approach to those with allergies or intolerances and having options for them, rather than the huge concern over whether something is really considered vegan because it touched something else. Allergies and intolerances aren’t a choice.


  • Why don’t they do Gluten Free?? I think more people would eat the GF variety than the Vegan one. Unfortunately I have to eat Gluten Free so I haven’t been able to eat my favourite junk food in years, love KFC.


  • I find it really weird that people are apparently angry about this. If you don’t want to eat the vegan version, you don’t have to. They haven’t stopped selling chicken. They don’t have some sort of sacred vow to serve only chicken ever. I’m vegan, and I don’t go to KFC anyway (I’m not sure if I would now, depends- I’d have to check, whether the fries have animal additives), but I think it’s nice that people who do will have a non meat option when they go there if they want it. It could be great for vegans or vegetarians who are there with meat eating friends, or meat eaters who just fancy a change. I’ve tried one of the other Beyond Meat products (their burger patties) and thought they were delicious.


  • Absolutely ridiculous! They are a chicken shop! If you don’t want chicken go elsewhere. I think before they brought out vegan food, they should of brought out gluten free for those that don’t have a choice on what they can eat.


  • This is great. My office Christmas party has a couple of buckets of KFC every year (in addition to a lot of other more traditional foods). I know there are some vegans in the office so this will be great to make the event more inclusive. I hope more places offer vegan options.


  • Unless they plan on having a complete separate deep fryer the nuggets won’t be vegan. It’s great but I highly doubt vegans will be lining up to try these.


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