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Man arrested as he returned from Thailand and charged with 168 horrific offences.

A 42-year-old man has been charged with 168 offences including rape, torture and making child exploitation material on the Gold Coast.

He was arrested as he returned to Australia from Thailand last night, reports 9 news.

Police allege the offences happened on the Gold Coast between 2003 and 2005.

He has been charged with the following offences:

• 74 counts of possessing child exploitation material;

• 39 counts of indecent treatment of a child under 16;

• 29 counts of rape;

• seven counts of deprivation of liberty;

• six counts of involve child in the making of child exploitation material;

• six counts of make child exploitation material;

• five counts of torture; and

• two counts of serious assault.

Officers from the Gold Coast and Taskforce Argos had conducted a protracted investigation.

Breaking news story. More detail will be added shortly.

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  • He will definitely die in jail.


  • Hope he rots in jail.


  • He should NEVER be released, and should do chores to help pay for his food etc.
    I wonder if he commited any offences while living in Thailand. If so maybe we should let him go back and get sentenced and gaoled over there, and possibly get the death sentence. What a waste of resources and space…………A wild animal would inflict less danger than this “person(?)”


  • What a disgusting man- they should lock him up and throw away the key so that he can’t hurt anyone else. People like this should be castrated.


  • Um, he should have been locked up a long, long time ago. This is absolutely disgraceful. Lock him up for life!


  • Look at the list of damage this man has done ! Hope he gets locked up and never ever will be released ! May the realization of what he has done be a burden on his shoulders.


  • omg he needs to be locked in general population with people who know what he did


  • Long term prison for this guy, my heart goes to those he has hurt


  • My heart goes out to all of the poor victims of these evil and horrific crimes. This is unspeakably evil and depraved and I question whether there is a sentence long enough and harsh enough for these vile crimes. Sentences for these crimes need to merciless.


  • They need to lock this man up and throw away the key! Nuff said huh?


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