
14 Comment

These kids spend seven hours a day at home playing on consoles instead of sitting in a classroom.

Mum, Katie, thinks they will be better educated ­entertaining themselves in cyberspace than if she taught them to read, write and count like other home schooling parents.

She said: “I don’t think the alphabet has got much to do with learning to read.

“Games are the bedrock of what we do in our home education .

Schools are far too focused on testing and exams and I prefer my children to learn through play.”

Sapphire, 12, and her two brothers Etienne, 10, and Orin, seven, get up when they feel like it and power up their Playstations to “start learning” each morning.

Katie’s unorthodox approach will astound most parents, especially those who face fines for simply taking their children on holiday during term time.

And parenting expert Tanith Carey said: “This sounds unhealthy – screens are like crack to children. It might sound radical and free thinking but computers are highly addictive to children.”

But full-time mum Katie insisted: “My children will look back and realise they’ve had a lovely, free childhood.

“I’m led by what they want to do and I don’t restrict screen time. I haven’t formally taught them English and Maths but they’ve learned lots about spelling and number manipulation through games.”

Their time is spent on Minecraft, Clash of Clans, Sims and Pokemon Go on the family’s two Playstation 4 consoles, four PCs, five tablets and one Wii.

Katie’s one rule is that the kids must be offline at 8pm, ready for bed. They read aloud together before lights out.

Katie’s quirky method of education is viewed as legitimate by authorities.

Very unique method of learning.

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Image via the Mirror

  • Surely there’s a curriculum that has to be adhered to for the kids to be able to stay at home. I can see the kids loving it, and the parents liking not having to deal with the kids because they’re glued to screens. Glasses for the whole family maybe?


  • There has too be more to this story. As home schooled children need to pass certain conditions to keep being home schooled. I know for personal experience that some testing is done.


  • A very different approach to schooling,l don’t agree with the games.


  • Seriously? It will be interesting to see where these kids are in 20 years time and how well rounded their education ended up…


  • I agree that kids can learn something from computer games and technology, but don’t think it’s healthy to have that as the only and limited way of education.


  • well I suppose we all know what potential jobs these kids will have – if they are as academically as smart as she thinks they might end up as gaming designers/developers or they will just end up in a store selling computer games!

    Really not sure how this can even be legal! – Hope she doesn’t get money from the government because she chooses to homeschool!

    I would much rather send my kids to school to interact and learn from real people they can have screen time when they get home after doing chores!


  • I am amazed she is able to pass this off as education! Where are the authorities? Why aren’t they stepping in? I would love to know how academic these kids are from playing games


  • Is this in Australia? Children need an all round eduction and they need to get it from lots of different sources. Computer games seem terribly limited. Do these games teach the literary classics, art – how to draw and paint with a brush and art equipment, physical education for core body strength and health and the list goes on… Some parents do home schooling by following a program and it is reviewed. There has to be more to this story/article.


  • It doesn’t appear to be a well rounded education. I wonder how these children will get on in the workforce.


  • definitely a different approach, I would rather not limit my kids educational opportunities though

    • I agree – children need exposure to so many opportunities and to peers and other people.


  • I agree that computer can help in accelerate the learning process and motivate the kids, but seven hours of screen time every day, seems just too much to me.


  • I’m sorry but this seems like a lazy way of teaching your kids. Plus all that screen time can’t be healthy for those kids.
    I have no issues with home schooling but teach with what’s around you. You can gain so many life skills just playing outside, learning to cook & using maths for measurements etc, even out shopping & cost of items.
    Kids these days rely far too much on technology


  • A child still needs needs to be able to read and spell. Some games have writing on them.
    Are these children going to be able to find employment if this is all the “homeschooling????” they receive? I really wonder if she has official permission to home school her children.
    I agree with children being homeschooled if there is no school in the region they live in, they are special needs children or have serious allergies that they have to be protected from. In some regional/outback areas School on the Air is available. It appears they aren’t make use of that either.


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