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Warning to parents about the dangers of leaving infants unattended in baby swings, following the sudden and tragic death of three-month-old baby.

Jeremy Rainsford, had fed and burped his three month old baby boy, Kayden, before he then placed him in the baby swing so he could duck to the toilet, but when he returned 60 seconds later, little Kayden was unconscious, reports 7 news.

“When he’s come out, it was already too late,” Kayden’s devastated mother Emma Granger sobbed to 7 news.

The couple are not blaming the swing, and think Kayden choked on his own vomit in a freak event at the family’s Armadale home.

“Don’t leave your children unsupervised in those swings,” Ms Granger said

“They say you can and they’re designed to leave them to sleep in them.”

Mr Rainsford said having to perform CPR on his young son was “so upsetting”.

“It broke me,” he said crying.

“He was such a beautiful little boy, he only just learnt how to smile and giggle,” Ms Granger added.

“We sat there and just talked to him and told him that everybody loved him and that we loved him.

“I told him not to leave me … but he was too far gone.”

A coroner will investigate what caused Kayden’s death.

A GoFundMe page has now been set up to help the couple and their two-year-old Tyler as they prepare for Kayden’s funeral next week.

I can not even begin to imagine the pain and heart break they would be suffering at the moment. Our thoughts are with the family. RIP little man.

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Image via Gofundme

  • wow that is sad. i have used these things but admittedly, i put the swing at the toilet door so that i could watch but i was very “helicoptery” when they were very little. That would be sad for that family and even more so when they were starting to learn their child’s personality.


  • Oh my gosh so horribly tragic. R.I.P. little man.


  • Such tragic new. My heart goes out to his parents and his sibling. RIP Tyler


  • Such a terrible thing to happen to this young family. RIP little one.


  • How awful !!
    My thoughts & prayers go out to the family.


  • Oh no! The worst things just happen in the shortest amount of time. How devastating for the family


  • This is such a terrible tragedy and obviously a freak accident. We can only try our best to be as vigilant as possible. My thoughts are with this family.


  • The same thing could have happened if he had put him on the floor or in his cot. That is one reason why I think it was safer to lay a baby on his /her side so that vomit could run out of the side of their mouth. A friend of mine nearly lost her 18 month old during the night a few months ago. Her toddler was asleep in his cot. She woke up and heard him coughing, realised it wasn’t his normal cough. He had vomitted in his sleep and was choking on it. Fortunately she hadn’t lost consciousness. The same thing can happen to an adult if he/she falls on his/her back. It happened to a lady in Qld. A neighbour found her but she was dead and it was estimated she had been laying there for at least an hour. If you are desperately need to go to the toilet, you have to go or if you keep “hanging on” too often if can effect your organs.


  • How very devastating. No doubt he thought he’d made the baby safe, which would make it worse.


  • how horribly sad for them R.I.P. little Kayden


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