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If you thought nosebleeds, acne, strange cravings and supersonic farts were right up there with the strangest pregnancy symptoms, wait until you see this bizarre growth an expecting mum found in her mouth.

Kaeli Taite revealed her strange pregnancy symptom in a TikTok video – a growth on her gums.

Kaeli found the growth while she was pregnant with her twins, Echo and Cove, and it horrified many of her followers.

But Kaeli knew what she’d discovered was a pregnancy tumour.

Her diagnosis was confirmed by ‘TikTok Dentist’ Dr Zainab Mackie.

“Well, that’s an interesting way to find out you’re pregnant. What she’s got is called a pregnancy tumour and it’s also known as pyogenic granuloma.

“The dental ways to know you’re pregnant are sore and bleeding gums.”


What is a pregnancy tumour?

While it sounds pretty sinister, a pregnancy tumour, or pyogenic granuloma is actually a benign growth. About five percent of pregnant women find pregnancy tumours on their gums, sometimes they’re painful and sometimes they don’t cause any pain.

There are all sorts of hormonal changes that happen in a woman’s body during pregnancy, and these can cause bleeding gums and some women even claim pregnancy caused their teeth to fall out.

The hormonal changes during pregnancy can make your teeth more vulnerable to plaque, which then triggers inflammation and bleeding gums.

While the experts don’t really know what causes pregnancy tumours, they think these hormone changes are probably to blame. If you do happen to notice a pregnancy tumour, just show your dentist so they can identify exactly what it is. Usually they will shrink on their own after giving birth, but sometimes they do have to be removed.

  • Wow that is super creepy. i have never heard of anything like this before so i guess it cant be that common. If I had discovered something like that myself I would have freaked out and been on the phone to the Docs super quick. It would be so annoying and it would be hard not to play with it with your tounge


  • Yuck yuck yuck!!! Oh my goodness. My heartburn and swollen feet don’t seem like they were that bad now.


  • Yuk…lucky I didn’t have it


  • oh wow i never had this!


  • Nope, gross!


  • Wow. That’s amazing and horrible at the same time


  • Ewwww that looks uncomfortable. Glad I didn’t have one of those.


  • This is quite large usually they are smaller


  • I’ve had three kids and never heard of this. Interesting to read though, pregnancy and hormones can make strange things happen to our bodies.


  • I’ve never heard of this before but it’s good to know in case any of my family or friends finds them when they are pregnant. It would certainly put their minds at ease to know it’s not too serious


  • That’s interesting. Never heard of it.


  • Gosh, that would have scared me.


  • Definitely something I’ve never seen or heard of before. Eww.


  • Never heard of them! They look like they can be very irritating.


  • OMG, I have never heard of this. I definitely know of soft and bleeding gums, but never this.


  • I have never heard of pregnancy tumours so this was very interesting to see. Another strange one to add to the list!


  • Seriously, the things we go through during pregnancy! Us women are amazing.


  • Wow doubt may people knew about these


  • oh wow! i never knew that was even a thing.


  • My first thought it was a random tooth growing. It looks very uncomfortable


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