Average Ratings (from 139 ratings)
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Versatile & suitable for lots of recipes
Simple to understand & easy to use
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Breville Froojie® Fountain™ :
4.53 out of 5 based on 139 reviews.

As mums, we are always looking for ways to stay fit, healthy and hydrated. This is harder than it seems as we are always on the go…

Which is why we are excited to announce the Breville Froojie® Fountain™ Juicer review where we’re asking mums to test trial and review the Breville Froojie® Fountain™.

About the Breville Froojie® Fountain™  

A unique soft fruit disc purees soft fruits like bananas, mangoes and berries to make dessert coulis, or to mix with fresh juice to make dairy free smoothies. The 25% larger feed chute makes juicing faster and easier than ever and a patented juicing system extracts more juice and nutrients from fruits and vegetables. 5 speeds, an LCD display, automatic pulp ejection, and an easy clean design.

Juicing just went bananas!

Breville Froojie® Fountain product review, juicer

Product Features of the Breville Froojie® Fountain™

  • Extra Wide Feed Chute – designed to juice whole fruit without chopping or slicing.
  • Nutri disc™ – stainless steel micromesh filter basket, reinfored with titanium blades help extract up to 20% more juice.
  • Variable Speed Control – allows you to precisely control the juicing speed to get the most juice out of every fruit or vegetable.
  • External Pulp Ejection – automatically ejects the dry pulp into a collection basket while juicing.
  • Easy Clean Design – smooth, rounded parts without food traps to prevent pulp from sticking and make rinsing under the tap fast and simple.

See it in action here…

The Breville Froojie® Fountain™ comes in Brushed stainless steel and is available via the following retailers…

The Good Guys, Harvey Norman, Myer, David Jones, Bing Lee, Betta Electrical, Appliances Online

You can find out more at Breville here

The Breville Froojie® Fountain™ review team.

In the Breville Froojie® Fountain™ product review, mums selected received a Breville Froojie® Fountain™ worth $299.95. We’re asking mums to use test trial and use the Breville Froojie® Fountain™ and then post their reviews and ratings on this page.

Invitations for this review have now closed. If you’re not already a member and would love to receive invitations to review other products, you can join here.

In the meantime, like MoM on facebook to keep up to date with all our review news.  You can do that right here …

Published 3rd December 2013

  • i want i want

    A friend of mine has one, and this afternoon we spent a glorious time making up our own recipes – it was like being kids again! It may have been a slight overdose of fruity veggie goodness, but by the end of the day creativity turned to slightly evil! Lets just say that banana and kale are NOT good together!

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
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    & easy to use
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  • The boost we have all been waiting four WOW

    Mum’s fresh is best you can experiment left over pulp you can put this in your compost bin or your worm farm , how wicked is that ,Laddies go to the next level , watermelon and carrot an apple and pineapple and yes Ginger to give it that zing of life in your drink , I kid you not this was the only thing that helped my lovely wife through yes that’s right not one but through two pregnancy’s . But don’t stop here to be naughty at night as to give you a treat , do mango ,pineapple contrio and a touch of Balieys and stir and enjoy your delight , god bless all your lovely mums

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • easy to use, efficient and well worth the purchase!

    There are so many juicers on the market but this one is by far one of the best. You don’t have to cut the fruit into smaller pieces because of the huge chute. You have different speeds for different fruits to ensure you extract the most juice. Slower for softer, faster for harder fruits. It is so easy to put together and so simple and quick to clean.. No hassle to clean it. It froths juices too. The juice tastes fantastic and the machine looks great on the bench!! Definately well worth the purchase!

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • I love my juicer.

    This would have to be the best birthday gift I have ever been given I absolutely love it, not sure if my opinion is tainted as I wanted a juicer for such a long time but there was always something else we needed far more at the time. I was so excited when my hubby bought it for me. Also looks good that I don’t find the need to hide it away it fits in well with my other appliances on my kitchen bench.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Highly Recommend

    I highly recommend the Breville Froojie Fountain, so easy to use. My family love the fresh juice. It’s been hot, so it’s nice to make fresh chilled drinks that are good for you, so much better then soft drinks. I love that you can put in whole apples and large pieces, so quick.
    It’s very simple to take apart and put make together. I’m very happy to have discovered a great product like this, l use it everyday. I included a photo of my son enjoying some fresh juice we made together, he loves it.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Such a great products

    I’ve had the Froojie for close to a month now and it’s an ongoing love affair. My youngest won’t eat fruit but she is a great sport and even drinks my less than perfect mixes (like yesterday when I made the mistake of juicing an entire lemon).

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Veggie Juice

    Today we have decided to take the plunge and tr some veggie juice. I have always just chosen to drink fruit juices but now I have the juicer I thought we should give the veggies a fair go. I had some beetroots in the fridge so I thought we would try beetroot, carrots, celery and apple for a bit of sweetness. I must say i was plesently surprised how good it tasted and the juicer has no problems with the hard vegetables and gets loads of juice out of them too. I have been speaking to lots of people about the juicer and most people say aren’t they hard to clean and I simply say no its really easy. I think if you love having fresh juice and like to control what you put in your body then it’s worth the few minutes it takes to c,ean the juicer.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • The kids can't get enough of it...

    I said in an earlier post that I had used this wonderful device at a friends place and loved it. As we visit this friend often, my kids have been drinking all sorts of different juices and helping to make them too. now that’s all they want at home. I am going to go buy one asap. Its really good to know that they would rather have a home made juice now, instead of soft drink. They just don’t see me put vegies in the mix and everyone is happy.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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    Would make a perfect

  • Beautiful. fresh fruit juice-what could be better!!

    We have been using the Breville Foojie Fountain for about 2 weeks now and have produced some amazingly delicious juices. Our last juice was a mixture of apples, blackberries and strawberries. It looked and tasted sensational. One of my favourites is freshly squeezed orange juice- it takes some time to peel the oranges but the resulting juice is better than I could ever have hoped for. Absolutely delicious!!

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Addicted

    My 9 yr old son is now addicted to waking up each morning and making himself a glass of fresh juice, It’s so simple, I have not come across a problem,
    washing is easy.
    putting together and pulling apart is a breeze,

    we Love it,

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • a nice first juicer for everyone

    I received the Breville Froojie Fountain as a Christmas gift when the family to buy me a juicer. I like that this Breville has a variable speed control so you can adjust it yourself depending on what sort of fruits/veg you are using. Another selling point is that you can switch between the disc to make juice more puree like (with some pulps) or just have it like a normal juice. The feed chute is wide enough to put your fruits/veg in without having to cut them into smaller pieces. Very easy to use and operate. Only downside is i find it really hard to clean, especially the mesh disc. Stuffs get stuck there so easily and it’s hard to get it off that i have to srub it sometimes

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • easy, healthy, delicous and vibrant

    I love to use my juicer especially when it’s hot. Easy to make up a big jug full and take it to work the next day. Great to experiment with different fruits and vegetables and find I am eating many more vegetables than I usually would. Easy to rinse off to clean. I was given a free book by Joe Cross full of juice recipes as he promotes this brand and found it was really helpful. Give one a try today especially if you are trying to be healthier or lose weight.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • love it

    best thing i have brought to keep the veggies going in the boys system so good they even make there own juices and whats left( if any) we make icy poles with so fresh no preservative icy poles and i don’t mind then if they don’t eat as there icy poles are full of goodness. has helped out son whom has bad tonsillitis to get all the goodness he still needs just juiced up.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • amazing smoothie

    Last time I just did juice like purely veggies and fruits and only bit of water and the result was amazing. Now I did a classic strawberry smoothie and my husband insisted that I put bananas as well. I used strawberries that are fresh bought last month and stored in freezer and fresh bananas. Great smoothie by just adding a nit of fresh milk. One of the best appliances I have ever ever owned. Great great job always

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
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  • Great for juicing and smoothies

    Fabulous and fantastic. I love this machine as I start the day with a cleansing juice every day. It’s hardy and takes to the fruit and vegetables with ease. It is easy to clean the parts and also the machine looks great, I highly recommend this machine and love having it as a pemmrnant fixture on the kitchen bench

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • amazingly healthy smoothies

    I love this product especially I am now ta turned health nut. Juice never tasted so amazing and knowing that its fresh with no added preservatives or sugar is reassuring. No longer do I need to buy juice packs and soend time reading its contents and nutritional info. Now simply putting in the ingredients I want and need for a specific moment saves me money and gives me energy. Such a good invention. Its good just a bit hard to clean but wont stop me from using it.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • fresh and yum

    Great juicer have only used a friends would love to buy my own as I love fresh juice , bit frustrating to clean though

    Versatile & suitable
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    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • fantastic, healthy juices and more

    this lovely machine makes fantastic juices, with very little fibre left over,
    i actually use the fibre to go into spaghetti Bolagnaise.
    only down side a little fiddly to clean.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • amazingly efficient

    easy to use and restaurant standard results 🙂 just bit hard to clean

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Wonderful and easy to use.

    I bought one of these a few months ago for myself in a desperate attempt to fit more fruit and veg into my diet and to treat my body to some yummy juices. As a result I have got the whole family into juices and smoothies can’t wait to get a little more adventurous with it when I have a few more fruit and vege options. It was such a quick and tasty juice without all the preservatives and added nasties. 

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Breville Froojie Fountain - most amazing machine ever!

    After using so many different machines to make my family fresh juice and smoothies I can honestly say the Breville Froojie® Fountain™ is the most amazing machine I have used.
    I love that you can just pop the whole fruit or vegetble you are juicing in and it gets every last drop of juice!
    Amazing and I highly recommend the Breville Froojie® Fountain™ I had hubby buy me one for mothers day and I use it every single day, and feel good knowing my family are so much healthier for it too.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Love the name and the product!

    My sister has one of these and since she is pregnant she is happy to sit back and let me have a play with her Breville Froojie! and I’m not complaining!! Ive been trying out heaps of recipes and love them all! The froojie is so fun and easy to use and easy to clean too ( i don’t even mind that part) This would make the perfect gift and I’m hoping i’ll be able to cross it off my wish list soon 😉

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • i want i want

    A friend of mine has one, and this afternoon we spent a glorious time making up our own recipes – it was like being kids again! It may have been a slight overdose of fruity veggie goodness, but by the end of the day creativity turned to slightly evil! Lets just say that banana and kale are NOT good together!

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • love it as a basic easy to use juicer

    Back when I used to work in retail I would demonstrate these all the time. They where easy to use and also quick to clwan which in my books is really important!

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Fresh is Best

    Nothing beats your own fresh juice. It’s great for using up all the leftover fruit and veggies before the go to waste. The chute is large enough for most whole fruits and is very simple to use. If i had to fault anything it would be the cleaning of the fine filter and the amount of froth you get with the juice.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • gift for someone who has everything!

    I have just brought a Breville juicer for my brother in law’s birthday who has everything (apart from a juicer) and is quite health conscious. I have a juicer and love it but you cannot get my one any more and after reading these reviews I thought I would give it a go! He is absolutely delighted with it.

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
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  • The boost we have all been waiting four WOW

    Mum’s fresh is best you can experiment left over pulp you can put this in your compost bin or your worm farm , how wicked is that ,Laddies go to the next level , watermelon and carrot an apple and pineapple and yes Ginger to give it that zing of life in your drink , I kid you not this was the only thing that helped my lovely wife through yes that’s right not one but through two pregnancy’s . But don’t stop here to be naughty at night as to give you a treat , do mango ,pineapple contrio and a touch of Balieys and stir and enjoy your delight , god bless all your lovely mums

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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    Would make a perfect

  • Fresh Juice

    I love making my own juice, at least you know what is going into it. It was easy to juice all different kinds of fruit and veges to make some pretty awesome fruit juices. and after you’ve made all your juice, it is very easy to clean up afterwards. Thank you

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • Smooth and tasty juices!

    This juicer makes the smoothest fine juice I have tasted including commercially produced juice. The various speed settings makes it easy to make mixed juices including using hard fruits and vegetables such as beet roots. The design of the juicer with the scraps bucket at the side is easy to use if you line it with a large freezer bag to collect the pulps. Very highly recommended

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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  • the best jucier

    i have the breville juicer and my mum has the tefal jucier they are both great. I found the breville to be easy and simple to clean. I can also use the pulp to put in my muffins and the kids love it.
    I would recommend the breville jucier to everyone 10/10

    Versatile & suitable
    for lots of recipes
    Simple to understand
    & easy to use
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    Would make a perfect

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I fondly remember slow, summer afternoons with family and friends gathered around a table of delicious finger-food during my childhood – the adults chatting and laughing, the kids pretending they understood the jokes. My parents had continued their Mediterranean traditions long after settling in Australia – and the simple joy of an effortlessly elegant gathering was one of my favourites.

What I don’t remember is my parents ever being stressed about the gatherings. It all just seemed to ‘come together’. Ah, how times have changed!

There’s something about the Italian style of entertaining that’s still so alluring in our fast-paced family lives. The idea of La Dolce Vita: a sweet life surrounded by family, friends, food and minimal fuss. Which is why we’ve enlisted the help of the entertaining experts at Sandhurst to share easy tips for elegant, memorable summer get-togethers.

We also asked our community of mums to share their tried and true, easy summer entertaining ideas, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Euro-Inspired Entertaining


Before we dive into the delicious world of sumptuous, simple summer entertaining, it helps to know a little about the inspiration behind our guide. And that’s the concept of Italian entertaining – where time is taken to lovingly grow ingredients, before enjoying them with those you love.

Established in 1988, Sandhurst was born from the time-honoured traditions of generations of the family behind the brand – a proud Italian Australian family passionate about quality produce sourced from world’s best growers.

At the helm of Sandhurst are brothers Mimmo and Ray Lubrano, who live and breathe the impeccable ingredients that become the centrepiece of so many gatherings in Australian family homes.

“Tradition is what we stand for. We’re custodians of Italian values,” explained Mimmo. “When we go to Italy we see it in our grandparents, our parents came from Italy in the 50s. The tradition is a set of values: honesty, teamwork, participation, family – all the things you would associate with Italian family are the values.”

And it’s these beautiful values that make summer gatherings in Australia an extension of the European table.

Easy Summer Entertaining Starts With … Time Saving Secrets!


A sweet summer of entertaining doesn’t need to be stressful. In fact, it shouldn’t be. It’s a chance to spend time with loved ones. To press pause on life and make memories. And it can be simple! So here are some really easy tips for making your home the place where everyone wants to gather this summer.

Create An Entertaining Kit

Whether it’s pre-planned or you’ve had friends or family drop-in, having a few things ready to go immediately melts away any stress. Here are some things to include in a summer entertaining kit:

  • A red table cloth: It instantly says festive!
  • Some platters and serving dishes
  • Candles
  • Some quality antipasto ingredients that simply need to be decanted and enjoyed!

Many Hands Make Light Work

As mums, we tend to be our own worst enemy when it comes to delegating tasks. But remember, a summer of entertaining is about creating memories – not perfection. So let the kids help, and accept offers from your guests who’d like to bring something along to share.

“It can be overwhelming, so just delegate, and prepare. I do one dish prep per day and pop them in the freezer. Then they just need to be heated up. Let the kids do the decorating for you – plus keeps them busy!” – MoM Member Kirsty

Decorate With Happiness

There’s no need to pull out your finest crystal to pull off an elegant get together. Take a look around your home and garden to see what will bring your table to life. A bowl of lemons is a gorgeous addition, as is a bunch of gum leaves. Keep it simple and understated.


Finger Food For The Win

Nothing says simple summer elegance more than a charcuterie board (or three!). When my friends and our families get together, it’s our go-to – every family is asked to ‘bring a board’. Some do savoury and some sweet, so we’re covered for a long afternoon of catching up.

“Food wise, I keep it simple by doing cold deli meats, cheeses, fresh fruits and veggies.” – MoM Member

But just because boards are easy to put together, doesn’t mean they can’t ooze elegance. And that comes down to including quality ingredients. Choosing Sandhurst products is the easiest way to guarantee the highest quality ends up on your table. We love the premise behind the brand: from our family to yours – it invokes that nostalgic feeling of shared stories, history, gatherings and family.

How To Put Together A Charcuterie Board 

Sandhurst article image

There are no right or wrong ways to create a charcuterie board, but to ensure a balance of textures and flavours try to include:

La Dolce Vita!

A summer of sophisticated entertaining doesn’t have to be hours and hours of work. We don’t want it to be! By grabbing some beautiful ingredients to fill your pantry next time you’re shopping, you’ll know that at a moment’s notice you’ll have everything you need for a Euro-inspired gathering. No fuss, but plenty of substance and style!


Ready to host your own summer gathering? Choose Sandhurst’s quality produce and look for the red lid.

Mouths of Mums is proudly working with Sandhurst to bring you this article.

  • The Sandhurst products are so tasty and you make a great impression on the table when entertaining. The Kalamata Olives and eggplant strips when eaten together are so flavoursome. I love making a pasta dish with the delicious Capers too.


  • I’ve really needed some inspiration this year for Christmas and this is great! I Love a good charcuterie board and I think I may do one this year for the family as well as all the regular Christmas trimmings. I have 6 kids and all the extended family coming to entertain and feed!


  • I’m loving all the ideas here in the comments and pictures above! I love to be able to just look at what others have done and straight up copy it. Takes all the thinking energy out of entertaining!
    Such a good and trusted brand to purchase over the silly season! You know you are faring great quality and value!


  • We often have homemade pizza nights aka fakeaway night! And my pizza is always on a low carb Pizza base with roasted and sundried tomato and capsicum. My fav combo with grilled chicken and a swirl of peri peri mayonnaise! Making our own is always better than takeaway versions and healthier!


  • Sandhurst products are my go to for great healthy and tasty snacks, especially after school.


  • Great information! Loved it. You can see https://reminiiapp.com/


  • Looked so good I couldn’t wait – Dove in off the end of my bread baton and swirled around in a couple of cheesy dips only to finish up at the Sandhurst stackers and sun-dried olives, who needs a Holiday when there is one in the kitchen, I can take any day.


  • I have been buying Sandhurst Kalamata Olives, Sandhurst Semi-Dried Tomatoes, Sandhurst Baby Capers, Sandhurst Sicilian Green Olives for years as our kitchen staple adding that extra flavours to our dishes. I buy Sandhurst products for Gift Baskets as presents for family and friends and they love this idea as I add a chopping board and a knife and crackers and cheese for a celebration of flavours.


  • Great ideas for entertaining guests and love that brand I buy it all the time


  • i buy this for family they love the brand and the taste of sandhurst and the different flavors and range to choose from and i find it great value for money, i re-use the jars when im done with for small items in the house.


  • I have been a purchaser of Sandhurst goods ever since they first appeared on supermarket shelves and still buy it to this day. The Sandhurst brand is the best without a doubt. This year I have not been able to find the Sandhurst cheese stuffed baby capsicums anywhere. I have tried to get on the Sandhurst site, but no luck with what they make. Help – these are such a wonderful addition to a salad.


  • Fantastic Article


  • I Love a good charcuterie board. I Love all the different options all on the one board. I love to do a chocolate board when we have guests over, it’s a fun way to do dessert after dinner. The kids love seeing everything layed out so they can pick and choose.


  • This is great for the grandchildren they love them as they use them as finger food and make up their own meal and use plenty of ingredients including meat and cheese on the dips and crackers. We keep it simple with the Sandhurst’s products as it is a meal in every jar and the kids love them.


  • This looks like the perfect relaxed way to have a picnic! I am loving the idea of this! Just bring along lots of fillings and plenty of cheeses and breads and of course a little alcohol and you’re all set. This sounds like the perfect way to catch up with friends!


  • I hate being taken to a third party page to enter comps.


  • Certainly most welcome for summer, and would be wonderful for the festive season. I can see this platter on the table Christmas Eve, when we get together with our neighbours.


  • Love the look of the olive on creamy fetta


  • This is timely and helpful, thanks – I aspire to entertain more and tips to make it less stressful are very welcome.


  • Charcuterie boards are the absolute best! We do these so often in the warmer months because there’s something for the whole family. People pick and choose what they like and there’s no complaints because there’s so many different options to choose from, everyone is happy. It’s such a simple stressful way to make dinner.


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