

Mum in shock after sharing details for the Ooshies recycling initiative only to receive abuse.

The mum shared this poster in a popular FB group just to let people know about the Woolworths recycling initiative. But some of the responses she received were just down right rude!

“So many nasty comments. I posted this to let people know that a recycling option was possible. Yet people are passing judgement on others. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.”


recyle ooshie

Comments included:

“Should have just made outdoor furniture in the first place and sent everyone home with sick outdoor chairs and tables.”

“For energy efficiency, cut out the wasteful toy manufacturing process and just recycle the plastic into furniture.”

“Hypocrites the lot of them. Banned single use Plastic Bags then do this.”

“Absolute rubbish these little landfills these enterprises keep shoving down our children’s faces. Coles and woollies equally environmentally irresponsibility just to lock in sales. Would compromise the planet to extract another dollar from your purse. Disgusting. Such a contradiction… Remove access of plastic bags but replace with useless plastic toys crap.”

“Best idea for the environment – don’t make them in the first place.”

While others argued that the initiative was a fantastic idea!

“If they didn’t do it people would be bitching that it is wasteful plastic. Now they are giving people an option to recycle them they are bitching about that. I think some people are just going to find a negative in any situation and bitch about it.”

“You guys know ooshies were actually around BEFORE woolies gave them out. Dunno why everyone is going so crazy just because they are lion king”

“I love this idea! I’m glad Woolworths is being proactive in recycling their plastic waste unlike Coles.”

“I don’t understand why everyones up in arms with this, McDonalds have been giving out shitty toys for years.”

“You can’t please everyone, no matter what happens or what lengths people/companies go to, you will always have your nasty negative and bitchy comments… I think this is great for those who wish to use it!!”

“They are not produced by Woolies! What about all the other cheaply made plastic toys that have been around for decades and are produced in the masses like ooshies.”

How do you feel about recycling the Ooshies? Share your comments below

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  • it does seem crazy to create something and then to say “AND now how amazing are we?….look….we recycle”


  • I actually agree with most of the negative comments. But I don’t think the comments were needed on this post. This post was just helping ppl to recycle them if they wish


  • Too many people have got too many things to say. Like the other lady said you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.


  • My only problem with taking them to a Woolworths recycle site is I’m 200kms away from my nearest store. I think it’s a great idea to save on landfill. Good on you Woolworths


  • I too think that there are some kids you could find who would love them.


  • I find we live in a society now that thrives on outrage. People find an excuse to be outraged about anything and everything. It’s actually become laughable.


  • There are probably heaps of children that would gladly have them.


  • All for sharing a public service announcement on a potentially little known recycling initiative!


  • If they didn’t do this imagine the outrage, honestly no one can win anymore- damned if you do and damned if you don’t, this world is turning totally insane


  • If there is no recycling plan for them they will end up in landfill, so there is no real reason to get out raged


  • I think this recycling plan is a great idea. Seems people will get angry about anything.


  • Good idea for anyone wanting to recycle.


  • Though I am personally against them myself I do think that Woolies is doing the right thing by offering up the recycling thing. But I can imagine people just throwing all sorts of thing in there so it might backfire.


  • I am pleased to find out that these can be recycled and not end up in the tip over time.


  • People need to think about what they are saying might do to someone else and what they’re trying to achieve by saying it. No point in the comments about not liking them on her post it’s aimed at people who have them and surely it’s better to encourage them to recycle them rather than throw them away.


  • it is a great idea, but in the case of the abusers just say no at the register! My kids are loving these and play with them each day. If you don’t like them then don’t take them! Stop ruining the fun for everyone! I can’t afford to get my kids too many treats but these are great little treats for them

    • I agree, I use them as a little reward too. When you don’t want them don’t take them and when you’re finished with them give them away or recycle them.


  • After reading the comments I think great to recycle but they recycle plastic bags too and don’t give these away for free yet they are more useful as you are more likely to reuse a bag then do something with an Ooshies. still I would prefer having that money off the bill rather than declining toys.


  • I think it’s a great idea.


  • At least woolies is giving an option. I’ve got quite a few doubles which I’d happily donate.


  • wow this is odd with some responses


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