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Two students and a teacher were stabbed at a Sydney school this morning.

A teenage boy has been arrested and two knives seized after two Year 11 students and a female teacher were stabbed at a western Sydney high school this morning, reports 9 news.

A 15-year-old boy, 16-year-old girl and 48-year-old teacher were attacked at the Bonnyrigg High School just before the bell rang at 8.45am.

Police arrested a 16-year-old male student and seized two knives in a nearby carpark.

The injured boy and woman were taken to Liverpool Hospital, and the girl to Westmead Hospital.

Their injuries are not believed to be life-threatening, police said.

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  • Lucky it wasn’t a gun, there would have been many more injuries. I wonder why this boy decided to stab people? Maybe he’s a victim of bullying


  • I hope they all make a speedy recovery,wishing them all the best.


  • How tragic. Its so hard being a teenager today so I won’t speculate on his motives but he’s messed his life up and the victims. Never think about consequences kids. Hope there is help available for all of them.


  • I wonder why he did it!!
    I’m glad the students and the teacher are doing all right. But what a scare!!


  • There’s more and more violence in our society. Something needs to be done to find out why this is happening.


  • omg how horrible for them! A speedy recovery to them all abd to the thug, I hope you get ab appropriate punishment, if ot was my kid or partner you would never be safe again


  • How awful for the victims and everyone around them.


  • 2nd or 3rd day in the new school year or are the holidays different to SA. I wonder what the boy’s motive for this was. Possiblities include mental health, drugs or alcohol addiction, child abuse, a victim of bullying, or being a bully himself. Hopefully the truth will be known to his parents or whoever his caer is. My thoughts are with those injured, his parents/carers, siblings, other rletaives and friends, pupils – especially those who witnessed the incident. I hope thy all receive all the counselling and other assistance they need, also a speedy recovery for those who were injured.


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