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Parents are outraged after a group of teachers were secretly filmed playing a game of “marry, shag, kill.”

They allegedly used students as people they wanted to “marry, shag, or kill.”

The video was shot on a cell phone at the Bangor Tavern Bar & Grill in West Michigan and anonymously passed to a parent, who posted it on You Tube.

Parents angrily demanded the teachers be fired.

District attorney Robert Huber told the heated crowd the video featured six teachers and a school secretary. He said the secretary resigned; two teachers received written reprimands; and four were given verbal reprimands.

He added they would not be fired.

“He said police helped investigate and interviewed the teachers, but determined nothing criminal happened and that there was no concern the teachers may actually act on what they were talking about,” WOOD-TV reported.

Calls by CBS Detroit to the Bangor School District and the Bangor Police Department were not immediately returned.

The names of the teachers and ages of the students were not released, but on the parent’s Facebook thread, one writes that her son is a high school freshman and is the student of three of the teachers.

As a parent how would you expect this situation to be handled?

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  • wow what disgusting behaviour they have displayed! you really expect better from the so called adults that are teaching and supervising your children. This would make me mad! Maybe teachers should be getting screened and their personal characters should be getting checked out before they are allowed to work with the kids.


  • I couldn’t really hear the conversation either, so difficult to form an opinion. I think as well they all should have received and signed a written reprimand. Hopefully they take the warning serious.


  • Wow..I’m speechless! Not the kind of behaviour, one would expect from any adult, let alone a teacher.

    • Shocking and sad – thankfully I know a lot of teachers that respect and value their students.


  • I couldn’t really make out any of the conversation, but I’m not surprised by the teachers’ behaviour. I have teacher friends who say this sort of drunken bad behaviour goes on all the time. I think a reprimand is enough as a first warning. Hopefully these and all teachers will learn to behave better in future.


  • All involved should have been given written reprimands and had to sign a document that they received it. Unless there is a few witnesses to record the verbal reprimand, will a case in court stand without records as proof.


  • These people have the responsibility of being educators and the article alarms me and the report at the beginning of the video is disturbing. The quality of the audio was too poor too hear, but I would not want to hear such comments any way. Why on earth would they hold these opinions and act like this when they are role models. Shame! The parents have every right to demand appropriate action.


  • Very inappropriate – given they are so comfortable discussing this in public, what else are they saying.


  • Stupid and tasteless. Given the damage this could do to kids, I think firing should t least ave been considered.


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