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Three children who attended a New Year’s Eve gathering have been diagnosed with meningococcal.

Brisbane residents are being assured they’re not at increased risk of contracting the deadly disease.

The children, reportedly all aged under five, were admitted to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital on New Year’s Day, reports 9 news.

They all tested positive for the potentially deadly disease after spending New Year’s Eve with family at the popular South Bank Parklands celebrations.

Queensland Health say the general public is not at increased risk of the disease as it is generally only spread after close, prolonged contact.

“You need to be a close contact to be at increased risk of meningococcal disease and that does not include being in the same sort of general area as a case,” physician Dr Megan Young told reporters on Wednesday.

The incubation period is typically around seven days, but can be anywhere between three and 10 days.

All those identified as having close contact with the children had been contacted and provided with antibiotics where appropriate, Dr Young said.

It’s believed the children are all related.

Health authorities have confirmed the trio are from the city’s Northside and became ill after an “extended family gathering” over the holidays.

They remain in hospital, with doctors still trying to determine the exact strain of meningococcal.

Symptoms in young children include

Fever, refusal to feed, irritability, grunting or moaning, extreme tiredness or floppiness, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, turning away from light, convulsions and rash of red or purple pinprick spots or larger bruises.

Please be aware of the symptoms and keep an eye on your child, if you have any concerns see your doctor.

Share your comments below.

  • I hope they manage to make a speedy recovery.


  • This is so awful and such a concern.


  • I’ve heard a bit about this since returning from our Qld holiday. It is a hideous disease and one we should keep a look out for.


  • I would think that anybody with an autoimmune disease or different low immue system would be significantly at higher risk than others. I believe there isn’t a vaccine for all strains of it.


  • I heard about this story on the news. So sad they weren’t vaccinated. What is the government thinking to stop subsidising vaccinations? Not good enough really


  • I am only aware of 1 state in Australia offering the vaccination for free. I know that NSW and Queensland do not offer the meningococcal vaccine for free! It is an expensive shot! But then again what price is expensive when it comes to loved ones! Why is this vaccine not on the free list as it seems this virus has become more and more prominent in Australia with more reports in the last few months then I have seen ever! Maybe I am naive! The cost is astronomical for a family to get the anti vac! From what I have read and been informed! And it seems like a very quite virus, in my terms no one is aware till it is to late and there is no warning it potentially could be picked up! Please make the vaccine cheaper or on the anti vac list for Australia’s children at the least! We have something to say about people not vaccinating their children yet the government has forgotten this one important expensive vaccine from their list!!!!!!!

    • There are several strains and the vaccine doesn’t cover all of them. My son had meningococcal when he was 8 months old. It is very scary and hits quickly. I had been to the C&YH nurse to have him weighed in the morning and he was fine. By 3pm he was limp, raging temperature and admitted to hospital. if your child is unwell and you are concerned get them checked straight away and don’t leave if you are not happy with being told to go home. Trust your instincts.


  • Somebody at that New Years Eve party must have carried meningococcal then ?


  • A very scary disease and wishing them all a speedy recovery.

    • Thanks you for sharing the symptoms and hopefully others will share this information.


  • Such scary disease indeed !


  • such a horrible and scary disease!


  • This is such a horrible disease – no one is safe from it. Recently heard a 71 yo lady died from it.


  • Did the kids get vaccinated? This scares me so much! I worry about large crowds as it is as not everyone washes their hands religiously! I hope the kids are treated and go back t0 being healthy and happy kids again.


  • Meningococcal? Too many cases lately. Scary!!


  • I hope every-one is okay and it’s important to beware of the symptoms,thanks!


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