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Toddler killed after being crushed by a stone Anzac memorial.

A three-year-old girl , on a family holiday, was at the Blackhead Bowling Club at Hallidays Point, in Taree on the NSW mid-north coast, on Saturday evening when the Anzac memorial fell and crushed her, police said.

Newcastle man Michael Styles arrived at the bowling club just after the accident and helped perform CPR on the girl.

“I just turned up and there were some family members doing CPR on this little girl, and I took over,” Mr Styles, who volunteers in mines rescue, told Nine.com.au.

“It was absolute chaos. There were people collapsed from panic and shock,” he said.

With a Triple 0 operator counting over the phone, Mr Styles did the breathing, while another helper performed chest compressions on the girl.

Paramedics arrived about 15 minutes later and rushed the girl to Manning Rural Referral Hospital, where she died from her injuries.

Mr Styles said he was still very upset by what he had witnessed.

“I’m not right about it. I haven’t gone to work to work today. She was just a tiny girl,” he said.

A worker at the bowling club, who did not wish to be named, said all the staff members were “very shaken up”.

“It’s absolutely devastating what happened, we’re all very saddened by it,” she said.

Police have removed a crime scene that was set up at the bowling club and are preparing a report for the coroner.

Anyone who witnessed the incident and have not yet approached police are being asked to contact Taree Police on 0265 520399 or Crime Stoppers.

Our thoughts are with all involved. Just devastating.

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Image via nine news

  • How shocking. The poor family.


  • Oh my goodness, this is very sad. R.I.P.


  • This is a tragedy that I just can’t make sense of. My thoughts are with the poor family and everyone who witnessed the event. Unfortunately they can’t unsee what happened and this will stay with them So sad.


  • So devastating indeed !! My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friend of this wee girl and those who witnessed this awful incident.


  • A shocking accident that cost such a young life.


  • Such a shocking tragedy. Possibly it may have come loose where it was anchored to the concrete slab it was on. We got a huge shock when we found out that the bricks on a fence had come loose at the base which was a concrete border which didn’t have any cracks at the top of it at all. Had somebody really pushed it it would have tumbled to the ground.


  • Such a terrible accident – RIP little one. My thoughts are also with your family – Condolences to all.


  • Oh no! This is terrible! 🙁 Poor girl! And poor family! 🙁


  • How devastating for the family and all the witnesses. Poor child.


  • How on earth does this kind of thing happen? Aren’t their groundsman to check these kinds of things?


  • How awful! Not at all the sort of thing you worry about when out with the kids.


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