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Grandma shares the heartbreaking moment her three-year-old grandson was found at home saying: “I can’t wake Mummy.”

Toddler, Mason Martin, had been alone in the house for two days after his mum Lydia Macdonald passed away from a chronic asthma attack, reports The Sun.

He’d survived by eating a lump of cheese he’d found in the fridge.

Lydia’s mum, Linda Macdonald, 58, became concerned about her daughter when her best friend Jodi-Ann called worried she hadn’t heard from her in days.

Jodi-Ann then visited Lydia’s flat. When there was no answer at the door, she spied Mason through the glass and asked him to open it.

She then found Lydia in bed. The 28-year-old had stopped breathing and passed away in her sleep holding her inhaler.

Suffering from dehyrdation, Mason was taken to hospital, where Linda had to deliver the gut-wrenching news his mummy was never going to wake up.

“They think she passed away on Sunday or Monday night, meaning Mason was alone with her. I have no idea what he thought or what he was going through.

“Lydia was so strong and independent, she passed that onto Mason and somehow he managed to feed and water himself for all that time.

“We are now bringing up Mason and tell him every day that now his mummy is with daddy and they’re both the brightest stars in the sky – and despite everything he’s doing fantastically.”

Our thoughts are with them all.

RECOGNISE signs of an asthma flare-up or attack via Asthma Australia

If you are experiencing any of these signs, start asthma first aid. Do not wait until asthma is severe.


Minor difficulty breathing
Able to talk in full sentences
Able to walk/move around
May have cough or wheeze
Commence Asthma First Aid


Obvious difficulty breathing
Cannot speak a full sentence in one breath
Tugging in of the skin between ribs or at base of neck
May have cough or wheeze
Reliever medication not lasting as long as usual
Call Ambulance on 000
Commence Asthma First Aid

Life threatening

Gasping for breath
Unable to speak or 1-2 words per breath
Confused or exhausted
Turning blue
May no longer have wheeze or cough
Not responding to reliever medication
Call Ambulance on 000
Commence Asthma First Aid

Share your comments below.

Image via: Lydia Macdonald tribute fund for Asthma research UK

  • poor kid. hopefully he won’t remember too much about that period of time and only remembers the love that his mum gave him.


  • How very tragic …so sad.
    R.I.P. Lydia.
    My prayers and thoughts sent to the family.


  • Absolutely terrible. So glad the young boy was okay and safe by himself. Could’ve been even more tragic. I worry myself if something happened to me, how long before I was found as I often just have my youngest with me for says alone. RIP mumma.


  • What an awful experience for little Mason !
    My thoughts & prayers go out to him and the rest of the family. May they be surrounded by love and support.


  • How hard for the toddler and his grandmother – RIP Mom – your child is in great hands.


  • How sad for Mason. Left with no parents. At least he has his grandmother and it’s good that he still has family to care for him. Sorry for your loss little man. I hope you grow up to be a strong and sturdy young man and that life treats you kind. Bless you any your grandmother and your mother’s friend who found you.


  • that poor little boy, how devastating


  • So sad and tragic. Poor little boy.


  • Oh my goodness. That is heartbreaking. That poor child. That poor family


  • A heart breaking story especially for little Mason.


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