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Toddler starved to death and his two-year-old sister was left with his body for three days after their mother left them alone, for nine days.

Vladislava Podchapko, 20, left her children only candles when she abandoned them in central Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, to be with her lover, reports Daily Mail.

Her youngest, Daniil, a boy aged 23 months, died from hunger after six days and his sister, Anna, two years, remained alone in the flat with the body for another three days.

The girl was rushed to hospital on the point of death from starvation and is miraculously expected to survive.

‘The girl was exhausted, she was very weak,’ said a doctor involved in her treatment.

‘She was immediately taken into hospital where we started intravenous feeding.

‘She is better now and we can say that she will live. We have started her on tiny amounts of solid food.’

Podchapko, who is thought to be pregnant with her third child said when questioned by police: ‘I didn’t know that children could die.’

The mother has been detained and faces up to eight years in prison for child neglect.

The frightened and confused children had tried to escape from the locked flat, pulling and tearing at the front door.

According to a Facebook update the couple married early in September 2016.

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Image via Daily Mail

  • I hope that this baby is taken from here and placed with loving parents. In cases like this people should be forceably sterilized adn unable to have future children. Its a gift and not a right


  • she needs to be sterilised and never allowed to care for kids!


  • Reading this story once again. She didn’t know that children could die….seriously ??!!


  • She should not be allowed to have them back.


  • Pregnant again? What the? She is a lunatic in la la land and should not be having children!


  • This makes me physically sick and unable to read the whole story. No excuses, this woman must spend time in jail and never be allowed to have children again, or parent again.


  • My god. She doesn’t deserve to have children. How can she stupidly say she didn’t know children could die. There is definitely something wrong with her. Hope the little girl can put what happened to her (with the loss of her brother) behind her. Bless you sweetie


  • Getting goosebumps reading this story ! My heart goes out to the girl who survived. God bless her !


  • How could you not know that your children would die if not fed for nine days. if she is pregnant that baby should be taken away from her. The mother should be charged with murder as well as neglect.


  • How could someone abandon their child?


  • The Mum must have had them very close together in age. Hopefully the little girl will forget about it as she is so young. I suppose she could have flashbacks and will certainly need counselling. Under the circumastances it may be better for her if she doesn’t live with relatives or she well most certainly find out what happened. The Mum should be allowed…no….further contact with the little girl or other people who have contact with the little girl. Why didn’t them Mum asked others to mind the children? Perhaps they said no, not realsing that she was going to desert them. The little girl may suffer ongoing medical problems from her organs being damaged.


  • This is unbelievable – how could you not know that people die if they are not fed? Do hope her little girl is placed elsewhere for her safe keeping.


  • “Didn’t know children could die”, what kind of ignorant heartless person is she! She deserves to be locked away, and only fed miniscule amounts of food. Those poor children. I hope the little girl gets sent to a kind loving home and never has to remember this trauma.


  • she must be a special kind of stupid! Didn’t know a child could die?? Lock her away for life and find a beautiful home with loving parents for the little one that survived and the little one yet to be born!


  • You do not leave your children alone and she did it for nine days.She deserves a very high jail sentence for what she did.


  • What a horrible story! And she is pregnant now? 🙁
    The little one died, and the sister will face so many nightmares in her life.
    What a terrible and ignorant woman.


  • How can you be so stupid, she didn’t know children can die?? That’s just pathetic. I hope her child and unborn baby are taken from her and rehomed for their own safety.


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