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*DISTRESSING CONTENT – A US couple have been arrested after their twin girls were found “looking skeletal and crawling with maggots”.

Kevin Fowler, 25, and Aislyn Miller, 24, from the US state of Oklahoma are charged with two counts of child abuse, Tulsa World reports.

Owasso police were called to an urgent care centre on Friday to investigate a child abuse call, according to the arrest report.

KTUL reports nurses told police the baby girls had extreme nappy rash and bed sores.

One, who looked like a “skeleton”, was so neglected a maggot crawled out of her genitalia and there was faeces in her ear, the report claimed.

Police said the other baby, also extremely skinny, suffered an infection after her skin grew over hair that wrapped tightly around her finger.

Fowler and Miller acknowledged to police their girls had health problems but said, as “new parents”, they weren’t used to caring for babies, KTUL reports.

Miller also said her children’s health was poor because they were born premature and the couple don’t have medical insurance. The infants haven’t see a doctor since they were born, Miller added.

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Image via Facbeook

  • Excuses. Not good enough. Hopefully the children have been 100% removed from their lack of care and placed with a couple that will love them.


  • Oh my gosh that is just twisted and horrible. So sad.


  • Oh my god this is disgusting! And how’s the mum trying to explain it all away as ignorant new parents. Sorry guys but poo in an ear, a maggot in the gentalia and looking like skeletons is neglect not ignorance


  • OMG how , why , could anyone do this . Death penalty


  • I don’t know of any new parents who treat their children that way. Lock them away for a long time and don’t let them have these little angels back. I know what I’d like to happen to them but I’m trying to be kind. Hope these little girls find a loving home


  • I had trouble reading this. The treatment of these precious children is so hideous and disgusting it nearly makes me physically sick to read. These so-called parents should never be allowed to care for children again. They must be punished. No excuses. And these poor children need to be loved, nurtured, and cared for by anyone other than their parents.


  • Don’t mean to be judgemental but more info is needed on this story. The heading reads Twins found “looking skeletal and crawling with maggots” but the article/story reads
    One, who looked like a “skeleton”, was so neglected a maggot crawled out of her genitalia and there was faeces in her ear, the report claimed.
    So was it one or was there more???
    Either way these parents should be charged and the poor little angels cared for by loving and responsible folk.


  • Hear we go again the Children Having to Carry the Physical and Mental Scares for the Rest of Their Lives at the hands of their Own Parents. The Parents should both be Sterilized as not to put any more Children on this Earth to Suffer in this way and they should also be imprisoned for Abuse and Neglect of their Children this would be Justice for the children!


  • It is very upsetting to read this. I hope they find new loving caring homes for the children.


  • Poor little children – nothing treats its young in this way by neglecting them. Another couple who should not be allowed to ever have children again.


  • disgusting vile creatures! treat them the same way in jail!


  • I know the health care system isn’t fantastic in the States and private insurance isn’t something everybody can pay.
    Their excuse that they as “new parents” weren’t used to caring for babies, is rather lame but couple could be rather simple and not too well educated.
    Poor girls, my hearth goes out to them !
    The girls should be either removed from their parents or they should get intensive parental support, education and supervision by the system.


  • How sad, especially since they seemed to fall through the cracks in the system not seeing a dr since birth.


  • I would expect this type of situation from a third world country! How ever the issues with these two babies seem to be pure neglect! A bath is not something that takes much to do it is basic need! Thank goodness that this issue was picked up before one or both of the babies died! And hopefully the damage can be reversed!


  • They obviously didn’t love their babies or they would have worked out how to solve some of the problems.


  • Poor kids! Luckily the abuse was discovered. Let’s hope that from now on they will have a better life.


  • Hopefully they are in good hands. Being a new parent is in no way an excuse for neglecting a child


  • Hopefully the twins are in good hands and are being well looked after.


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