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Woman accused of tying up her nine-year-old daughter, dressing her in a “Playboy” outfit and allowing men to rape her has been granted bail.

*WARNING distressing content

The story that first broke in September with horrifying allegations including the nine year old waking up in bunny ears and a short black dress and her mother forcing her to perform oral sex on her friends.

Police are expected to tell the Southport Magistrates Court the 37-year-old Gold Coast mother at one time had sex with two men in front of her daughter before the child went to bed, reports news.com,au.

It has been alleged the girl woke while a man was having sex with her as her mother held her down. When she asked them to stop, she was given a drink by her mother which caused her to feel “woozy” and fall asleep, it will be alleged.

The mother is accused of allowing her friends to rape the girl on several occasions at her home between May 2014 and May 2015.

Police will also allege the woman performed oral sex on the child, including during one shocking ordeal when the girl allegedly woke up in the dark on her hands and knees in the garage of the family home and described “multiple sets of hands touching her”.

The girl allegedly tried to get away but a man told her she would be shot if she left.

She was allegedly raped and woke tied up on the floor.

It will be alleged at one stage during the 12-months the girl lived with her mother while her father was in prison she was tied to the corners of her bed and left for more than 12 hours without food or water.

The mother allegedly told the child, “Don’t be naughty again” when she was untied.

The allegations came to light last month after the child told a psychologist about the incidents.

The mother is facing 17 offences, including rape, torture, deprivation of liberty and indecent treatment of a child under 16.

UPDATE 29 November

The Gold Coast mother accused of helping her friends rape her nine-year-old daughter by tying her up and dressing her in a ‘Playboy outfit’ has been granted bail.

The 37-year-old woman who spent almost three months in Brisbane Women’s Correction Centre after being arrested in September was granted bail at the Southport Magistrates Court on Tuesday and will be released on Friday.

The mother has been charged with 17 offences, including rape, torture and indecent treatment of a child under 16.

Allegations also emerged that the woman had sex with two men in front of her daughter and later helped a man rape her by restraining her and making her drink something that made her fall asleep.

The woman’s lawyer Deanne Nicoloso, told the court she would be fighting the charges.

The woman while on bail will not be allowed any contact with her daughter and must report to a parole officer twice a week.

Signs of sexual abuse
The main message from survivors is about the importance of paying attention to children’s behaviour. If children are being sexually abused, there may be physical signs such as bleeding from the vagina or anus (back passage), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or poor hygiene.

However, signs in a child’s behaviour are more likely. These include:

•significant changes in behaviour, aggressive behaviour or regression (going back) to an earlier stage of development (for example, bedwetting)
•sexual behaviour that is not appropriate to the child’s age
•depression or social withdrawal
•getting into trouble at school (sometimes to avoid going home)
•self-harming behaviours (for example, self-mutilation, suicide attempts or prostitution).

Where to get help
•Child Protection Service – to report child abuse. Contact your local office or the DHS Child Protection Crisis Line on Tel. 131 278
•Police – to report the abuser
•Centres Against Sexual Assault Tel. 1800 806 292Â FREE (24 hours) – for support and counselling
•National Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence hotline Tel. 1800 737 732 (24 hours) – for support


•Children are not responsible for sexual abuse.
•Sexual abuse is a crime.
•Children often talk about the abuse a little at a time.
•It is very common for survivors to repress memories of abuse.
•Sexual abuse is experienced by girls and boys. Children cannot stop sexual abuse.

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Image via Shutterstock

  • Im sorry but we really need to work on our wording when dealing with things like this. She should not be refered to as a ‘Mother’…..no Mother would ever do or allow such a thing. Mothers are wonderfully loving, caring and protective beings. This person should be called a ‘sicko’


  • Australia’s Justice System has a lot to answer for… As for the mother, you are a waste of space!


  • I couldn’t read all of this, I want to puke.


  • Out on bail! Ah our legal system at its very best again. Father in prison, this child is doomed to a life of trauma. No doubt the ‘mother’ will/is using the ‘poor me’, ‘I was abused’ card. Lock her up and throw away the key, this kind of depravity should not be allowed in our community. A mother protects her child at all cost regardless of their life experience – no excuses!


  • My ex wife Wiset has been pimping my daughter Monique now 12yrs old to pedophile groups and child porn makers since she was 7 yrs old and the DCP (Dept of Child Protection) will not act


  • Oh my God. This is so distressing, I could not read past the first paragraph. So disturbing and upsetting. I have no words really.


  • So horrific what a damage done to this girl !! And how in the world is it possible mother has been granted bail ??!!
    Hope the girl gets all the help support and love she needs dealing with the trauma done to her.


  • Shocking story. I hope that that woman is never allowed near chidlren again. How could you do that to your own child?


  • Amazed this horrible person is out on bail [she doesn’t deserve the title of woman or mother] – her poor daughter will be traumatised by this for years. As I’ve said before some parents shouldn’t be allowed to have a child unless they pass a licence test to do so.


  • What sort of a so called Mother would use her daughter as a sex slave (that’s the way I see it). Am I correct in my thinking that the girl’s Mum may also have drugged her?


  • Another vile story about abuse – just horrifying.


  • Wrong wrong wrong on so many levels. The worst is by the mother. How can she let that happen? And her friends are just as depraved. How can they think it’s ok to rape a 9 yo girl who’s drugged, passed out and/or tied up?!


  • A horrible and disgusting story,the mother should receive a very high sentence from doing this to her daughter.


  • Awful !! This mum deserves the highest prison sentence in my opinion !
    Hope and pray there is healing and restoration possible for this girl and that she gets the help and love she needs.


  • Why is there so much abuse happening? It is just shocking.


  • So heartbreaking to read 🙁 that poor little girl!!


  • That poor little girl has to livr with this for the rest of her life. I dont understand how people could do this. The mother doesnt even deserve to be called a mother. I hope everyone involved gets a serious sentencing as this little girl has one for life.


  • I can’t even red all of this, how atrocious!


  • I almost couldn’t read all this article, it made me sick. Poor child will be affected by this for the rest of her life. I hope the mother and the men involved get the highest prison time possible!!!

    • Let’s hope the law is tough and there is justice for this poor child.


  • omg!! That poor child, I hope she gives up the names of the men involved, that mother needs to be shot!


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