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Woman charged with manslaughter over the death of a newborn found more than two decades ago.


The torso of the baby boy, believed to be no more than 48 hours old, was found on the driveway of a home in Mooroobool on May 4, 1996.

Police at the time believed the baby had been drowned, cut in half with a sharp instrument and dumped.

The torso was believed to have been dragged to the driveway by dogs and the lower half of the boy’s body was never found

A 43-year-old Mooroobool woman was arrested on Sunday and charged with one count each of manslaughter, misconduct with regards to a corpse and concealing the birth of a child. She will face Cairns Magistrates Court on Monday.

The breakthrough in the 20-year-old case comes after a recent appeal for public information from police, reports 9 news.

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  • Cannot conceive how any mother could do this to her own child.


  • I felt sick to the stomach reading this. Why did it take so long to charge her….or did she go into hiding and Police appeal for help to locate her. We don’t know the full story.
    As for the involvement of the dogs maybe the remains smelt like strong smelling meat, they were hungry and knew no better.


  • This story only reveals a little, difficult to say something about it other then that’s a sad story ! What a broken world we live in !!


  • Disgusting! My hubby told me about this one the other day and I still can’t believe that she is only being charged with manslaughter for such a cruel and heinous crime! I can’t understand how someone could do this to their own child. There are so many people who can’t have children who would love to adopt a baby and who’d would make wonderful parents so if you don’t want your baby give it to someone who will love it or as much as I’m against it- get an abortion. Anything would be better than doing such a disgusting act!


  • I have no words. This story and its details nearly made me physically sick. Thank God this crim e has finally been solved and this woman will be held accountable.


  • Oh my god how sad for that baby it makes me want to cry i would hate to think about what the low life the this bubba through and only to be charged with manslaughter are you serious she derserves life in prision


  • No one does this without having some sort of mental illness or breakdown. I hope the family including the mother gets support but also justice for this baby


  • How could someone do something like this! Disgraceful!


  • Good to see some justice for the baby but it would also be good to read all the information.


  • Distressing to read this incomplete story, but I can not comment, as I do not know all the facts.
    If and when we can and have read the whole story, then ask again.


  • Finally some closure for the poor baby. RIP. I wonder if this lady ended up going on to have more.children and how they were treated?


  • Just can’t believe how any one can act like this – at least justice is finally being carried out.


  • It breaks my heart hearing about stories like this.


  • OMG! That poor little bub, glad there is someone being held responsible!


  • May the mother rot in jail. RIP precious baby boy!


  • Oh wow, tragic. Just goes to show, if you do wrong, chances are you’ll get caught eventually. 20 years later and they got this horrible woman


  • Oh my gosh no responsibilities


  • A shocking story to read,at least they found the person responsible for the death.


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