


With 4 kids, I am constantly on the hunt for new recipes to bake to fill up the kids.Whether it’s morning tea or afternoon tea, baked goods make a perfect snack for the kids.

Here are 10 recipes that have been tried and tested by real Mums:

1. Apple and raspberry muffins – easy, tasty and kid friendly.

2. Apple slice – a hit with the kids here.

3. Scones – always a winner.

4. Lemon cake – a moist cake that is delicious.

5. Choc chip muesli bars – a healthy alternative to bought muesli bars.

6. Zucchini, apple and banana muffins – filled with hidden vegetables.

7. Ginger shortbread – easy and tasty and kid friendly.

8. Chocolate zucchini brownies – hidden vegetables the kids will gobble down.

9. Peanut butter banana bread –  sugar free and tasty.

10. Anzac biscuits – a classic biscuit that it always popular.

What is your favourite treat to bake? Leave your comment below.

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  • Scones always remind me of my Gran who would make them every friday for when we visted her after school.


  • scones are great and they freeze great for school lunches. these are great recipes and all look yummy!


  • Those scones are so perfect and that banana bread looks very fancy :)


  • these all look great, wish I could cook/bake and get time too


  • I am super excited to see my muffin recipe I shared is number 1..


  • My son loves my banana and/or apple & cinnamon muffins. He often asks me to make them. I love baking a zucchini slice, too.


  • They all look fab but I vote for the zucchini, apple and banana muffins. Sneak them into the lunch boxes and they’re full of vegetables they kid’s don’t know about.


  • Love the scones – must do them again.


  • Thanks for sharing the baking recipes – love to bake on the weekends!


  • These look divine. Perfect for autumn/winter season.


  • So many yummy recipes. I love baking cupcakes and sneaking veggies in them


  • Yum. Definitely trying some of these and adapting to suit tastes and adding extra hidden vegetables to muffins and brownies to disguise more nutrients in snacks.


  • Perfect timing :) I have been thinking I need to do more homebaking for my family. I love what you have compiled for this article. Thank you


  • Anzac biscuits are always a winner and so great if you are stuck with no eggs and need to whip something up for a morning tea.


  • Love baking for family and friends no matter what’s on my mind, during the weekdays I do easy stuff, and weekends are for something requiring more attention and efforts.


  • We love Anzac biscuits at our house!!


  • some great baking ideas. thank you for sharing


  • I love baking. It doesn’t actually matter what. Cakes, muffins, cookies… I would spend my day baking!! :-)


  • So many favourites,a chocolate cake with chocolate icing or muffins are mine!


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