Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases for a woman.
Imagine your body being able to pull off that much! Creating a new life, and nurturing it inside you for nine months is nothing short of a miracle. During this time, you’re concerned about a lot of things, including hormones going haywire, your body showing changes and of course, the pain that will come along with the delivery. But, what you will be most concerned about is whether you will have a normal pregnancy or not.
For any mother-to-be, knowing that everything’s going fine is crucial. Apart from several other emotions that pregnancy triggers, anxiety is the most potent one. A doctor’s visit might often leave you confused. From the medical jargons they use to all those scans and tests you undergo, you might not be fully aware of what’s happening to your precious baby. That’s when you need some self-help.
While your doctor’s advice is sacrosanct, there is also something called maternal instinct that’ll kick in strongly at this point. While most of the time this may cause you to over-think, there are times when it could just be right. The need to know that everything’s going fine in your pregnancy is paramount. These five points , which is why these five points would help.
1. Bleeding
Pregnancy means a pause in bleeding. This is the time when you’re not supposed to get your period, but studies indicate that 25-40% of women have bleeding in the first trimester. This is not like your regular period, but could be lighter or maybe just spotting. Before you worry about having a miscarriage, understand that spotting is not uncommon. There could be several reasons for this.
The process of implantation, in which the fertilised egg will attach itself to the uterine wall, might cause you to bleed. Apart from that, there are several hormonal changes that your body is experiencing, some of which might be responsible for it. In fact, if you’ve engaged in sexual intercourse while you’re pregnant, that could also be one of the causes. Sometimes, the internal examination by your obstetrician might be the culprit. So, don’t jump to conclusions, but consult your doctor immediately if you’re doubtful.
2. Contractions
Did the muscles of your stomach just tighten, become slightly firm and then relax? Then, you just had a contraction. I’m pretty sure the term ‘contraction’ has you going paranoid, after all, it is one sign that the baby is just about to arrive, isn’t it? These contractions can be particularly distressing if you’re nowhere close to your due date. So, is this normal? You must be experiencing this thing called Braxton Hicks contractions. Do not get scared by the name. Typically, it begins roughly between the 28th and 30th week, but it might occur even during the 20th week.
These contractions usually occur when your bladder’s full, after sexual activity, or when both you and your baby are very active. To save yourself from the confusion of whether you’re going to deliver the very next minute or not, there are some characteristics of these ‘false labor’ contractions that make it different from the real deal. They’re irregular, not very painful and very unpredictable. They ease out after some time, as against real contractions that have a pattern, and become more painful. So, monitor these contractions carefully, it’ll help you relax.
3. Unscheduled/uncharacteristic baby movements
The kicks from inside your tummy remind you that there is a life growing inside and it is active. In the first trimester, you are not likely to feel anything because your baby is tiny and safely protected inside your womb. Typically, between the 14th and 26th week, you’ll begin to feel your little bundle of joy spring into action, in what is called quickening. By your 24th week, you’ll notice that your baby is showing signs of growing stronger, and those kicks pack quite the punch.
Now that you’re used to a particular pattern, you begin worrying when the movements are a little off. Here are a few facts. First, your baby isn’t following a timetable. For example, if your baby is generally active during mornings, but has suddenly started preferring late-night fun, you don’t have to panic. After 28 weeks, on an average, if your baby moves six times an hour and has one active hour of movement every day, then there’s nothing to worry about. Just keep a count of the number of movements you feel and time them. If your baby doesn’t hit the 6-10 movement mark in two hours, you could consult your doctor. Also, as the baby starts growing, the lack of space can also change the way movements happen. So, relax.
4. Discharge
Your vagina is prepping up to push out a tiny human being, so be a little understanding when it surprises you with discharges. While most of the time it is normal in quantity, there are times when it’s more than you would have liked. The most common intuition is – your water is breaking. Relax. Vaginal discharge is pretty usual, and as long as it’s slightly sticky, and looks like mucus, it’s normal, even though you might find it a little disgusting. Your body heat might liquefy it, which explains the surprise wetting at times.
Until the time it isn’t different in colour, doesn’t smell bad and doesn’t cause an itch, you’re safe. Keep monitoring it even though you don’t like it, because it’ll save you the trouble of being an anxious to-be-mummy.
5. Pain
Nobody can tell you that labor is not painful. It certainly is, but your body is programmed to handle it. Some women think excessively about this pain, causing them anxiety even before the labor time comes. So, think about all the perks of becoming a mother, rather than focusing on the pain. Studies show that anxiety about pain can make it worse, while being in control eases it out. In fact, fearing this pain, many women opt for a c-section delivery, but that might not be helpful. Consult your doctor on what’s best for you and your baby.
Instead of worrying, enjoy the beautiful phase of motherhood, glow in all the glory and put these points to use whenever you feel something is ‘different’.
mom81879 said
- 15 Jan 2017
mom93821 said
- 15 Jan 2017
rachelvk said
- 15 Jan 2017
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